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So uh things have been better obviously the feeling never really went away but I'm doing better and so is my mom so ye :)

I took so long doing this too because I've recently suffered loss of someone very important in my life, but I'm doing better (not) don't worry

Life still sucks but whatcha gonna do about that?

Anyway I'll be updating my books little by little, kay? Well you don't really get a choice so I'm just gonna say you said yes.

LeT uS bEgIn!

Song: Take me to Church by Hozier


~Back at the Manor~

The soft sound of the rain outside padded softly to the large plane windows of the Wayne Manor, the house that held so many secrets and pained memories barely held up without the cheers that once ran through the halls of the mansion. Now the only sound that could be heard throughout these times were the soft padding of rain, nothing moved, no one spoke, not even the soft tap the rain made would be enough to cover the emptiness of the manor. Not enough, never enough.

"Alfred..." a sweet femenine voice called to the poor butler, that was staring out the large window as he waited for someone, anyone that would tell him that his family was still alive.

"Miss, did you find them?" The butler asked, his once smooth and rich voice had turned raspy and weak, as if his age had suddenly gotten the best of him.

"...No, not yet." The voice answered, guilt and sadness pouring into her answer as she stared at the butler. Lightning in the background, the once soft padding on the window became harsh rain poured onto the windows as if the heavens cried for what was lost, who was lost.

The butler sighed, still staring at the window as the thunder cracked making the glass vibrate with the sound. The horrible feeling of despair settled in the heart of the butler, the thoughts of what could have happened to his family. Not even Bruce had disappeared this long without informing him, but if something had happened to him anyone would've alerted him. However, now it wasn't the case.

"Alfred, you should rest. Bruce will be back, you and I know he will, I'll still patrol to see if I can spot him or his sons, but for now let's just rest in case they get back needing medical attention." The voice had difficulty finishing her sentence, swallowing the lump of worry stuck in her throat she stepped closer to the butler.

"Miss Kyle, I ask of you to leave the matter... I know they'll come back, however it's the worry of my family that is keeping me on end... It has almost been a week since master Bruce, master Timothy, master Jason and master Damian have disappeared to see the emergency call of master Dick. The worry is not their company, it is that the fact that they are not responding to my calls about the situation that is causing me distress, by now the League would've alerted me if something had gone wrong, but nothing has come up."

Selina took in a deep breath and slowly raised her hand to the butlers shoulder. "If nothing from the League has come up then they are probably safe somewhere in Gotham, if they're with pretty bird probably in Bludhaven. But we must see the positive side of this, if they are alright and nothing has come up in the Bat computer then nothing is wrong. Let's give it another week, again I will not stop patrolling through this time, but if I don't see them or they keep unresponsive then we will contact the League. Sound like a plan?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

Now if Selina was good at something was comfort, she had done this to Bruce's sons through a very long time now, and as embarrassing as it may sound she has done it to Bruce too, but he would never admit that.

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