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Part two :3 I used translate for the romanian, I'll put the translation at the bottom


-Foul language

-Mention of eating disorders

-Flashbacks (italics)

-Depression (aslo in italics)

'...' = thoughts


"Come on my little robin..." That voice....

"Fly with us son, pasărea noastră mică....." He knew that voice.... voices....

"Like a little robin...." Mami?

"Come on little bird....." Tati?


"THE FLYING GRAYSONS!!!" V-vă rog.....



"DICK!!!" Î-încetează!!!


'NOOOOOOOO!!!! MAMI! TATI! I-imi pare rau! I-I'm too weak.... I couldn't save them....... W-why? Why? WHY AM I SO WEAK?! I NEVER WANTED THIS!!! LET ME DIE! S-SAVE THEM!!!'

"Dick..... why didn't you save us?" M-mami...... nu.... v-vă rog.....

"Don't talk to it Mary..... he didn't save us.... he's no son of ours." T-ati....

"Why didn't you die chum?" B-bruce?

"You let me die, Dick. DIE!" J-jay...

"Why didn't you tell us about the plan Dick?! We could've helped! Done what you didn't!!!" T-timmy....

"Tt you low life circus boy, father took pity on..." D-d-dami....

"You stupid selfish bastard...." W-wally? "YOU LET ME DIE!!!" NO! STOP IT! PLEASE!!!

"NIGHTWING!" M'gann shouted feeling her friends and leaders pain.

Dick quickly woke up with a gasp, coughing once, then twice. Shaking his head trying to shake away his thoughts, the echo of the hurtful words still roaming in his head.

"Dickiebird?" Jason asked putting his now bigger hand on top of his older brothers shoulder.

"J-jay?" The tired voice of the first Robin cracked the heart of Red Hood. Jason always tried to seem stronger, undestructable, powerful. But the weakness in his brothers voice always brought down his walls.

"Yeah, yeah Dickie it's me... come here..." Jason brought the now one head shorter older brother to a hug, he sat Dick on his lap and started rocking them both in a slow, soothing manner.

"W-where. Where are we?" Dick stuttered trying to look over Jason's shoulder and see around the room.

"We don't know, I woke up ten minutes before you then M'gann woke up, but we think we are the only ones here..... Wherever we are..."

Suddenly gas started flowing through the walls.

"W-what is that?!" M'gann questioned looking around, eyes wide open and filled with terror.

"Doesn't look like fear toxin." Jason muttered under his breath, yet looked at the gas oozing walls quizzically. "Don't breathe it in! We don't know what it has!" Jason yelled trying to activate the oxygen set up in his helmet, but it never came up. "What the fuck?" Jason questioned and tried to set it up again but came to the same result, nothing.

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