Chapter - 2

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Just then I saw a girl dressed in an indo - western outfit and the girl is none other than Naira .

Well I know every piece of information about Naira like she doesn't use her surname , then the CEO of Amigos , the whole world thinks that Naira is one of the close relatives of Singhania , even I also knew that only but after a huge research I came to know that she is the daughter of Mr. Naitik Singhania and Gayu Singhania and Naira are step sisters . I also came to know how Akshara Singhania manipulated Naitik to oust Naira from this house .

End of POV

Third person POV

NAIRA : I hope , I am not late .

NAITIK : No , please join us .

After that Naira was going to seat when Kartik came and forwarded his hand
Naira also did the same.

Kartik ; Hello this is Kartik Goenka , CEO of GOENKA Enterprises.

Naira : Naira here , CEO of

Kartik : AMIGOS ....

Naira : Well , you know that .

Kartik : Well , I know your each and every deepest secret .

Naira gets shocked , seeing her expression Kartik says

Kartik : Well just kidding !

Naira felt relieved .

Naitik : Now let's come to the point

Everybody took their seats .

Naitik : Firstly , so today we can do the all the formalities .

Kartik : wait Why are you hurrying much ?
I think you should read the contract again because I made some changes .

Naitik : ok please show me

Naitik read the contract again and he said

Naitik : But I cannot find any change , it's written that you are supposed to marry my other daughter .

After a pause ...

Naitik : what do you mean by other daughter ?I have only one daughter .

Here Naira's throat getting dried with every passing second , she can anticipate that Kartik somehow knows the truth but decided to hide her shocked expression with a confident smile .

Kartik : Are you sure Mr. Singhania , because I heard from somewhere that you have 2 daughters .

Akshara interuppted saying

Akshara : Well see Kartik , the media is always after us to tarnish our image .

Gayu also nodded in support of Akshara .

Manish : Kartik , What are you saying , I can't understand anything .

Kartik : Wait dad .....So Mr . Singhania tell me what's the relation between you and miss Naira .

Naira : I didn't mean to interrupt but since Mr. Goenka is taking my name , I want to let everyone know that Mr. Singhania and I are relatives . I am his cousin sister daughter .

Naitik : Yes , Naira is totally correct , Kartik I think you are having some doubt .

Kartik : Just shut up Mr . Singhania , I know that Miss Naira is your own daughter from your first wife . Naira doesn't use your surname since you killed your first wife and you are still roaming free , since your first wife loved you unconditionally and she told Naira to not to punish you .

Tears were flowing from Naira's eyes due to anger as how Kartik came to know this but one part of her also felt happy as Mr . Singhania's true colour gets revealed .

Naitik , Akshara and Gayu were mum as they didn't had anything to say .

Naitik : So , whats your problem with this Kartik , you should be more concerned about our deal rather than my personal details .

Kartik : Yes , you are absolutely correct but the fact is I don't do business with such people . So , I want to break this contract .

Manish : Yes Kartik is right , we should not move forward with this deal .

Naitik : But , what's the problem , I am giving you my daughter , moreover you can also decrease your shares but you can't cancel the deal .

Kartik : I don't want your deal , and return the advanced money I gave you .

( But here Naitik and Akshara spend the money on gambling and henceforth they cannot return )

Naitik ( on requesting tone):Don't cancel the deal , we are requesting you , I am in dire need of money , please don't back out , I will do anything as you wish .

Kartik smirks thinking
Yes plan is working , now I will play my triumph card .

Kartik :


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