A karl book but a million fucking times better than the last one I wrote
Your a small streamer with a boy best friend named Cole and a girl best friend named Emma
When bigger streamers start sneaking into your life and you take notice to a certain f...
"What are we doing?" I asked "Ummm just chatting and minecraft" He said scratching the back of his neck "Ok hey chat how's everyone's day?" I asked
User1 good
User2 its ok ig
user 3 better now that you're streaming
"Oh I almost forgot I went shopping before I got here" I said reaching for a bag "Ok look at this sweater I got you" I added pulling it out
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"Awww thanks y/n" Karl said "Wait shush theres more" I pulled out 2 different necklaces "This one is for you and me" I said
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I handed him one side and me the other and we put them on "Ok so this is for me cole and emma" I pulled it out
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I put one piece on and put the others back "Oh and I bought you monster" I pulled it out "see?" I said as a dono came thru the screen User43 donated $25stop flirting with karl don't you have a boyfriend? I felt tears fill my eyes and I left the room
Karl pov
"Guys really? I expected more from you and she doesn't have one anymore she found out he was cheating on her so they broke up" I said "Guys I'm gonna be right back" I said and switched to the Be back soon screen I walked down the hallway and she was sitting on the floor "Y-yy/n I like you......as more then a friend" I said and she pulled me to the floor and cried on my chest she fell asleep I picked her up and put her in my bed than walked to my computer and switched the screen "I'm back" an hour later I ended it and slept on the floor
Y/n pov
I got up and almost stepped on karl then I went to the bathroom and showered and put on new clothes
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"Aww Y/n your outfit is so pretty" karl said "I-uhm-I thanks" I replied "Can we get ice cream" Karl asked "Is that even a question c'mon lets go" we arrived there and karl asked "hey what flavor do you want?" "Ehhh cookies and cream or cookie dough"
A/n come for me about my fav ice cream flavor come for me bitch
Couple hours
Karl is live
He thought I was asleep so I listened
TTS Dono Tell us a bit about Y/n
"When she gives you her heart don't you break it" Karl started "Let your arms be a place she feels safe in she's the best thing you'll ever have" "She always has trouble falling asleep"
dreamwastaken donated $10
"She likes to cuddle all under the sheets she loves NIGHTCORE and dancing and bad trash tv" Karl continued " She loves love notes and babies has a hard time accepting a good compliment(...) so if you're the one she let's in" Karl sung "When she gives you her heart don't you break it"
Karl later finished the stream and I got off the bed and he picked me up into the air "KARL Karl I'm wearing a skirt" I said he tripped over something and landed above me on the bed just inches away I kissed him he smiled widely at me and kissed back we just kept kissing then stopped and he said "will you be my girlfriend?" I didn't answer and walked away
(I may or may not have done that so my filler chapter works)