Share a tent with them

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As the sun sets, plans need to be made for you. In other words, they don't have the materials for a new tent, so unless you want to sleep outside, you need to pick someone to share a tent with...

As you scan your options, you decide to share a tent with Wilson. He seems the least likely to try and murder you in your sleep, so why not?
When you ask him, his response was "That's understandable." as he fiddled with the science machine.
He pointed out his tent and you took the sleeping mat they'd given you over to it.
When the two of you both settled down to go to sleep, he seemed to be extra careful to not get too close to you, which confused you but you tried not to pay any mind to it. But he was really serious about it. He must've checked if you had "plenty of room" about eight hundred times. And no matter how many times you assured him you were okay, he just kept pushing himself further away. You had to wonder what his deal was. By the time you got to sleep you nearly had the entire tent to yourself.
The next morning, you woke up to him missing, which you assumed was because he had gotten up before you, but a small part of you had to wonder if he'd just pushed himself out of the tent after you'd fallen asleep.

When you asked her, she nodded and said "If that's what you want."
She almost seemed surprised that you picked her.
She pointed out her tent, and when you went inside you noticed it smelled like smoke, and the grass seemed singed in certain spots.
Was she a smoker?
Whatever, you set out your mat and climbed back out.
Wait, how would someone get something to smoke out here?
She hums as she climbs in the tent with you before she wishes you good night and lies down beside you
You wake up in the middle of the night to a stronger smell of smoke
You sit up and look over, seeing some of the grass next to Willow on fire.
You jolt and shout "Willow! The fire!"
She shushes you and says "People are sleeping still!"
You are confused, and she looks down at the small fire calmly.
"Don't worry, it's contained."
She looks back to you and says "You can go back to sleep"
Certain things click in your head as you lay back down and curl up.
The next morning you're up before her
You climb out of the tent and see a few others up.
Wickerbottom asks "So, Willow set the grass on fire again?"

She seems the most calm
It should be fine to share with her
And she's tiny, so it won't be too cramped!
You go up to her and say "Hi Wendy!"
She looks at you, her face still cold and blank
Maybe this wouldn't be as easy as you thought
"Would you mind if if stayed in your tent with you for tonight?"
She speaks to you for the first time
"I don't mind."
You smile and nod "Alrighty."
That night, you get to sleep with no issue
That is, until you wake up for no apparent reason
You feel like your being watched
You sit up and turn to see Wendy staring at you
You jump a bit, and she stays completely still
"Wendy, what are you doing?" you ask in a whisper
She responds "You momentarily looked like you'd passed."
You let out a small sigh and said "You don't have to be worried about me."
She tilted her head and said "I wasn't worried"
You suddenly felt unsafe
You nervously laugh and say "Well, I'm not... passed... hehehe" trying to get her to stop staring
She didn't blink once
She said "You should go back to sleep."
You nod slowly, then lie back down, but you did not sleep for the rest of that night
The next morning, you were exhausted
Everyone could tell, and everyone knew why.
You helped in anyway you could to make sure your tent was done before the next night.

Despite his, ya know, being a spider, he wasn't all that scary!
You decided to ask to share with him that night
He accepted, very excited.
He treated it like a sleepover, which was adorable
That night, he lead you to his tent again
He told you he needed a lamp on at night, which made sense to you after what happened to your arm
He kept asking you questions about what you did before you got here and what your life outside of this world.
You asked him some of the same questions
He told you what Wilson told you about him
He eventually got tired and fell asleep
You did the same soon after
The next morning he shook you awake and said "It's morning time!"
He was adorable

He was one of the few people who didn't scare you immediately after meeting them
Well, he did, but it was more of a startle than a scare
It doesn't matter, the point is, he seemed the least dangerous
You approached him and asked "Hey Wes, would you mind if I shared a tent with you tonight?"
He smiled and pointed out his tent, signaling that he was okay with it
You put your mat in his tent, then hung out around the campfire with the others
Once everyone started turning in, you did the same
You climbed into the tent, with Wes following
He sits down cross-legged on his mat facing yours.
You sit down facing him as well
He starts miming something to you, but it's difficult to understand.
After several incorrect guesses, you say "What happened to my arm?" He smiles and nods.
You tell him about how your torch went out, then you felt a presence, then a sharp pain in your arm. You managed to get the new torch lit before they could attack you anymore, but you were loosing a lot of blood. You tell him about Wilson finding you and bringing you back to the camp, and he knew the rest.
He seems to feel bad for you based on his expression.
He points to your arm where the wound was, then draws a line across his shoulder.
"They got you too?"
He nods, then points to both of you with one hand, then at the scars with another, a smile across his face.
"We both have them, so does that make us scar buddies?"
He smiles and nods, then you laugh quietly and say "Alright scar buddy." as you lay down on your mat.
He does the same and both of you are asleep before you know it
The next morning you wake up and leave the tent to find him sitting on a stump making a small flower crown.
"Morning scar buddy" you chime
He smiles and Wilson gives you a confused look.

She healed you, so she must be a safe option.
You approach her and say "Excuse me, would you mind if I shared a tent with you?"
She nods and says "Of course, dear."
You smile and go to the tent she said was hers, then lay out your mat.
That night, she climbs in, then once she's settled down she pulls out a small book and begins reading.
You can't help but wonder how she'd get books, and she seems to notice you glancing at her.
She asks "You don't mind my light, do you dear?"
You hastily shake your head no and say "I was just curious about your book."
"Ah," she says as she pushed her glasses up and closes it.
She explains what her book was about, not entirely getting that you wanted to know how she got it, but you just nodded in content anyway.
You rolled back over as you wished her a goodnight and the two of you slept peacefully.
The next morning, she woke before you.
You woke up to a small book by your side.

You assumed sharing with a robot wouldn't be terrible, so you approached WX-78.
"Hey, WX-78, could I share a tent with you tonight?"
He stared at you with a blank face, then simply said "No."
You were a bit stunned, but you just stood still, then slowly moved on to someone else.

I have no clue why you'd choose to share a tent with him, but you did.
Maybe you wanted to like, assert dominance or some shit? In general not a good idea, but go for it I guess.
You approached him and asked "Maxwell, could I share a tent with you?"
He crossed his arms, then said "After how you spoke to me before?"
You huffed, then said "C'mon, you were asking for it!" He rolls his eyes and says "I suppose, as long as you don't mind the dark..." with a smirk. You roll your eyes, assuming he was trying to freak you out,
You never regretted a decision you made more.
The entire night was full of him trying to freak you out with other little things like that.
He'd tell you about his control over the Shadows.
He'd mention that he could've helped you faster than any of the others, but you were sO rUdE.
You didn't get any sleep that night.
Not out of fear, out of pure annoyance and anger.
As soon as you could see the sun rising, you climbs out of the tent.
You were the first up.
As soon as Wilson, the second one up, climbed out of his tent, you made it very clear that you were not spending another night with Maxwell.
"Well, I'm not sure why you chose to spend the night with him anyway..." he responded.
You had no clue either.

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