Our Othersides: Chapter 10

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     I focused on the small piece of metal that was bent in front of me. I was in the mechanic area of the lab that Tony had set up and was trying to fix a small part on one of the Iron Man boots. It had kept malfunctioning and Tony asked me to take a look at it even though I wasn't the mechanical genius.

     I sighed and looked at my watch. I had gotten up earlier than normal, I liked the quiet mornings, but I had already spent over an hour on the boot and couldn't figure out what was wrong with it.

     Hearing the lab door fly open, I picked up a new screwdriver and adjusted my glasses. I focused on the boot again, not bothering to look up. It was too early for Tony to be up and Sapphire normally came in at this time like she had for the past two weeks she was on lab duty. So far, she and Tony had not killed each other, other than Tony throwing a rocket at her one time to "see if she could catch it." She did. Besides that, they worked pretty well together.

     "Dr. Banner." The voice was much deeper than Sapphire's could ever be and my head snapped up. On the other side of the work bench was Steve. The super soldier was breathing heavily and looked nervous. From the bags under his eyes, it also looked like he hadn't slept last night. Something had caused the captain to be worked up.

     "Steve, what's wrong?" He leaned forward on the table, staring into my eyes.

      "I need you to tell me who Sapphire really is." He let out a ragged breath and said it like the information was detrimental to the lives of thousands. I sat back heavily on the stool and sighed. It felt like my heart had stopped. Would she wasn't me to tell him?

    I felt something hard in my hand and realized that I was still holding the screwdriver. I put it down and rubbed the red ridge it left on my palm. I took my glasses of and pinched the bridge of my nose.

    I sighed again and reached out with my mind to Sapphire's familiar thoughts. "Sapphire?"

    "I trust you." I wasn't too surprised that she answered so quickly. She had guessed my question's intent and entrusted me with her secrets and who should know them.

     "Um, how much do you know so far?" I directed at Steve. He sighed and pulled up a stool of his own.

     "Not much. I just know what she showed us a few weeks ago and that she is from the past as much as I am. She had suggested that she had seen a baseball game from 1941 and then these images came into my mind. I've never seen them before, but they were clearly from the 1940s."

      I nodded and thought about how to continue from there. I felt like I was walking on a tightrope; a concern about my blood pressure flew across my mind but the Other Guy was silent for the moment.

     "Sapphire had many of the abilities that you have but never had a super soldier serum given to her. She is extremely fast, doesn't tire easily, has an insanely high metabolism, is -as you saw- bullet proof, didn't age, and had strength exceeding yours. We haven't fully tested it yet." Steve's eyes widened and it looked like he cooked slightly on the last part.

    I smiled but grew serious as I continued. "As I said. She was never given a super serum. Instead, we've come to believe that everything she can do is from what she is, which is mostly from myths. She was born half werewolf, which is why she can connect and talk through thoughts and can phase when she wants into a giant wolf."

    I didn't think that Steve's eyes could get any wider. He shook his head and leaned back. "Jeez, werewolf? Have you ever seen her shift?"

     "No, she's only told me about it. Apparently she's all white and the size of an SUV."

     "Well, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've seen." Steve motioned for me to continue.

     "Anyways, she was born half werewolf but later on, she was turned into a vampire. Speed and strength mix between that and werewolf but she thinks that most of the not aging is from her vampire side. She has excellent senses from it." I smiled, rememberinging when she smelt the distinct spices in my curry from across the room a few days ago.

     "Sapphire can also control water, breath in it, and heal with it die to who her father is." I didn't try to tell Steve who her father was. He still didn't really believe that Thor was a god from a different ancient religion.

      He was quiet for a minute before rubbing his eyes. "So what your saying is, is that Sapphire is a monster mutt."

     I winced. He had hit home for both Sapphire and me. I didn't need to deny it, the Other Guy was growing softly in the back of my mind.

     "Yeah, I'm a crazy hodge-podge of monsters and myths." Sapphire stepped in through the dark doorway, her voice low. She looked a bit tired around the eyes and I worried for a moment that she needed more sleep before remembering that she didn't ever sleep. "But what a person is or what they can turn into doesn't always make them a monster. It's how they react and what they use their power for that helps define them.

     She gave a small smile in my direction before looking Steve straight in the eye again. He had jumped up out of his seat by now and was a bit red.

    "I'm sorry Sapphire, you know I didn't mean it like that." He looked down at his shoes in embarrassment and seemed to be scolding himself. I knew he wouldn't forgive himself for at least a month. I also thought silently how if we were wolves right now, he would have just submitted to her, letting her be the wolf in charge of the situation. I wondered if I had ever broken eye contact with her.

     "It's okay Steve, I'm not offended in the least." Her voice was softer through thoughts and her eyes had softened as well. Steve looked up, slightly relieved.

     "Just be careful throwing the word 'monster' around." Sapphire glanced over at me and gave another smile. I smiled back this time, she was still watching over me. The Other Guy seemed to hum inside, or maybe that was me too.

      "Anyways, I just came by to drop this off," she handed me a manila folder with the SHIELD symbol on it, "Fury's expecting me in his office in five. Oh, he wants to having a meeting with all of the Avengers this afternoon at three. He said you'd know where. I'll see you guys later."

    Sapphire headed towards the door but paused and called over her shoulder. "Oh, Cap, if you have anymore questions, just come find me next time."

     Steve and I both blushed as she walked out, her boots silent against the floor. I found myself staring after her as she left as I sent her a silent "good luck" thought.

     Steve exhaled and laughed lightly. "Does she always do that?"

     I blinked, what was he talking about?  "Do what?"

     I placed the folder on the table, suddenly eager to get back to work on the forgotten boot.

     "Surprise you. She always has a new secret." I smiled down at the boot. You have no idea.

    Haha! Two days in a row! I have to say, it won't always be like that; I didn't even think I'd get this one done. Am I sick or something? Anyways, you got to learn a little bit more about Sapphire and how much she trusts Bruce. I kinda feel bad for Steve, oh well. So what do you think Fury called her down for? What's going on with the meeting later? Who knows? I don't know! Thanks for reading, you guys are great!


Our Othersides: An Avengers/ Demigod FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now