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Welp, I was bored

- Sexual harassment
- Inappropriate language
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Slight panic attacks


"Miss Kyle, I must thank you for your support in these hard times. I really appreciate all that you've done this far in getting back my family, but I am not about to colapse and perish, so I would very much appreciate you letting me go down the bloody stairs on my own." Alfred stated as he went down the ungodly amount of stairs of the manor, on way to prepare breakfast while Selena clings to his left arm to support him.

At the mention of this Selena blushed heavily and as they neared the end of the staircase where it was almost a guarantee that Alfred wouldn't fall and turn to dust, she let go of his arm.

"I'm sorry Alfred! I've been a bit, worried I guess you could say. There has been no news about Bruce and the others for almost four weeks! What if they were captured in an unknown place and can't get out?!" Selena said in quite a paranoid manner, she looked a bit thin, makeup from two days ago still plastered on her beautiful face and her usual tank top style had been changed to a turtle neck, proving that she had been outside, and Gotham's cold air had gotten her a bit sick.

Alfred just looked at her, face unimpressed and a thin brow raised up elegantly up to his hairline, quite frankly he was done with Selena's behavior due to it being HER who assured HIM a couple of weeks back that everything would just be a-okay. At this point it's almost like convincing a toddler that, yes we would by some candy if they stopped crying for a God damed second.

Let's just say that Selena is looking like a hypocrite, and Alfred is the only concerned but calm person in the room.

"Please miss Kyle, you've already contacted your lovers to help with the case, I'm sure that with all your powers combined, you'll be able to find my young masters."

Selena finally cracked a smile, and looked at the butler. "Well Alfred, what else could you expect from our feminine power? We ARE better than most male heroes out there, and I'd say that Bruce is just slightly better than us." She stated with a cocky smirk, knowing Alfred couldn't prove her wrong because her and her partners had escaped Arkham many times in the past alone.

Alfred smiled a small smile. "Very true miss Kyle."

They stood there for a second, looking at each other for a bit, before Selena's phone rang. She chuckled a bit when she heard the ringtone of Britney Spears singing Toxic, knowing exactly who was calling. "Speak of the devil and he might appear, huh?"

She reached into her back pocket, pulling out her phone, watching the ID callers name appear, 'Baby Girl'.

"What a name miss Kyle, what would the public say?" Alfred held a confident stance, teasing the woman in front of him, knowing full well that she had just entered the relationship with her two girlfriends no more than two months ago.

She once again blushed, stuck her tongue out at the butler who was mocking her. And then went to answer the phone, hearing Alfred chuckle heavily behind her.

"Hey baby, what's up?" She spoke calmly into her phone, such a big contrast from her former behavior.

"Hey there suga!" Harley's voice spoke, ever so chipper. Of course dealing with the former Joker's girlfriend was hard, but hey, how could anyone pass that fine specimen?

"What do you need?" Selena allowed her deep voice to sound as sensual as possible, her girlfriend certainly had something for her voice and Selena was more than happy to provide.

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