Our Othersides: Chapter 1 part two

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Bruce sucked in a breath and watched me closely, almost nervously. I realized later that the only time he sees glowing green eyes is when he Hulks out. I smiled and leaned forward, "Wait for it, watch!"

I turned to face the water as a geyser came shooting up into the air. I swirled it through the air above our heads and around us as I watched Bruce's expression relax. He slowly got up and watched the water in awe. I stood up as well and with a roar, the water rolled and splashed back over the edge of the ship to join the sea below.

I felt the energy of the ocean leave me and felt drained for a moment. I leaned against the railing as Bruce walked over to do the same.

"Do you want to explain waht just happened, or am I going to have to guess?" he asked jokingly.

I smiled, happy that I could finally tell the truth. "I can control water, as well as breath it, because of my father," I paused for a moment. "Dr. Banner, do you believe that there could have been multiple gods like the ancient Greeks and Romans thought?" He rose an eyebrow and I laughed, "Don't worry, it is part of my answer."

Dr. Banner sighed and looked down at his feet. He started off slowly but answered with confidence. "Um, I believe that everyone has a right to believe in what they want to. If the Greeks believed in a god of the skies and sea, it could be possible. Thor is here, but it is believed that Asgards are aliens due to the multiple universe."

I nodded and let him think for a moment. "My father is Posiedon, godof the sea. The Greek gods and goddesses are still very alive and very powerful. I have a bunch of cousins and neices and nephews." I smiled at my army boots and looked up at Bruce to see that he was looking out at the ocean agan.

"That's not the only thing that accounts for my powers," he turned his head towards me and studied me from the corner of his eye. "I also am...I have a..." I sighed and closed my eyes allowing all of my feelings of fear and anger, glimpses of my growling, protective wolf side, and my vampire thirst and savageness, flashes of bright memories of my new family and camp, and the dark ones of my past. I heard him gasp. I showed him enough so he would understand and not be overwhelmed, glad that I could take the shadow off of my back.

Bruce had been hesitant when we were speaking through throughts, only hearing what I gave him straightfowardly and not stepping into my mind, but I had opened up the doors and pushed him in. As he entered my memories, I stepped into his mind, feeling slight resistance. I remembered that the Hulk helped resist mindreading, but I had been able to read his thoughts fine. I called out to the Other Guy and was greeted with a guttural growl. I answered back with my own smiling growl and shared my thoughts with him too, before pulling out of Bruce's mind.

I opened my eyes to see Bruce looking right into them. He searched my eyes for a minute before tilting his head to the side and giving a small smile. "You have another side too," he said thoughtfully. "I heard you speaking with him."

I exhaled, not realizing that I had been holding my breathe as I didn't need the air. I smiled as releif flooded me. "Finally someone who understands me."

I breathed in deeply and almosted choked as a familiar, bitter smell struck my nose. I whipped around and saw them about two miles out, hovering over the water. Venti, Greek storm spirits, and with them were fast moving clouds. They are one of the few monsters I cannot attack hand-on-hand and are snarky and as wild as the River Styx; they think that you owe them and that they are the best thing to ever grace the air. Bruce looked around by now and was squinting in their direction.

"Looks like some storm clouds are on the way over. I wonder if Fury has seen them." He looked over at me to see me grittting my teeth and breaking a chunk of the railing off from gripping the metal too hard. His eyes got wide. "Sapphire, stay calm. What's wrong?" He put his hand on my arm.

I shook my head and tried to relax my stance, throwing the bent up metal over the railing. "I'm fine, but those aren't storm clouds and we are about to get some company," I showed him an image of a previous encounter with the electric butt-heads through thoughts.

His eyes widened even more and I nodded towards the open door leading into the base. We hurried over to the entrance as the door slammed shut. Bruce pulled on the handle but it was stuck tight; the Ventis' doings. I could take the door off the hinges, but then I wouldn't be able to keep the electricity out.

I turned to Bruce, putting my hand on his arm, "Okay, stay calm, please, and promise me you will try to control him. They will take you away from me. I can handle this, I, I think."

I turned around and pulled Whirlpool out from my back pocket, still in mascara form. I twisted the cap and its long bronze sword blade sprang out.

"You, you think?" Bruce asked from behind me. I paused and nodded, sending him reassuring thoughts before stepping forward to meet the lightning boys.

Our Othersides: An Avengers/ Demigod FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now