You Have a Nickname for Them

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Still trying to make up for the angst train I put you guys through before, so have a wholesome story that could be taken platonically or romantically!

The basic premise of this chapter is I'm gonna list of a couple nicknames I can think would fit the character, some more practical and some more goofy, so you can pick and choose which ones you'd want to call them, then there's a story of how each character responded to the nickname. Note, for the names I'm literally just writing down whatever I can think of, no matter if they make sense or not, and I'm going for a "one-size-fits-all" approach to the story, so they may not fit perfectly with each nickname, but we're gonna go with it :]

Sorry for the long note, enjoy!


Wil, Mr. Dr. Professor, Higgsbury, Einstein, Frankenstein, Evil Genius, Smartass

You were talking to him while he was trying to work, so he wasn't paying much attention. You probably called him by that nickname about four times before he even noticed (despite the fact that he responded to it every time). When he did, he looked at you, raised one eyebrow, and asked "Did you just call me (nickname)?" When you respond in the affirmative, he kind of chuckles and goes back to what he was doing. He doesn't always respond to it, not because he doesn't like it, just because he's not used to being called any sort of nickname.


Also Wil, Arsonist, Fire Starter, Sparky, FireFighter, Pyromaniac, Charcoal

She notices immediately, and after you finish whatever you were saying she repeats it in a quizzical tone. When you confirm it, she bursts into a  fit of laughter. After she calms down a bit she wipes away a tear and says "that's great," You keep calling her that. She still giggles a little anytime you do.


Wen, Wednesday, Ouija Board/Planchette, Spooky, Ghosty, Little Sister

She doesn't acknowledge it at all. She responds to it, she just never remarks. You continue to call her that, but she... never really remarks. The closest you got was when Webber overheard and asked about it. She confirmed that that what you called her, and moved on. So... at least you know she's aware of it? I guess?


Web, Webby, Spider, Muffet, Peter Parker (he doesn't get this reference), Little Brother

He. LOVES. It. He giggles anytime you call him by his nickname, and parades it around with pride. You even caught him writing it in the dirt with a stick when he was bored once. He's adorable.


Scar Buddy, Wesley, Marcel Marceau, Mime Time, Stripes, Balloons, French Guy (you don't actually know if he's French or not, but nobody's corrected you sooo)

The first time you called him that, he perked up and stared at you as if you'd just said the most shocking thing he'd ever heard. You smiled nervously, a bit worried you accidentally offended him in some way, until you saw a big goofy grin spread across his face. He almost looked a bit sheepish. Ever since he's responded to that name as if it was his birth name. (which, I mean, idk Wesley might be his birth name...)


Mrs. Librarian, Some form of Grandma, Some form of Mom, Nurse, Alchemist, Magician

She simply gave a small chuckle in response. You don't call her that very regularly, but when you do she always smiles.


WX, R2-D2 (again, he doesn't understand the reference), Tin-Can, Robo, Screws, Steampunk, Robotic Overlord

"WHY DID YOU CALL ME THAT???" He asked, no, he demanded. "(nickname)?" You repeated. After he nods, you grin and say "(it's cute/it's funny/it fits you/idk)" After that he never directly confirmed or denied that he liked or disliked the name, he just questioned why fleshlings had such confusing methods of referring to one another. He did respond to it though, if that tells you anything.


Max, Maxy, Dumbass, Shadow Man, Magician,

He insists that he despises it. So of course you have never called him by anything else since. He groans and rolls his eyes anytime you call him by that name, but you swear, you swear you saw him smile once. He didn't think you were looking, and he denies it to no end, but after he grumbled about it being a stupid name you saw a small smile spread across his face. He only responds to it if you call him that, anyone else tries it and they get whatever's closest chucked at their head, which is hysterical.


Shadow Wizard Money Gang (he genuinely hates that one with a passion but now everyone calls him that)

Short chapter wooo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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