You are Revived

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This chapter contains mentions of death, descriptions of grief, and recovery from traumatic situations. Please proceed with caution.

This is a continuation of the last chapter. Ya know, the one where you died? Yeah that one lol

Also I'm pretty sure the Telltale Heart is immediate when you use it in game, but for dramatic effect we're gonna say it takes a hot minute to work.

It felt like you were in space. You couldn't see, hear, or feel anything, but you were conscious. A million thoughts ran through your mind. The last thing you remembered was being lost in the woods. You remembered being in pain. Horrible, agonizing pain. You were scared. You couldn't move. You wanted to figure out where you were, but you couldn't move. Everything was completely numb. That was, until you felt something in your chest. Movement. Beating. Your heart was beating. You could feel the blood pumping through your body, making its way to each of your limbs. What was happening to you? What was going on? You felt something else in your chest. A pain. It started as a dull ache, but it expanded. Your chest felt tight. Your head started to hurt. It felt like it was going to explode. Then your eyes shot open and you took in a deep heavy breath, shooting up from the mat you were resting on. Your mouth and throat were painfully dry. The light was blinding. Your sides hurt. your shoulder hurt. Everything hurt. Your head was throbbing. You weren't fully conscious when you noticed someone beside you. You were cold. Looking down to your body, you saw several bandages wrapped around your body, your shirt (missing/changed) and your pants traded out for thin, loose fitting shorts, most likely for easy access to all of your wounds, all covered in a large patchwork blanket. It took you a while to comprehend what was going on before you could tell that the person beside you was:


He jumped up when he heard you gasp, watching your eyes shoot open as you regained consciousness. He waited for you to take everything in before cautiously calling your name in as quiet a voice he could muster under his joy. You groggily look over to him, seeing his face as a semi recognizable blur. As your vision cleared, you slowly open your mouth to speak and barely croak out "What happened?" He looked down, clearly hesitant to explain. He took in a deep breath and said "Try to stay calm, okay?" That already made everything worse. "Remeber how I told you we have methods of reviving people if need be?" Your eyes widened. "Did I-" you started, unable to spit out the rest of your question. He remains still and silent for a moment, before directing his melancholy gaze towards you and nodding. He takes your mostly uninjured hand in his and says "But it's okay, you're okay now!" He smiles, but his eyes tell you exactly how he really feels. Scared, sad, and tired. Well, to be fair, his slightly darker than normal eye bags tell you he's tired. You stare into space, trying to process the information you'd just been given. That numb, paralyzed feeling was death. He sighs, dragging you back out of your existential crisis, and says "I know how it feels. It's terrifying, but it's okay! Even if we don't have everything we need at the time, your spirit hangs on for a while, so we can revive you after months of being dead!" He was trying to help, but this almost felt like more assurance that you would have to go through that again. It was terrifying on its own before you knew you were dead, but it would only be worse if you knew. Wilson puts his free hand on your uninjured shoulder and says "it's okay... I won't let that happen to you again," You lock eyes with him, noticing not only that tears were welling in your own eyes, but his as well. You try to swallow your anxiety, nodding to him.


When you locked eyes with her, she smiled and said "Morning, sleeping beauty," Her voice was hoarse, her eyes were droopy, and the room smelled of smoke. Your throat was in agonizing pain, but you managed to croak out "What happened?" She cleared her throat and said "You... you were attacked by those shadow monster things. They'd gotten you pretty good when I found you," You nod, letting out the breath you'd unintentionally been holding. You squeak out "I had a weird dream," looking down to your bandaged hands. "I couldn't move, I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't see..." Her smile falters at this description and she shakily sputters "Sounds like a nasty case of sleep paralysis," You look at her, a little confused. (You had some experience with sleep paralysis, and/You had never experienced sleep paralysis, but) this didn't seem like what you knew it as. But you trusted Willow. She'd been here longer than you, she knew how things worked around here. Maybe this place made sleep paralysis effect people differently, or maybe this was just another kind you didn't know about. Whatever the case, you were glad it was over with. Willow smiles at you one last time, then says "You should get some rest... some more I mean. Those things really did a number on you, and you need all you can get," You agreed, you were still exhausted, but... what if you experienced the thing again, whatever it was. You nod to her, but ask "Could you stay in here with me? Wake me up if something's wrong?" She nods and says "Of course, I'll be right here," You nods to her and lay back down. Your stomach hurt. She wanted to tell you the truth, but she didn't want to scare you anymore than you must've already been. She was miserable knowing about how death worked in this hellscape, and she didn't want you to be miserable too. She wanted you to be happy. Well, as happy as someone could be in this place. She stayed with you while you slept your injuries off, and made sure to keep you company throughout your entire recovery.

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