Chapter 2

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I cautiously open the envelope. Inside is a picture of a girl I have seen around school and writing on a sheet of light blue paper.

I read it.   

Hello Ariana, you have been chosen to be one of my helpers. Each week you must complete the task given or you or someone you deeply love will be hurt. All of your tasks include making the people in your grade less insecure and more sure of themselves. These people are known as the forgotten ones. The first forgotten one is Alexa Eaton. Your job is to find out why no one knows her and help her make friends. You have one week to complete this task, good luck.

This is ridiculous, I think to myself. This cant be real, Im not doing it. Its just a prank. I put the letter in my backpack and head toward the front of the building. I look and see my mom parked in the front. I head towards the car, get in and slam the car door. "How was school sweetie?" my mom asks. "Fine" I respond. I dont want her knowing about the letter....not until I find out who's behind this. In the back seat I hear my baby brother, Adam, crying and moaning. He does this a lot, so I dont bother stopping him.

For the most part, the car ride home is quiet. Except for the occasional sniffle of Adam. As soon as we pull into my driveway I run inside, not bothering to close the car door. My mom and Adam soon follow after me, and enter. After a long day, it feels so good to finally be home. Not feeling quite hungry, I head upstairs and change into sweatpants and lay under my burgundy covers.

I think about everything today. Mr. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Collins, Katherine, Jake, and the letter. What if the letters real? What if the forgotten ones actually do need my help? What do I do? Help them or not? No, this is just a joke, I reassure myself, this cant be true.

After about half an hour I knock out not willing to do my homework.

Finally, about two or so hours later, I wake up and go downstairs for a snack. My mom left for me cookies and milk like she usually does. I love her so much. I honeslty couldnt ask for a better mom.

I finish my cookies and milk and take a quick shower. Finally, I fall back asleep. I dream that I am invisible. That I am not seen by anyone, not even my own parents. And that whatever I do hurts those around me. It seems more like a nightmare than a dream to me.

When I wake up the sun is shining brighter than ever. I quickly get out of bed, brush my teeth, curl my hair and put on a red dress. I head downstairs and eat cornflakes with 2 percent milk and leave out the door. This time, my dad drives me. He has messy black hair and mean eyes with a crinkled forehead, nothing like his personality. He kisses my forehead and I proceed into school.
Before proceeding to class, I share a quick chat with Kate.
" Where's Jake? " I ask her
" I'm not really sure...did he text you last night?" she questions
" Uhm no."
" Maybe he's sick?"
" Maybe..." I say. And with that on my mind, I head to first period.

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