Our Othersides: Chapter 1 Part one

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I sat outside on the edge of SHIELD's flying helicarrier, watching the waves change shapes and colors down below as the freezing air whipped the loose strands of my hair around. I had needed the air and space, being stuffed inside made me restless and the gym couldn't take much more of my abuse. I already broke three punching bags and was kicked out of blade practice. I couldn't practice with water or shift into a wolf because the other thing Director Fury and the other agents knew was that I was skilled with weapons and could read emotions better than most other agents. The last part wasn't a complete lie; unless I connected with a person, I couldn't communicate through thoughts with them. I had connected with all of the major agents though, they just didn't know it yet. 

I leaned my head back and smiled as the warm sun hit my face. I rolled my shoulders and sniffed the air around me. It was so much cleaner out here and I could still smell the salt water below. No one was outside, besides me, and the air strips and tarmac were clear except for a few jets and helicopters. I could hear the four huge engines hum below as they kept this massive base aloft. 

I stiffened as I heard the door from below give a soft pressured click and squeak open but relaxed as the wind blew Bruce's scent my way. I soon heard his footsteps pad towards me. Out of all of the Avengers, I liked Dr. Banner the most. He was brilliant but humble and had a sweet demeanor; I also could relate to his otherside. He was calming to be around as he had a respectable amount of self-control but underneath that, a broiling anger. 

I smiled as he came over with two steaming cups in his hands. 

"What are you doing out here?" he handed me a cup and I found that it was filled with hot chocolate. 

He was wearing his usual purple shirt, dress slacks, and loafers. His dark, wavy hair was tousled by the wind. 

I shrugged and accepted both cups so he could get settled before turning back around to look at the water, "Looking at the view." 

He smiled and chuckled as he sat down next to me, "Really?" 

"Alright, no, that's a lie," I handed his cup back and rested my head against the railing, focusing on the warmth coming from the cup between my hands. "I hate being closed in like that, with everyone bustling around when I have nothing to do. I felt restless, I needed air." 

I glanced over at Bruce and saw that he had a small, sad smile on his face. He nodded after a moment, "I needed air too. I feel like everyone is always staring at me, waiting for me to blow, watching the freak. Even the rest of the Avengers are a bit wary, though thankfully not as much. Tony is the only one I feel like I can be around without being judged, well, him and you. The rest are only sympathetic. That's one of the reasons I rarely leave the lab." 

Bruce closed his eyes and when he opened them, he glanced at me. He sighed and laughed, "Sorry, I feel like you understand me." 

I nodded and gave a small smile. "I do understand you. If the other agents knew who I really was, I'd be the one that they would be staring at, not you. I don't judge or fear you because I know that he is a part of you," he flinched, understanding that I knew about the Hulk. 

"No, I am a monster. That's what everyone believes." Dr. Banner shook his head, smiling sadly again as he faced the water. 

"Doc, you are no monster," I pulled my legs up and rested my chin on them. 

He pulled back from the railing to face me and went to say something but hesitated. "Sapphire, who...who are you really?" 

"Just a girl," I grinned and switched to thoughts, "with some very special talents." 

An eyebrow shot up but Bruce didn't miss a beat as he answered back through thoughts. "Oh really, besides keeping secrets and getting into my head?" 

I laughed, throwing my head back, and when I looked back at him, I could see that Bruce was smiling as well. "You don't even know the beginning of my secrets." 

I closed my eyes, still smiling, and reached with my mind down to the water below. When I mentally touched it, I felt the rolling, endless energy of the waves and a strong pull on my lower back. I opened my eyes, knowing that their usual gold, would instead be a glowing green.

Our Othersides: An Avengers/ Demigod FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now