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Yellow, guess who's back at it again six months later :')

I hope that y'all are still staying strong during quarantine, I know I'm falling apart but still trying to do something so I don't lose anymore of my sanity.
Soap I hope you enjoy

- Fowl language
- Manipulation
- Depression
- Thoughts = ' '
Song: Paper Hearts - Tori Kelly; cover Jeon Jungkook BTS

Nightwing kept laying tied to the bed, his thoughts consuming him completely. The thoughts never went away since that terrible night in which he lost his parents, they always reminded him how useless he was, no matter how much good he was able to put in the world, in his head he would never be enough.

Not when his parents died.

Not when Jay died.

Not when Wally died.

Not when Bruce disappeared.

Not when Damian was his Robin.

Never anything he did would cover up for all of the mistakes he had done through his life, he would never be able to fix the error of his ways. He was just too childish, too annoying, too slow, too ignorant, too easily manipulative, too stupid, too much-

Tears yearned to run down his pale cheeks, trying to let the emotion out before it all became too suffocating and he would break down. It would feel so good to finally let everything out instead of swallowing down his anxiety for the ever growing lump in his throat to double in size, but he couldn't do it, no matter how much it hurt he would never show how weak he is to the villains holding them hostage, not to mention that his family and friends were still out there. He would not be broken in front of the innocent eyes of the younger ones, nor would he ever allow himself to break in front of the people he grew with...

They did not deserve to be troubled by his feelings, his thoughts... by his existence...

Nightwing's body layer limply on the bed, as much as he wished to try and make a break for it, his body was malnourished he wouldn't be able to get away even if he wanted to, his body was just too weak.

Suddenly, the door unlocked and it opened. Nightwing turned his head towards the door, tensing his every muscle prepared for everything and anything that came through the door. Luckily, it wasn't the Joker that had come into the door, but Dick did not think that this was an improvement from the Joker.

Deathstroke had just stepped into the room. Hurray, said no one.

Dick growled at him as much as his raspy voice would allow him to, ultimately making him look like an angry kitten, but it was worth the effort.

Deathstroke chuckled, his deep voice sending unpleasant shivers down Dick's spine. "Well, hello there, apprentice~" It was almost possible to feel this man's smirk through his metal mask and ten feet away from the bed, disgusting.

"I'm no longer your apprentice, Slade. Dick spat at his, as if the name itself was poison.

"Oh, Grayson, what you were does not matter to me in the slightest, what you could become is what interests me." Deathstroke said with a chilling voice, he didn't even react to Dick's flinch as he said his last name. Dick wanted to yell at him, curse at him for even uttering his family name, one of the most sacred things to him, but he couldn't he was frozen shocked at the fact that his identity had been discovered.

"Oh yes, your expression is just priceless-" Deathstroke approached the bed, stopping right beside the oldest Robin, ignoring the younger when he tried to lean away from the mercenary, and held his cheeks with his index finger and thumb, squishing the others cheeks together making him jut out his pink plump lips. Making him look ever so desirable. "-just too God dammed pretty." Deathstroke stared at the perfect lips before him for a moment, before letting go of the others face.

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