Chapter - 27

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So the doctor told everyone that they can meet Naira. Without wasting any second they ran to meet Naira.


Sid , Ishita and Kartik were present in Naira's ward .
Soon , Naira opened her eyes and everyone looked at her , like , as if their life was dependent on him only .

After that the doctor asked her " So , Miss Naira see your fiance and friends came to see you "

Naira just passed a subtle smile to his question .

Ishita: Naira, how are you feeling ....are you feeling hurt or something...just take rest and don't worry about work , Kartik and I will manage everything.

Sid: Yes Naira , don't worry and we are always with you.

Doctor: What happened Naira, talk to them you will feel better and moreover they're your close ones.

Doctor wanted Naira's to respond , because he is getting suspicious of partial amnesia .. So he was encouraging her .

" God , please I am requesting you to not to erase me from her life . If she forgets me ...then no no this can't happen , Naira please say something" Kartik prayed in his mind .

Naira: Ishi , Sid don't worry I am fine .

Hearing their name from Naira's mouth they are relived but the doctor noticed that Naira didn't took Kartik's name .

Doctor: So Naira see your fiancee also came.....I think you two should talk alone .

Sid and Ishita also nodded in response. Hearing fiance from Doctor , Naira becomes confused. To clear her confusion Naira says " But doctor who is he and moreover he is not my fiance , I don't even know him " .

Hearing this Kartik's heart just broke into pieces which can never be joined
. The thing which he didn't wanted to happen , that only happened with him .

And the next moment Kartik leaves the place unable to process anything. Everybody also understood that Naira suffered from partial memory loss.

Nobody stopped Kartik as they understood his turmoil.


Kartik was sitting in his car and crying profusely. Though, he is trying to be strong but failing miserably. .
He just can't think that his Naira doesn't remember him .


Naira was having coffee in her room , while Kartik was having his .

After a few secs , Kartik took her in his lap and says her " drink coffee like this " .

Naira also agreed to him . Suddenly out of nowhere Naira told " Kartik , in this short time you have became the most important person in my life , nowadays I can't even think of living without you ...please don't forget me ever "


" Naira , today you don't remember me , you just recognized me as a stranger....but this won't happen we will start everything from the first " Kartik kept saying this to himself.

" Exactly....we are always with you " said Sid from behind. Then he continued saying " Kartik don't waste your time, go to Naira. Knowingly or unknowingly she needs you the most "

Naira's ward

Kartik slowly entered her ward and took a chair beside her . He called Naira slowly since she was sleeping.

Kartik : Jaan ...sorry Naira...

Naira: I am so sorry that I can't recognize you .since I came to know that I am suffering from.......

Kartik: I know .. so I just want to tell you that you can trust me , I am not going to do anything with you ....

Naira: Sorry but I don't know you so how can I trust you.

Kartik: I know you are right and you can't remember but we were very close ......within short time.......leave it I don't want to exaggerate you.

Naira: why did you stop ...please tell me everything I want to remember.

Kartik: I will tell you each and everything slowly but before that I need you to trust me .

Naira: Actually to be honest my heart really wants to trust you but my mind doesn't and you know what I really want to follow my heart .

Hearing those words Kartik gets a ray of hope ..maybe her heart remember him .

Kartik : Thank you for trusting me .

After 2 days Naira gets discharged from the hospital.
Kartik was driving the car while Naira was looking outside the window.
Naira was feeling bored so she asked Kartik to give her phone since doctor advised her to not to use her phone .

Kartik gave her phone...Naira was ecstatic to receive her phone upon unlocking her phone she was shocked to see her was a picture of Naira kissing Kartik's forehead ............ and the next moment.

Precap : you guys tell me what do you want to see in the upcoming chapters and sorry for not replying to your comments but I will reply . Do tell your ideas I would love to know . Keep showering your love and special mention to the ghost readers who don't vote in my story.

Please vote for it , it encourages us a lot


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