First Period: Drama 2

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"okay i see most of you have found a partner, now could one of you come to the front as i call your row" miss anderson yelled nodding to the first row, two people stood up from each side of the classrom, the 4 of them stood in a line and picked out a piece of paper from the hat.

"i'll go" hayely smiled.

"ok cool"

"iz r you going up or is hayley" lev whispered.

"hay" i said confused, he turned to face ace next to him.

"mate you go up when she calls our row" lev said

"alrigh" ace said unbothered. i rolled my eyes, of course he wanted to stay with me.

finally, our row was called.

there were only kol and lys on the other side and me hayely, levi and ace on the other, kol stood up and walked infront of hayley.

kol reached his hand into the hat and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Fuck" he said,not even aware the teacher was standing right infront of him.

"language dante!" she rolled her eyes writing his name on the board.

"oo watcha get" i yelled.

he turned around "fucking romance"

levi laughed "go on"

i looked over at alyssa who had her head in her hands frustrated. i smiled.

hay took out a piece of paper and opened it

"betrayalll" hayley laughed walking up to me and sitting back down, i laughed.

"okay last but not least, ace theres one more piece of paper" miss anderson smiled shoving the hat infront of him, ace took the paper, once he opened it he imidiately groaned.

"your havin a laugh" he sighed not turning around.

"naaa mate i swearr" levi said putting his hand on my thigh, under my skirt a little.

"bro we got fucking romance" ace laughed.

the whole classroom burst into laughter. whistles came from everyone

"this is going to be interesting" i laughed nudging hayley.

"verryyyy interesting" hay grinned.

"na fuck this" ace sighed sitting back down.

"okay everyone, i am going to give you 1 hour to come up with a 5 minute play, in this hour i want you to create a stoyline, think of your characters names and personalities, and rehearse it, everyone will be performing the drama peices to the entire class down in the theatre!" miss anderson smiled sitting down and drinking her coffee.

everyone got up and moved around the classroom.

it was loud in the classrom due to everyone talking over eachother.

"attention class," miss andrews shouted"just to let you all know, the scripts that i have made for you are just templates, feel free use them if you get a little stuck and please please please do not copy them, now get to your actinggg"

the chatter rised again.

me and hayely went to the back corner of the classroom and sat down.

"so, i was thinking" i said flipping my hair behind my shoulder. "how about, you betray me by hmmmm. oo.. kissing my boyfriend"

hayely gasped "that's perfecttt,you can get all pissy at mee"

"sounds goodd, should we keep our names instead of new ones?" i suggested.

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