Chapter 1

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"Get up or you'll be late," my father yanks the sheets off my body making me shiver, and walks back out of my room.

I rub my eyes slowly waking up. I get dressed and walk into the kitchen.

"Took you long enough," my father smacks the back of my head and I stumble. Damn it that hurt," get to school."

I rush to grab my bag and run out the door. I don't want to be in that house any longer than I have to. I meet Shoto at the end of the street and we walk to school in silence. Both of us got in on recommendations and ended up in the same class. I just have to remember what my father told me right after I got accepted in.

"Y/n you will do whatever it takes to make your brother look better. He will soon surpass me and accept my power to.  Do you understand?" He held onto my shoulder.

"Yes sir," I respond with no emotion running through my voice. I'm not surprised by this. He insists to remind me that Shoto is always going to be more powerful than I am.

"Good girl."

~end flashback~

We make it to school and I can't help but stare in awe, it's amazing," N/n, are you coming," I was dragged back into reality by Shoto's voice.

I run up to him," I'm coming, Iceman," we head inside together.

Why is the door so big? I don't understand. A kid with green hair is standing in front of the door muttering to himself, most likely whether or not to go in. I was about to say something when he pushes open the door. The kid seemed to freeze in fear looking at two people. One looks like a prick while the other looks like a bully. He had his feet up on the desk, a bored look on his face, while the other kid was scolding him. I turned my attention back to the kid who was still blocking the doorway. I tap his shoulder.

"Hey could you move please?" He yelped at my touch and jumped out of the way apologizing.

"I'm sorry," he bowed," by the way I'm Izuku Midoriya."

"I'm Y/n Todoroki, nice to meet you," I give him a small smile and the prick looking kid comes up with another girl appearing beside Midoriya. The take this as my cue to leave.

I scan the seat options. Looks like everyone is basically seated, even Shoto. There are two seats left: one behind the spiky haired kid and a seat by the window. Well midoriya seemed scared of the spiky kid so I'll sit behind the spiky-haired one to save him some trouble. After a little bit the teacher showed up interrupting the conversation Midoriya and the girl were having. He seems kinda bland not gonna lie.

"It took you 8 seconds to all be quiet. Time we shouldn't waist," he said in a bored tone," I am your teacher Mr. Aizawa."

Oh I know him. His hero name is Eraser Head. He can temporarily take someone quirk just by looking at them.

"Today we will see what you quirks can do. Put these on," he held up our gym clothes.

Great, now I get to see everyone look at me like I have something  growing out of my face. It's a normal thing for people to see my quirk as a villains one. With its blue color and it being fire. Always being told I could never be a hero just cause of the way my quirk looks and works.


I step in the circle. I haven't used my power yet but I've done significantly well. I just won't be the top in the class. But throwing isn't my strong suit. I guess it's time to throw with my power.

I get ready in my stance I easily call the fire doing my best not to destroy the ball. Then I throw it with all my force, pushing the ball forward. My hand has the familiar burn like always. The flames so hot they even burn me. I look at Aizawa and he has no change in his facial features. He hold up his device. 706 meters. It's not too bad.

I turn around and everyone has the same face. Looking at my hand, then back at my face. They look scared, shocked. Then my eyes land on Bakugo. That's his name right? At least that's what Mr. Aizawa called him. He had the look of complete anger on his face.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET FARTHER THAN ME EXTRA," he yelled at me and I'm completely shocked.

No, you're a freak, you have a villains quirk. It even burns you.


"Bakugo be quiet, Midoriya your turn," I go back in line with Bakugo glaring daggers at me.

Everyone seemed to take a step away from me. Why wasn't he scared or at least shocked. Everyone else was. I feel my shoulder get nudged and I look over.

"You need to get the nurse to heal your hand," Shoto says taking my hurt hand in his making me wince in pain," it's worse than usual."

It is worse than usual. More black and less red. I guess I tried harder than I thought.

"I'll go after class," I say taking my hand back.

I hear Bakugo yell out and I look over. He started charging at Midoriya. Without even thinking I shot flames out in front of him making him jump back.


"There is no need to charge at him like that," I say and I take down my flames. My hand throbbing more now.

"Everyone I lied when I said that the last person would be expelled."

"WHAT," the class says in unison.

"You couldn't tell he was bluffing," a girl with black hair tied up in a pony tail says.

I scan over the list. I got tenth not terrible. Surprised I didn't do worse. Oh looks like Midoriya is in last. Well he got lucky. I wince at a sudden throb in my hand.

"Y/n, head to recovery girl, you too, Midoriya," Aizawa tells us and we walk away.

"Thank you y/n." Midoriya mumbled next to me as we walked down the hallways.

"No problem, broccoli boy," I smile.

"Broccoli boy?" He says exasperated and I giggle," you had to choose the worst vegetable really."

"It's not the worst to me," I say patting him on the back.

Recovery girl heals me up quickly and I head back to class where Shoto was waiting," you ready?"

"Yeah I guess," I say.

It wasn't a terrible first day. I just don't want to go home to Father. Who knows what he has planned for us.

Thank you guys for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also this won't exactly follow the story line considering I can't remember exactly what happens.

Word count:1200

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