Our Othersides: Chapter 9

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not updating for months. Thank you so much for comments and I promise I have not disappeared. Now that I have summer vacation, I will try to update more often, much more often. Don't hate me, thanks! Oh, sorry, this is a bit of a fluff update, not much of a plot but I got an idea and it wouldn't leave my head. Sorry about spacing too, Wattpad is being weird.


   A small bang went off ahead of me as I walked down the hall, searching for room 320. I started moving a bit quicker down the hall but didn't see any other agents acting any differently. I decided to ignore the noise and continued to look for the room, wondering why I was being called down while on duty.

    Another bang sounded in a room next to me, followed by crashing and coughing. I paused and listened, noticing that the room was the same one that I was being called down to. There were two heart beats on the other side of the door and a strange buzzing sound but nothing else seemed to be wrong.

    I swiped my security clearance badge and the door clicked open, followed by a loud beeping.

   Stepping in, smoke stung my eyes and noise. The room was filled with haze and it smelled like burnt plastic and popcorn. I moved toward the buzzing to see two large silhouettes over a box; one bent over blindly pounding buttons, and the other watching over his shoulder.

    I realized the box was a microwave and that was where the buzzing was coming from. That was also where the smoke was coming from.

   "MAKE IT STOP PATRIOTIC FRIEND! Our corn of the popping kind shall be burnt!" The guy watching over the other's shoulder bellowed. It was Thor and Captain Rogers, and they didn't know I was there yet.

   "Move!" I hollered, pushing them both out of the way and hitting the off button to rescue the popcorn. I pulled open the microwave door as the bag burst into flames.

      Quickly scooping the popcorn up, I threw it onto the counter before willing the water out of the sink. It shot out of the faucet head with and pop and clank before flying towards the flaming bag. It hit it and the bag was enveloping in steam.

    Running along the wall, I felt for the switch that would turn on the fan. It whirled to life above us and the smoke started to clear. I raced back to the faucet and shut it off after it had thoroughly soaked the bag.

    I turned back around to see Steve and Thor staring at me as the rest of the smoke cleared. "Um, you might want to read the package next time."

   Steve straightened and looked down at his shoes, rubbing the back of his head. He gave a guilty smile before meeting an apology and thanks of sorts. I moved aside as Thor came over to the counter. He grabbed the blackened bag and ripped it open, revealing charred, soggy popcorn.

     "Sorry about that, how about I make you a new batch, Thor?" I grabbed the bag and tossed it into the trash can.

      "That is very kind of you Lady Sapphire. I am truly grateful." I nodded and opened up a cabinet near the fridge where I pulled out a new bag of kernels. I hesitated before pulling out a second bag and popped them both into the microwave.

    Steve watched as I pushed the right buttons and pulled a new bowl out as the microwave buzzed. He gave a small smile and sat down on a stool. "Thank you very much for your help, miss."

    I smiled back and say down on another stool. I then remembered the real reason I came into the room.

    "I was called down here through my ear price. Did you guys need anything?"

Our Othersides: An Avengers/ Demigod FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now