First Period: Drama 1

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hay and i walked down the crowded corridor after grabbing our bags and timetables from our dorm, we passed a no smoking sign, what headmaster edwards had specifically told us not to do, i looked at hay raising an eyebrow, she nodded and i smiled back. that was basically, you got the cigars and shit but without words.

the clock infront of us said that we were 5 minutes late, good, all the attention on us, just how i like it, we pushed to door open and i walked in ahead of hayely.

"girls, so happy you have finally made it! tough journey?" she fake smiled sarcastically, i heard loads of whistles from the room, i twirled a strand of my straight black hair on my index finger.

"yeah, extremely, funnily enough seeing you is the toughest part of the journey yet" i gasped sarcastically then smiling.

"holy shit"

"they are hot"

"i heard that hayely girl's a player though"

"Still hot"

"uhm skirts a bit too high"

hay and i saw many eyes look us up and down,  hatter filled the room, some didn't even look at our faces they were so invested in our breasts, i laughed at the thought and went to sit at the back of the room with hayely, lev saved me a space next to him. ace rolled his eyes as hayley sat down, the seating plan was ace on the far left, levi, me then hayely, i realised that hayely didn't want to sit near ace, there wasn't room for alyssa either so we decided to go to the other side of the classroom at the back where there were 4 spare seats, haye;y sat down, then i did.

a loud chatter of noise started.

"u alright?" i asked hay.

"yeah no i'm fine just really mad" she said poking her head out next to me to look at the boys.

i faced towards her. "ace is a dick okay, but he tried to protect you"

"for fuck sake why does everyone think i need saving" she groaned unbareabley.

i looked over to see levi staring at me. i narrowed my eyes.

he had no emotion in his face, nothing at all, i sighed turning back round to face hayley who had her head on the desk.

"settle down class!" the teacher yelled. silence filled the room, "so you may be aware that we are in a classroom not the theatre, it's just so you get used to the enviroment and aren't too nervous about everything, this lesson is a double so we will have half an hour up here and 1 hour and a half down in the theatre, my name is miss Anderson and i will be teaching you all drama, thank you miss diaz and garcia for interrupting my lesson as well"

"your welcome" hayley smiled causing me to giggle, people around the room in front of us turned around to smile at hayley.

"okay so this week-" before miss Anderson could say anymore, the door swung open to reveal alyssa and kol laughing as they walked in close together.

they looked around the room smiling. "is this the part where we are told off, cus i'd appreciate if you hurried that up juuusstt a lil, your wasting my time already" alyssa smiled fakely walking towards us not letting miss anderson say anything, kol went to sit next to lev and ace and lys came to sit with us.

"hey lys" i smiled.

"we have loadss to fill you in on" hayley laughed,

"Oh boy so do i" alyssa added, hanging her jumper on the back of her chair.

we smiled and turned to face the front.

"GIRLS" Miss Anderson yelled once again "For the amillionth time, set-tle  down" she rolled her eyes and i got out my phone from under the table.

i opened it up to see that levi was typing on instagram.

i smiled and opened the message, before i read the text i peaked over to him, he was holding the phone under the table and looking front, still having the chat open on his phone. i looked back at mine and read it

yeah so basically, alyssa, kol and ace mayyy know about the kiss? don't freak out.

my hand flew to my face covering my mouth. i was shocked he told them because of how much of a player he is.

me: how tf did they find out

levi: may have slipped out when we were talking about you

me: you were talking about mee

levi:don't flatter yourself ugly

me: thanks dickhead

levi: girls for the amillionth time s e t t l e e d o w wnn n n n

i started laughing quietly at his text when i lifted my head up and miss anderson's eyes were glued to mine.

"miss garcia, mr cartier, phones.." she hesitated holding her hand out making me and him laugh even more. "NOW!" she yelled, i scooted my chair back, ace was laughing, so was alyssa and hayley, "I HAVEN'T GOT ALL DAY"

Levi and i smiled at each other as we walked close together placing our phones on the desk, we turned around to walk back

me and levi started mimicking her, the class could see but she couldn't as she was now behind us.

everyone started laughing..

we sat back down to see she had written our names on the board.

"Ahh what is she gonna do, detention?" i gasped sarcastically remaining a quiet voice to alyssa and hayley.

"uh ohh" lys laughed

"imagine having detention" hayley whispered sarcastically causing me and lys to laugh.

"right, i think that is enough interrupting for one day, everyone please take the scripts at the end of your tables, there should be 4 on each" miss anderson snapped taking hers off her desk.

lys took 3 and handed one to me and hay.

i looked at the title of the script, it read Genres..

"i want you all to pair up, think about who you have a comfortable friendship with" miss anderson beamed picking up a black beanie. "inside this hat are many pieces of paper with different genres on, whichever one you pick out will be the genre of the short play you will be performing to the class, choose your pairs please."

everyone started chatting, i looked at hay, then to lys.

"uhhhh" hayely gritted her teeth.

"guys don't worry about it, i'll go with kol, him and i had a good laugh last night" lys smiled walking over to kol.

i laughed facing hayely "that saved an awkward conversation"

hayely laughed grabbing her hairbrush from her bag and brushing her hair.

ace and levi walked over to me and hayely and sat down, i turned around.

"mind if we sit here? me n ace thought those two needed some 'privacy'" levi smirked scooching his chair closer to mine. i rolled my eyes turning my head to hayely, she shrugged her shoulders and faced the front.

i turned back round to face levi "Whatever, just don't be annoying" i grinned.

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