Chapter - 28

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After seeing the wallpaper, Naira started getting flashbacks in her mind . Now she started emphasizing more on that to recollect her past memories , Kartik noticed her expression and immediately grabbed the phone from her hand.

Kartik ; Naira ....try to understand don't force yourself to recollect your past ....its not good for your health.

Naira : But Kartik I can't stop myself from doing that ........if you really want me to stop thinking about that then please tell me everything..

Kartik: I already promised you....


So , Kartik and Naira reached Goenka Vila and the other family members welcomed them .

Dadi and Swarna told Naira to take rest and call her if she needs anything. After that they took Naira to her room .

Manish : Kartik , Dont worry about anything , I will manage all your work and you will handle Naira's work from now until she gets fine .

Kartik : Thanks Dad .

Manish : Did you came to know anything about.....who attacked Naira .

Kartik : Till now nothing but I will find out very soon .

Manish : ok ..take rest and be with Naira , she needs you the most right now .


Kartik came to Naira's room to check whether she slept or not . Upon entering the room he saw Naira standing in the balcony and he felt a great urge to hold her in his arms but controlled himself.

Kartik : Naira, sleep now tomorrow we need to get up early.

Naira : yeah , I was going to sleep only ....good night.

Kartik: Good Night.

Kartik was going to leave the room when he saw the time and came back to Naira .

Naira : What happened?


Saying this he left a long loving kiss on her forehead. Naira felt so relieved as if she belongs to him only . Unable to control she hugged Kartik and told him " Kartik , I don't know why but whenever you touched me I got the best feeling of my life , I know I can't remember you but my heart feels you "

Hearing Naira's words Kartik feels contented. To lighten the mood he says
" lets cut the cake "

After that Kartik bought the cake and they celebrated her birthday by feeding each other.

Kartik: Naira you should sleep now , moreover we need to catch a flight tomorrow, so you better take rest .

Naira: Yeah ...even you should also take rest .


Naira was in deep slumber, when someone entered into her room from the balcony.

Person: Happy birthday Naira, saying this he laid beside her , kissed her cheeks and took her in his embrace .

Naira also felt his warmth and snuggled with him more .

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