You Confess to Them [Romantic]

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I was gonna write an entire opening scene with your confession, but I couldn't figure out a way to write one out that didn't cater too much to one personality type or another, so you're only getting the reactions for this one **bites lip cutely** Plus I wanted to write something more wholesome after the angst fest I just put out lol

(Also I'm 90% sure I'm giving away my age (and favorite characters) based on how I write any sort of romance, so that's fun lmao)

For more romantic chapters like this one I wont be including Wendy, Webber, and Wickerbottom because, well, Wendy and Webber are children... and I just don't feel comfortable writing romantic things with Wickerbottom. Sorry :/)
Sorry for this rambling start, Enjoy!!!


You caught him so off guard, it was nearly funny. He just kind of... stared at you... then stared at the ground for a minute. You thought you'd broken him until he finally looked back to you, a small smile on his face. "I, uhm... feel the same way..." God he was so awkward. You couldn't help but smile as you rushed forward to give him a hug, smiling wide. After you let go he kept eye contact with you, smiling ear to ear, before clearing his throat and looking away. "I, uhm..." he stammered, trying to come up with something to say, but all he could do was chuckle nervously. He did manage to mutter a quiet "wow..." under his breath.


Her semi concerned expression quickly switched to relief. "Jeez, you can't scare me like that!" This caught you off guard. "Huh?" You asked, your nerves peaking. She chuckled a bit, then said "I thought something was wrong!" A large smile spread across her face and she looked back to your face, locking eyes with you. "I like you too," she said, her voice much calmer and sweeter. She took your hands in hers, keeping direct eye contact with you. "I like you a lot," she repeated, her features softening and her face lightly flushed.


This guy. Holy shit. He could not have made more of a show of his reaction. As soon as the words left your mouth, he silently, yet still as dramatically as if he were verbal, gasped, his hands reaching up to his face. He swooned, stumbling around a bit, and falling into your arms. You giggle, wrapping your arms around him in a gentle hug, which he responds to with a tighter, even more excited hug. You close your eyes, pulling him in closer to you. You could feel his heart pounding in his chest against yours.


I honestly have no clue what the hell this one is, I was just trying to figure something out and this was what I got lmao

"WHAT?!" He asked. You couldn't tell if he was actually shocked or if that was just his voice. You repeat yourself, smiling at him softly. He looks down, stares at the ground for a moment, then looks back up to you. "I don't think you understand..." he said, his voice oddly soft. "I am nothing but metal and electricity. I cannot feel love or affection." Your heart ached at that statement. You look back down, ready to accept his denial, until he said "I wish I could..." You look back up to WX, who was staring at the ground again. "I feel empty. I see you humans displaying love and care for each other, and I wish I could feel the same. I wish I could experience love. I care about you, but I do not think I am capable of reciprocation of your feelings," This confused you. "You... care about me, but you don't think you can love me?" He nods, still looking at the ground, and you ask "How does that make sense?" He looks at you, clearly wanting an explanation. "Caring for someone is just as human as loving someone," the two of you stare at each other in silence. He looks back down, comprehending what you said. "Is that true?" He asks, more of a rhetorical question than a real one. He slowly raises his head again, his empty glass eyes starring into yours. You nod to him. "I don't understand. How do I feel human emotions? I am not alive." You smile lightly, tilting your head and saying "that's what I'm trying to tell you. I think you're more human than you let yourself believe. You can feel emotion. You do feel emotion. You just have to let yourself experience it," He looks back down. "I'm not sure," he says, sadness in his voice. You nod and say "I'm not going to force you into anything you don't want to do. That's not what I want for you. But, I do want you to let yourself feel... however you truly feel. I don't want you to force yourself into being emotionless because that's what you think you have to be," He couldn't understand. He was a robot. A machine. He couldn't feel love. He couldn't feel emotion at all. Why did he feel... something toward you? Why did he feel anything in general?! What was going on?!

He ended up malfunctioning and you felt terrible afterward.


He expected you to ask him to get you something or ask about where something was, but when he actually heard what you said he choked on air. After about ten seconds of him trying to catch his breath he asked you to repeat yourself, and when you did he nodded slowly, his face reading pure, unbridled confusion. After a minute or so of confused silence, Maxwell finally said "okay, I'm sorry, but why!?" You couldn't help but laugh at this. He continued "You hate me? You have since you got to this hell hole! You told me yourself!" You gave your best explanation for whatever the hell lead to you liking him. After your monologue, he just stared at you. Eventually, he broke down into laughter. "God, and to think I'd convinced myself there was no way you'd ever even acknowledge me in a positive manner, let alone reciprocate my feelings!" You perked up at this. "You... feel the same way?" You asked. He nods, his expression still one of shock and awe. You smile, snickering lightly and saying "I guess both of us made our assumptions, huh?" The two of you laugh together, slowly, bit by bit, comprehending that the other reciprocated their feelings.

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