They Comfort you Through a Panic Attack

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This chapter contains descriptions of the reader having a panic attack, plus the various characters trying to comfort them. Please proceed with caution.

No. No no no nonononono NO! Not again! Fear took over any and all functions as you spun around in the woods, your final torch hissing in a threat to go out. You were lost, scared, and alone in the woods. In the dark. Someone had lost the Eyebone the last time the camp was chased away by the hounds, and you had offered to go out looking for it. It was still light out when you left, just around noon. You'd only packed two torches, both already partially burned, not planning on being out past dusk. Your breathing quickened as you tried your best to shield the last few embers on your torch until you got back to camp. You jogged down the path you swore led back to camp, despite the miles you'd walked in both directions and around the perimeter. You scream for help, tears already slowly falling down your cheeks. Then, with one swift flow of the wind, your torch was out.

You froze in place. You couldn't see. Even worse, you felt like you couldn't breathe. Your chest was tight, and only growing tighter. The world felt like it was closing in on you, and you did the only thing you could think of and burst into a sprint. Your throat was dry, and your breath was thin and wheezy as you threw down the useless torch. You didn't make it far, unable to keep a steady breath long enough to keep going. You let out another scream for help, though it came out as more of a raspy wheeze. Taking in as much air as you could, you tried for another spurt of running, only making it another few feet before falling to your knees. The cold air hit your cheeks, wet with salty tears that flowed down to your neck and soaked the collar of your shirt. You took in as deep of a breath as you could and let out another attempt at a scream for help, this one louder and shriller than the last. It hurt your already sore throat, but you knew dying to the hands of those monsters would be much, much worse.

Monsters you could feel watching you. Creeping closer. Breathing down your neck. About to go in for the kill.

Then you saw a glimmer of hope. A small shimmer of light in the distance. Someone was out there. Someone was looking for you. You wrench your head upwards toward the light and pick yourself up, barely making it before a hiss passes by your ear and something slashes at your side, causing you to let out a scream of pain and fear. You stumble to your feet and make a dash towards the light. "Over here!" you scream raspily, taking in a breath. Your chest only kept growing tighter, it was getting harder to breathe. You held your side as you tried to run, warm blood pooling in your palm. In the distance, you saw the blurry orb of light surrounding a silhouette of one of your fellow survivors. You felt another slash at your shoulder, this one running from the base of your neck to the curve of your shoulder, causing another raspy screech of pain to emanate from you, only temporality interrupting the gasps for air and whines between fearful sobs. You tried to sprint toward the light, another shadowy claw grasping and narrowly missing your leg. You dash forward and the silhouette becomes clearer. Your vision was still blurred from the tears spilling from your eyes and the light streaks in your vision. The pain in your chest and throat was the least of your worries as you collapsed into the arms of:


"[name]!" He calls out, "What happened to you?! Are you okay?" You wanted to assure him that you were alight now, but you couldn't speak. You open your mouth and a raspy wheeze is all that comes out. The light was supposed to help you. Why were you still so panicked? You couldn't breathe. Your throat hurt, you were cold, you were shaking, you were scared. "[name], look at me," Wilson said, his free arm wrapped around your waist. "Take a deep breath and tell me what happened," You tried to take a breath, but it came in rigid, choppy gasps. You still couldn't talk. He waited patently while you tried to catch your breath, but after around five minutes of nothing but hoarse wheezing, Wil put his free hand in your shoulder and said "Come on, lets get you back to the camp. You can tell me what happened then," You wipe away more tears, nodding carefully as you do so. He moves his arm to wrap around your shoulders, holding you close beside him, careful to avoid touching the slash across your shoulder. He could feel you shaking. He felt awful for you, but he had to remind himself for not to get distracted. He needed to focus on getting you back to the campsite and getting you cleaned up. He tried to keep his eyes forward focused on getting you back to the path that led back to the site.

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