Chapter 7

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"Time for another day" I sigh. I get up, put on a Star Wars T- shirt ( yes I am a big fan), and a pair of black leggings. I guess you could say, today's kind of my lazy day.

I skip my breakfast, not feeling too well about this whole Katherine situation.

Eventually, I get into my car and pull into the parking lot of my school.

Walking into the building, I pass by my old teacher who greets me with a smile. I smile back, remembering how I was her favorite student.

I unpack my books at my locker, and head to class.

I spend the whole home economics period thinking. How can I possibly help Katherine? Especially since I cant even get her to talk to me. This is pointless...why do I even need to do this? Whoever is doing this to me needs to knock it off.

I already have homework, my friends,  and Jake to worry about. I know it doesn't seem like much, but Jake really takes a lot of worrying.

I anaylze the information I have.

Heres what I know. She's in my chemistry class and we have the same birthday. Thats it.

I must admit, its pretty sad I only know that about her and I've known her for 8 years.

I try and think harder.

I only think of one more thing. In second grade, she stole my pencil. Okay, thats pointless information but I thought I might as well include it.

Chemistry finally comes around and I sit in the seat right next to Katherine.

"Ugh what do you want from me," she growls at me.

"I was-uh nothing," I say.

"Whatever," she scoffs. See what I mean? This chick hates me.

I try starting a conversation with her a couple of times but she just cuts me off. So, I decide to take a different approach.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I ask. I know right...not my best idea.

"You dont remember what you did?" she asks.

I simply reply "no."

"Third grade, Mrs.Patterson's class. Jake was my best friend, until you came around. I had a huge crush on him. And you just took him away from me like it was no big deal. Ive hated you ever since."

Wow...Im such a jerk. I can believe I did that to her without even saying sorry or realizing. I need to fix this now. "Im really sorry..I didnt even- I mean I didnt- like- Im just really sorry. I didnt realize I took him from you..." my voice trails off.

She doesnt say anything for a while but finally she says," I guess it's fine." 

" about we start all over?" I ask.

"On one condition." she says.

"Which is?...."

"You promise not to do it again."



I introduce myself and she does the same. Its almost like were meeting each other for the first time. And let me tell you, it feels good to finally have a normal conversation with someone who's been coming at your neck for years.

But wait. I still dont know how to help her. What am I suppose to do? I think about for a couple minutes until the bell rings.
                 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lunch comes by sooner than I thought, and I sit next to Jake like usual. I can tell he's looking at me but Im not in much of a talking mood.

"Whats wrong, Ariana?" he asks. I cant resist, I look at his sea-green eyes knowing I can trust him. I wish I could tell him about the letter, about why he was hurt, about Katherine.

I resist for a second, but it doesn't last long before I make up my mind.

I need to tell him everything.

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