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I'm back! Guys, I have no idea how you read my stories and end up liking them. That's weird.

Welp! Bai bai!!!

Song: High high hopes - Panic! At The Disco


The music could still be heard in the hero's head. Nothing to distract them from what had just happened.

A chilling laugh startled the hero's back into focus from the passed out heros.

"HAHAHA! That was perfect! The best show I've seen since my killing spree!" The Joker laughed maniacally as he came back to the restricted heros, although this time he wasn't alone.

"I must agree, a splendid presentation from the three heros, and MY personal favourite." Purred Lex Luthor as he strolled into the room along the Joker.

"Agreed... I didn't know Red Hood could sing, and if he did I'd imagine a few voice cracks." Chuckled Black mask as he walked next to Luthor.

"Quite a performance I must say." Concluded Deathstroke walking next to the Joker.

"Um, why would they start talking about how they enjoyed themselves when we are still trying to figure this out?" Asked Beast Boy to Blue Beetle, who sat next to him, before jumping as he saw that a knife was thrown to the side of his head.

"Well aren't you and impatient boy?" Growled Deathstroke, if looks could kill Beast Boy would probably be six foot underground by now.

"Well Deathy~ Why don't we explain our fellow hero's, what we are making out of this?" The Joker practically bounced with enthusiasm.

"Right..." Deathstroke said as he kept his gaze on the ground, then looked up towards the bounded heros. "As you can see, your fellow teammates have gone through a kind of 'spell' on which they are forced to obey our orders without hesitation..."

"Courtesy of your friend Klarion." Interrupted Luthor as his lips held a proud smirk.

"...Yes, though our original plan was to make you all finish with your existence by yourselves, we got a much better idea, which'll make your stay much, much more painful. But we needed something to lure you in, or in this case someone..."

The tension of the theatre was so thick it could be cut with a knife, many of the hero's waited for an explanation yet they knew it wouldn't be one they would like.

"Hahaha! Yes that's where the little batties come in~" Joker said as he waved his hand to the Bats. "Why we knew we could all lure you in if we used someone who is too serious, dresses in black and such a party pooper, you would all come. Though the question is, if Bats is the one we use to lure the hero League-y and the kiddie League, then who would be the one the lead the Big Bad Bat to our trap?" Joker's smile reached to his ears, so creepy and the way it was stretched it was so horrifyingly wide.

Suddenly it all made sense to Batman. The theatre that so happened to be in sale, Nightwing's call to the cave, the confusion, the blame, the kidnapping....... God it all made sense.

"Why~ Boy blunder was perfect for the job..." The Joker ran a hand down the small back that was Nightwing's, pulling a kind of a whine through the unconscious boy's lips who was still seated on Batman's lap.

All the members of the bat family, except Jason, let out an animalistic growl of protection over the oldest ex-Robin.

"Oooooo~ Batsy, getting a lil' protective aren't we?" Joker let out a mischievous chuckle. "Then I bet this will rile you up even more~" Joker laughed as he took Nightwing by the waist, lifted him up and threw him over his shoulder like a fireman.

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