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three muscly figures stand up and head onto the stage.

a whistle comes from around the front of the seats, and the boys bow in response, winking. laughs scatter around the room. 

"no sexual activity huh? how will i be able to resist." i exclaim sarcastically.

"you won't, that's the thing. i guess there will be some rule breaks..." Kol says cheekily, as he fist bumps Levi. i roll my eyes.

"we're just too hot to handle." Levi snickers.

"huh, yeah right." a girl with jet black hair says out loud. 

"iz, you know you're lying." he says to the girl.

"okay, now settle down." the headmaster says.

a crowd of 1st years get called up to the front and get told their houses.

"Hayley Díez, would you like to come forward, you will be in Hendrix house."

a girl with blondish hair stands up, flips it back and struts towards the front of the theatre. i see all the guys drooling over her, i roll my eyes. she whips past Headmaster Edward and stands in the group behind Ace.

"gosh, i dunno how i'm going to go by a whole year not having any sexual activity." she says, looking at her nails.

"that's enough Hayley. Mya Taylor, you are in Cartier house." 

"yes!" i hear a girl shout. 

"someone has a little crush on mr cartier." i say, "you better watch out there Levi!" 

that mya girl rolls her eyes. she has wavey brunette hair, brown eyes, freckles, she's not that bad to be honest, but she seems like a right bitch. she walks past me.

"i don't like little games, Levi's mine." she snaps.

i laugh out loud and everyone looks at me. "that was so funny, oh my god." i exclaim.


"just that you think i like Levi! no offence." i say to him.

"none taken." Levi says, shrugging his shoulders.

"and that you think he'd like you. oops, embarrassing..." i say, looking her up and down. she huffs and everyone laughs. she walks up to the stage and stands behind Levi, death staring me the whole time, i do the same and she looks away.

another group of students get called up, then...

"Isobel Garcia," i saw that name on the athletics sign up sheet, "could you come up to the front, you will be in Cartier house with Levi."

i look around the theatre for someone to stand up. a black haired girl stands up from a couple rows behind me and walks down to the stage, a beaming smile on her face. she gets up to the stage and hugs that Levi guy, she must have a crush on him. 

"you just can't stay away from me can you." he says to her.

"shut up, it's my fault you can't resist me." she says, shrugging her shoulders.

"quiet." headmaster Edward snaps. he's getting pissy.

more and more students get called up, me one of the last students left. i sigh, when...

"Alyssa Dior, can you please come up to the stage now, you are in Danté house." i roll my eyes when i hear which house i'm in, Kol's, ugh. i stand up, look around the theatre then walk over to the front. i hear whispers around me but ignore them.

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