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Yellow everybody, I know what y'all are wondering 'the hell Finn where you've been?!' Well let me tell you that the IB sucks, however now I have some time soooo yeah.

Yes, y'all actually enjoy this. I'm surprised, so here you go... I really don't know what I'm doing, so uhhh yeah enjoy lmao

By the way, this song is extremely sad, you have been warned

- Fowl language
- Psychological abuse
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Manipulation

Song: To My Parents - Anna Clendening

'Italics' = Thoughts
"" = Speech
Bold = Flashbacks

It's showtime...

Nightwing's body was rigid, face emotionless, eyes blank and lost; a complete opposite to the rest of the heroes. All yelling, struggling, worried, fearing for their little bird. Yet no matter how strong they were, now they're bound in a prison build with titanium so tough and cold it took away their freedom, this affecting them literally and psychologically; because they felt truly hopeless as if there was no way to escape.

The Joker snaked his right arm around Nightwing's slim waist, smiling so wide his disgusting yellow teeth took half of his face, slowly his smile became a mischievous smirk, staring intently at the younger bird. His left hand touched the strong thigh of the bird, making its way towards the other's hip and resting there, thumbing at the hipbone that showed through the suit emphasizing how much skinnier the hero now was. So very small and delicate, so very easy to break.

"Get your hands off of him!" Roared a weak and raspy voice, Jason had woken up a little while ago, still in a bit of a haze due to the power of the mind control; however, now in the right mind and present.

"Awww~ but I wanna play with my lil toy~" Whined the Joker, a slight, pathetic excuse of a pout resting on his crimson painted lips.

"I don't give a damn about what you want! Let. Him. Go!" Jason yelled harder, struggling against his restraints, trying to get to his "more" than a brother.

"Joker! Let him go! I swear I will break you!" Batman regained a bit of strength after hearing that his second oldest was now awake.

"HAHAHAHA! What a joke, Batsy! You can't do more than just sit because of the way you're tied up~" The Joker sang before letting go of the little bird and pushing Nightwing forward towards the heroes. "Now, let us begin, hmm?" The Joker smirked once more, before backing away a bit with the other villains.

Suddenly, light shined right above Nightwing in his dazed state, making every hero blinded by the sudden light; a couple of gasps came from a few surprised heroes.

A beautiful sound of a piano began to echo around the theatre, seeming sad, only the young heroes seemed to know what the song was and began to struggle even more.

~Play the song~

As the time came after the sweet melody played, Nightwing began to sing.

"I'm sorry mom and dad-" That only line was enough for Batman to stiffen up, and look into Dick's emotionless, masked eyes. "-I know I messed up bad. I should've, should've done, should've done better-" Tears gradually began to appear in Bruce's eyes, no matter how hard he tried he could not push them down.

"I'm sorry mum and dad, for all the time I had~ To get my life, to get my life together.
But I didn't-" Nightwing's eyes were downcast until they settled on the dark ground, he took a deep breath in and continued.

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