They get hurt

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A story requested by  @Tommyvercaty231
I hope you like it!!! :]
Plus I'd just like to mention that my writing this was inspired by BrainBlister and they do an amazing job with these stories, especially their chapter about this topic. 100% go check them out!!!

You were organizing the chests at the camp, waiting for the small group that left to gather supplies to return. You were in the middle of separating out the different kinds of minerals and ores when one of the groups came rushing back, one of the trio carrying a small back of materials while one of the other two held cloth to their side, their face contorted in pain. You quickly jumped up to ask what was wrong, and the one with the material bag called "Incident with a tall bird," the injured on sitting down on the stump closest to you around the fire. You move to get a better look and take in a sharp inhale at the sight. There were three large gashes across their side, perfectly parallel, the middle one a bit longer and deeper than the one on either side. The person who hadn't been carrying the materials says "You should head to the medical tent," and the injured person nods in response, heading into the tent. Wickerbottom was out in another group gathering supplies as well (except in her story obv), so you took a step back and looked to the other two. As if they read your mind, they said "Can you help them, [name]?" You turn back to the person, now sitting in the med tent back to holding the cloth to their side, and think I've watched Wickerbottom help people enough, I can figure out how this works... and head into the medical tent.


He instantly made eye contact with you. "Ah, [name], what a relief," he chimes. "Relief?" You ask, looking up at him slightly. He nods, glances at the tent Willow and Maxwell went into, and says "I'd rather you help me with this than either of them," You raised both eyebrows and tilted your head a bit. Honestly, you took that as a compliment. "Ehm..." you hummed. "okay, first things first, I guess take off your shirt? Or just... move it? I don't know, I need to get to the wound," He nods and unbuttons his vest and undershirt, moving the left of it to the side so you could get to the gashes. You let out a small hiss of secondhand pain and glance around the room, looking for the next step. "Water," you mumble, searching for anything. "Aha!" You shout, finding a small container of fresh(?) water and grab a clean(?) cloth. Turning back to Wilson, you said "This might sting," while you moved his shirt a bit more. You wiped away the blood from around his injury, him letting out a hiss of pain. Instinctively, you wince away and ask "Are you okay?" He nods and says "just... sensitive." You nod and say "If it's too much let me know," He nods, and say's "It'll be okay, just... just go ahead," You nod and reach up to dab at it again, he winces and you look up. "Wilson, I haven't even touched it." he glances at you and says "Anticipation," you nod and say "Alright," before putting the cloth down and picking up the salve. You barely brush your finger across his side when he winces again, and you sigh. This is gonna take a while.


You gotta give her props, she can keep a calm face for anything, even if her body language was spelling out a completely different story. So while you were cleaning out her wound, applying the salve, and bandaging her up, she kept a natural smile on her face, but her winces and the cracks in her voice made you feel even worse than if she'd flat out started crying. Her shoulders were tense and she'd have to stop talking every once in a while to take in a deep breath and calm herself down. She even wiped away tears a couple times. You know for a fact that Wickerbottom was way WAY better at this than you were.


She didn't say a word the entire time. She didn't react at all! You were trying to figure out if she was even still conscious. She was breathing and blinking, so she was at least still functioning. She wouldn't respond to anything you said. When you ended up trying to work through the gashes in her shirt from the attack, she didn't react to the wet cloth. She didn't wince when you applied the salve. You couldn't get the bandages on over her shirt, so you just gave up after the salve. "Alright, I guess you're done," you said, and she nodded and stood up, walking out of the tent. It honestly startled you. She'd stayed completely still for the entire thing, then just up and left as soon as you said she was done. Confused, and a little concerned, you just wiped the rest if the salve off of your hands and stepped out. When you did you couldn't even see where she went. What the heck was with that kid? Sometimes she really freaked you out.


His pained expression hurt you so deeply, you didn't know what to do. You did your best to be slow and careful, but you inevitably ended up unintentionally hurting him a little. This poor boy, he was on the brink of tears the entire time. Hell, you nearly started crying for him. You were so tempted to find that tall bird specifically just to beat the shit out of it. The salve went on carefully, and thick. Probably a bit too thick, but you wanted to make sure he was okay in the end. After letting the stinging go away, you wrap the bandages around his waist and immediately give him a hug, apologizing for hurting him. He made sure you knew it was okay. Every time you apologized, he forgave you ten-fold. The two fo you spent an hour in there, an only ten minutes of it was you actually fixing up his injury. The other fifty was just the two of you talking, mostly apologizing back and forth.


As he tried to pull off his shirt, you realized how low of a pain tolerance he has. It took him about five minutes to get it over his scratch, and you knew it was gonna be difficult. You grab the cloth and water, and say "I'm going to clean it off now, alright?" He deflates a bit and silently sighs before nodding. You reach up to touch the cloth to his side and he recoils away. You move your hand back, and he moves back to normal posture. You reach out again, and he recoils again. You look at him, and his eyes are still closed. What? You move your hand closer, and he kept pushing himself away. What? You kept moving until he couldn't move any farther away from you, and as soon as you ever so slightly brushed the gashes, he fell over. You jumped up, and tried to catch him, barely grabbing his shoulders. He was out cold.......How had he made it this far in this world?!


You walk in to see her already having the salve on her side, rolling a role of bandages around her waist. She looks up to you and asks "Oh, is there a problem, dear?" You shake your head no and say "No I just... I just thought you might need me help but I guess not," She smiles and says "Very thoughtful of you to offer a hand, but I've been doing this for years," a nervous ping hits your gut as you nod and say "Well, if you're okay, I guess I'll just... go back to sorting the materials," She nods and says "Thank you, dear," you nod with a smile and head back out to sit down, but instead of actually sorting you just stared at the ground. Years? ..........YEARS?!


Yeah that thing about watching Wickerbottom enough to be able to help? Doesn't apply here. You had absolutely no clue what the hell to do. WX seemed to sense this when you say down beside him. "[NAME]! KINDLY KEEP AWAY FROM ME!!!" You stood up and put both hands up in surrender. "Alrighty then" you say, going back to what you were doing. You knelt back down next to the piles of ores and minerals and went back to sorting.

Wait did he say "kindly?"


He grumbles, crosses his arms, and avoids eye contact as you ask "You need some help?" He huffs and says "Only because that stupid bird put it's nest in the stupidest location ever." You smile and say "Alright, alright, well let me see," He pulls his shirt up just enough to show you the three gashes. You nod and say "That's nasty," He turns his head away and says "Just get this over with." You raise one eyebrow and say "Alright," Still not exactly fond of him, you grab the salve, look from the small container to the gashes across this wimps side, and press down a little too hard. "owowOwOWOWOW!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!" You pull your hand away and say "Jeez, calm down! I'm just applying the salve?!" He jerks away and says "You know what your doing!" You cross your arms and growl "Do you want my help or not?!" He growls, then looks away and says "Just do it." You grin and do the exact same thing over again, causing him to scream in pain.  Over and over. Once your done, he doesn't even pull his shirt down all the way before storming out of the medical tent, you follow after, trying not to laugh too obviously.

This was honestly not a very good job on my part, but I have a couple big chapters coming up that I'm distracted by. Once I finish with those I might come back and edit this to make it cleaner and.... generally better.

Sorry about that! Hope you're having a good day/afternoon/night/whatever!!!

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