Our Othersides: Chapter 4

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Once again I do not own any Marvel characters or places/names or Rick Riordan's characters. Hope you enjoy.


I sank into the chair next to the bed where Sapphire was being examined. Once we had gotten into the room, I let the paramedics take over and run tests, normally my job. I sighed and leaned forward, resting my face on my hands. It smelled like bleach, cotton, and sterile metal. I was hit by a sudden wave of tiredness. I didn’t realize that I had been fighting the Other Guy so hard.

Director Fury came in with his black trench coat flapping. “What happened? Why did my cameras go out?” he demanded. I shot up and a growl escaped my throat. He automatically took a step back and his hand hovered over his holster. My eyes widened after I realized what I just did and realized that my eyes must have been flickering green. The Other Guy was still fighting.

“I, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to growl. I’m fine now,” I ran a hand through my hair and exhaled. “We were outside on the tarmac when these creatures, came down and attacked. Sapphire said that they were lightning forms or something. She fought them but she got shocked pretty hard by the last one.” I kept out the part about being called a monster.

Tony, by now, had come in and was standing behind Fury, watching me with a worried expression. One of the paramedics walked over to Fury and whispered something in his ear. He frowned deeper than normal and grunted. He nodded towards Tony and me, “Meeting now, she’s dead.”

I felt hollow inside and numbly shook my head as the paramedics started to turn and walk out. Sapphire couldn’t be dead, it wasn’t possible. I had seen so much death lately, tried to save people from it. Her sweet, calming demeanor couldn’t be gone. I couldn’t live with myself if she had died trying to protect me. The Other Guy wasn’t pushing through though, he had to know something I didn’t. “She’s not dead.”

Fury turned around, “Excuse me?” His one good eye looked at me questioningly.

“She’s not dead. Sapphire told me something before. She’s not dead, just sleeping, sort of. You can call a meeting but call it here. When she wakes up, she will have a lot to explain.” I was surprised that I could be so calm when a few minutes ago, I was on the verge of Hulking out.

Fury hesitated for a moment before turning and leaving. Tony walked over and rested his hand on my shoulder. For once, he didn’t have any smart words as he looked down at Sapphire. He had known her as a friend too.

 He smiled weakly, knowing exactly what was on my mind. “Hey big guy, you wanna talk?”

I smiled back and nodded, relieved,

Tony started walking towards the door and I tried to follow only to see that I couldn’t move forward. “Fine,” I thought to the other Guy, “if that’s what you want.”

“Um, Tony?” He turned around, surprised that I hadn’t moved. “The Other Guy seems to believe that he is responsible for what happened to Sapphire. He sort of hijacked me. We’ll have to talk here; I, uh, I can’t move.”

Tony laughed and I blushed. “Okay, if that’s what he wants.” He pulled a chair over and straddled it. I sat down again.

“Do you mind me asking you a question?” he rested his chin on his ahnds.

“You mean besides the one you just asked? Then, yes.”

He rolled his eyes but smiled. He then became serious but I could see curiosity in his eyes. “How did you control the Other Guy roof-top? He seems very protective of her now,” Tony frowned slightly, looking over at Sapphire. I’d have to remember to do an extra experiment with him later; he seemed slightly jealous that the Other Guy liked being around another person.

I glanced over at Sapphire and sighed. “Sapphire had asked me to try to, to control him and said that she could handle the creatures. She said that ‘they’ would take me away. She obviously couldn’t handle them though.” I looked up into Tony’s eyes. “She’s like me, Tony. She has a monster too. She reminds me quite a bit of you as well,” I laughed.

“Oh, yeah, except for the fact that she doesn’t have my incredibly irresistible looks or my technological genius, right?” he blinked innocently and flashed a smile. “She’s pretty hot though,” he mused.

I laughed again, “Of course.” Tony and I turned as the other agents filed in. Tony and I stood up and, luckily, the Other Guy believed that I wasn’t going to leave Sapphire’s side.

Agent Romanov hopped up onto one of the counters and Agent Barton leaned up against it next to her with his arms crossed over his chest. Steve was standing against the doorframe with his shield resting against his legs, looking hesitant, and Thor stood on the other side of the bed, near Sapphire’s knees, with a curious look on his face. Director Fury, of course, stood at the foot of the bed, in the center of the room.

He cleared his throat and looked at me. “Dr. Banner, would you like to tell us how Sapphire is not, in fact, dead when she has no clear heart beat or is not breathing?” a demand, not a question. Agent Romanov gave me a sympathetic look over Clint’s shoulder. Before I could say anything, Tony turned to Thor. “Point Break, could you find out how much electricity entered Sapphire before she passed out?”

“The maiden was struck? I will see what I can do, man of iron.” Thor leaned over Sapphire and put his palm on her forehead, easily dwarfing it. His eyes grew wide as he pulled his hand back quickly. Confusion spread across his face. “Banner, are you positive that Lady Sapphire has not passed on? The electricity that struck her body would have killed ten of the best warriors of ASgard.”

I flinched, starting to doubt myself. “I, she should have woken by now.” I felt somewhat hurt. Tony put his ahdn on my shoulder and I leaned into it slightly. “ She said something about her dad out on the tarmac. Wait, that’s it! Clint, could you please get a cup of water?”

Agent Barton gave me a strange look but pushed off of the counter and went to get a glass. I felt a glimmer of hope and smiled. He brought it bak in and Steve cleared his throat, stepping fully into the room for the first time. “Dr. Banner, may I ask what this is for?”

            I took the glass from Hawkeye and nodded a thank you before glancing back up at Steve. I gave a small smile. “This.”

I dumped the water over Sapphire.

Our Othersides: An Avengers/ Demigod FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now