They Find You Crying

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You'd lived in this place for a couple months now, and you'd gotten close to the other survivors, and this place was starting to feel like home... but it couldn't replace your real home. You were sitting in your own tent, thinking, when your mind began to linger on this thought. This led to many anxious thoughts runnings through your mind. "Does time pass the same in both places? How long have I been gone in my reality? Has anyone notice that I was missing? Do they think I'm dead? How will they react when I get back? What if they don't believe it's me? What if I never get home? What if I die here?" These thoughts, along with many others, faced you with loads of panic. Fear was all you felt. You curled up slightly, your entire body shaking, as you felt the all too familiar sting of tears fill your eyes. You shiver and quake as your sobs fill the tent. However, what you didn't know is that another person passing by could hear your cries as well. You jump slightly when you hear the entrance to your tent open and turned to see...


"[name], is something wrong?" the scientist asks. You quickly wipe away the tears in your eyes and say "Just... thinking..." He steps in and asks "What about?" You reluctantly respond "...home..." Wilson lets out a quiet "Ah..." as he thinks as well. "I'm assuming your upset about those back home? Or are you worried that you... might not make it?" You silently nod before saying "a bit of both..." He nods in return and sighs. "I'm not going to lie to you. This place is a nightmare, and people have died before..." You look at him with fear in your eyes, and he quickly continues "But, we have methods of reviving people. Multiple actually." Your look of fear quickly changes to a look of awe (and a bit of doubt). He looks down to his own hands and says "I've experienced death first hand..." his voice wavering slightly as you take in a small gasp. He shakes his head before he looks at you again and says "I-I'm saying all of this to tell you that... you don't have to worry... alright? We're all going to get home again... we'll see our families... our friends... it'll all be okay," You nod to him and let out a quiet "Thank you..."


"[name]? What's going on?" she asks. You glance at her, tears still welling in your eyes. She stepped in and asked "What is it?" You wiped away the tears on your face and said "Just... homesickness..." Willow lets out a silent "Ah," and kneels beside you. "Talk to me." she says, a new calm in her voice. You look down, hesitating about how much to tell her. You sigh, then say "What if I... never get home?" Willow sighs as if she was expecting that, then says "You're going through 'New Kid Sickness'" You look back up to her and meet her gaze with a confused look. "It's the name we made for the week or two of panic and depression when you first arrive here." You nod and look back down. "So everyone here has gone through this?" She nods and says "Yeah, I mean, You were transported to a freakish hellscape out of nowhere, and you were attacked by... whatever those shadow things are," You nod again, then say "How did you... deal with this?" She shrugged and said "I was only the second to get here, so we hadn't pinpointed it yet," The tent remains quiet until she speaks up again. "The best advice I can give you is just do anything you did back home to calm down," You nod and wipe away the remaining tears, then say "Thanks Willow," She nods and says "Now I've gotta go fuel up the fire!" as she moves out of your tent. "Feel free to join!" You smile as you watch her climb out. You could definitely get used to this.


She just stared at you. You looked at her and asked "Do you need something?" Trying to fein a calm friendly tone. She says "You're crying," I'm her usual whisper. You look back down and say "Yes... I was," She tilted her head and asked "What about?" You thought for a moment, then said "Just... missing home..." She nods and says "I miss home sometimes too, but then I just think about the people around here, and how we help each other." You pause for a moment, then nod back. She turns back around and leaves the tent. Despite the kid being creepy as all hell, that very brief moment of comfort was pretty helpful.


"[name]?" he asked, worry in his shaking voice. "Oh, Webber!" you call, quickly wiping away your tears. "What's going on?" you ask. He scans your face, then asks "Why... why are you crying?" You make another pass wiping your cheeks. You let out a quiet shaky sigh and say "Just... homesick," He looks down then says "You're scared too..." You quickly look back at him just in time to see him tearing up as well. "Oh, Webber," you say, quickly moving towards him to wrap your arms around him. He hugged you and mumbled "I miss my parents too..." as he hugs you. You just hold him and let him calm down. You calmed each other down and talk to each other about home.


He had a look of confusion and concern on his face. He shook his head, as if to unfreeze himself and he quickly sat down beside you. He settled and looked at you, clearly wanting an explanation. You study the ground for a moment, then say "I was worried about... what would happen when I got home? And what if I.... don't." His expression changes from confusion and worry, to empathy. He looked around sporadically, trying to find a away to cheer you up quickly. Without finding anything material, he looks at you again. After brief moment of hesitation, he wrapped his arms around you. A bit taken aback, you just stare forward for a moment. You smile slightly, then wrap your arms around him as well. "I needed this..." you whisper to him.


You look at her and she quietly asks "Dear, what's wrong?" You let out a small sigh and say "I... got upset about going home..." She nods and says "I understand, it's hard to get aquatinted to such an odd and frightening new place, especially when you were kidnapped from safety and forced into this mess..." You silently nod in agreement, trying to hold back any more tears from falling. She continues "And I know this place is scary, especially when your new to it, but once you get used to the way things work, it'll feel like a home away from home..." You nod again, this time looking back up at her. She thinks for a moment, then says "And as for your worries about getting home..." she pauses "I'm sure we'll all be back home before you know it, and we'll be safe and sound once again." You smile to her, then say "Thank you, that was really helpful," She nods and says "I always hate to see those around me upset," as she steps out.


"What is going on?" he asks. You lightly wipe away the tears and say "Homesick," Without missing a beat, he replies "You meatlings are so emotional. If you are going to cry, be quieter about it. You are being very noisy." then he leaves. You stare at the tent flaps in awe and mutter "He's... that was... wow..."


He huffs, then asks "What is going on in here?" You quickly scrunch up your face and hide any signs of sadness or fear. "Nothing to do with you." He gives a cold look of disbelief and says "Yes, I'm sure. Then why don't you explain your soaked face or your red eyes? Or the sobbing I could hear from the fire pit?" You growl and stand up slowly as you say "Yeah, actually, it does have something to do with you. If it weren't for you, I'd be asleep in my at my own house, with my friends and family, happily resting in a comfortable bed, instead of having to keep my tent lit so that these weird ass shadow monsters don't rip my organs out! Why can't you take one look around and say 'Hey! Maybe there's a reason no one actually stays in the same place as me for more than two minutes?' Maybe, I dunno, because you're the one who brought us all into this hellscape?! You're nothing but a self obsessed man child who can't take responsibility for your own actions, leaving everyone else to clean up your messes! I have been here for no more than a month, and I can already tell why everyone told me to avoid you! Because you're a huge prick who can't be bothered to care about any other person that your boney jawed, paper skinned, Jack skellington wanna be, asshole of a person!" He just stares at you, then walks out and shuts the tent. You catch your breath, and sit back down. Before muttering "That felt really good..."

The next morning, once you had fully calmed down, you exited the tent and sat around with all of the others. All of the others were giving you glances. You notice then that Maxwell was missing from the fire ring, and while you look around to everyone, Willow shoots you a glance and says "We heard you... and I, personally, am glad that someone put him in his place." You grin and say "Someone had to do it,"

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