they find out you've done weed (or harder drugs)

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this was requested by CoreBore123

"babe, what's this?"
-he would get instantly worried
-he would want to help but he wouldn't know how to
-he looked it up on the internet and it just said to listen to what they say and to make sure to be there for him
-so that's what he did

"y/n, why do you have this?"
-he would let you rant to him about why
-he would throw it away and suggest something lighter, and then you would work your way up to nothing

"what's this, y/n. where did you get this, why do you have it?"
-you'd rant to him
-he'd listen very closely
-he'd hug you tightly after
-he honestly wouldn't know how to help so he would talk to his mom about it, not mentioning your name and just saying one of his friends is doing drugs and he doesn't know how to help, his mom told him to just be there for you and to listen to whatever you had to say, because it was important
-so he did just that

"baby. what's wrong, tell me. you can talk to me"
-he knew something was wrong by the look on your face when he found it and asked
-you explained to him why
-he listened while rubbing your back slowly and nodding his head, but unlike other people when they do that he was actually listening to what you had to say
-he'd say that you go to him whenever you feel the urge to do them again and he would try his best to distract you
-he actually had done them before so he didn't want to immediately try and make you quit because he knows that that's not how it works

"hey y/n, how did you get this?"
-she wouldn't be asking so she could get it but she'd be asking because she would want to beat their ass but once you stopped her you guys talked and she tried her best to help you out of it, and then eventually beating the ass of the person that gave it to you

"where did you get this from... asking for a friend"
-you'd tell her
-you guys would do it together
-but if it was harder drugs then she'd try to talk you out of it, and she wouldn't get mad because like robby she actually had done them before too

"sweetheart, do you wanna talk?"
-she'd be the closest listener out of everyone
-letting you finish your thoughts, and then somehow responding to each and everyone of them
-she would try to help by offering to take you to a therapist and when you refused that idea she would offer to be your therapist

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