011, the father

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  After her first class Reese walked over to her locker. Nancy going to the locker next to her. She closed Reese's locker and gave her a flair. Reese looked at the flair. "No." She shook her head at the girl. Nancy sighed dramatically. "Why not, you never come to party's it'll be fun!" She told the girl. Reese shook her head. "I can't, have a very busy night." She told Nancy.

  "Like what? Reading the shining again?" She laughed. "It's halloween, for me that means sitting on the couch and watching tons of scary movies with my mom until we fall asleep." She smiled. Then Nancy got picked up by Steve. She shrieked and he chuckled.

  "Oh, my god! Take those stupid things off." She told her boyfriend. "I missed you." He said while taking his sunglasses off. "It's been like an hour." Nancy said and shook her head. "Tell me about it." He kissed her.

  "Okay, okay, okay. god." She said as she broke the kiss. Nancy looked in the direction of the hallway seeing Jonathan walking away and then looking over at Reese who stood there a bit awkward. "There was no escaping for me. You two are kind of in front of my locker." She said and pointed over at the locker where Steve stood. He quickly moved away and Reese dumped a few books in her locker. "The party you're going." Nancy told Reese who already walked away.

  "Am not!" She yelled back slowly, beginning to hop around the rest of the hallway. "She's still a bit weird." Nancy said and Steve nodded. "Guess we'll have to life with that."


  After school Reese went home. In her own car which she was very proud of even though it looked like trash. The ride home was quiet seeming she didn't have music and no one sitting next to her. When she got home she walked over to her mom. "Hey hunny, you know i'm dating someone right?"

  Reese nodded shoving a cookie into her mouth. "He's gonna stay for dinner. You know so he can meet you." Jane said a bit nervous. "Why are you so nervous? He's just meeting me, not the queen." Reese chuckled.

  Jane sat down on the couch. "You're right." He sighed and quickly turned to her daughter again. "I feel like we never talk anymore." She told her daughter who walked into the living room sitting on a chair. "Mom. All we do is talk." She told her.

  "I know I just feel like I know nothing about you anymore. Tell me some secrets like when you were younger." Her mom said and layer her elbows on her knees her head resting on her hands. "I don't really have secrets." Reese shook her head slowly.

  "Not even boy stuff?" Jane asked her daughter who shook her head instantly. "There is boy stuff isn't there!" Reese quickly stood up from the chair. "No!" She walked away her mom following her. "Not even that cute guy from last year? With the good hair?" She asked fake sad.

  "Who steve? No, he's with nancy." Reese said while she sat down on her bed. Her mother quickly sitting in front of her. "I know most moms won't say this to their daughters, but I'm different. You need to go out some time soon!"

  Reese rolled her eyes. "No, I don't like party's. And on halloween we are going to do a scary movie marathon, don't forget that!" She said and lay down throwing her hand behind her head. "All right. Imma begin with dinner then." Her mother said and took off.


  When dinner was finally ready Reese went to the kitchen a guy sitting there. Reese sat on a chair slowly. "Uh, Reese this is Nate. Nate this is Reese." She introduced the two. Both of the adults seemed nervous. Jane set on a chair and started to eat.

  Dinner was mostly Nate talking about his life and his job, Reese was totally not interested in this man. He was annoying and had an ego bigger then Steve's hair. She didn't understand what her mom saw in this dude. After dinner Reese dumped her plate in the sink and walked away. "Reese wait." Jane stopped her. "We were waiting om telling you, but I think it's a good idea to tell you now."

  Reese frowned and walked back to the table. "What is it?" She asked frowning at both of the adults. "Reese. Nate is your father." Jane told Reese.

  The girl looked at her mom. "So you're telling me you're dating the asshole that left us?" She asked her mother her voice growing with anger. She didn't want this man in her house. "Reese—" Nate tried but Reese already had shoved his jacket into his hands. "You have to leave." She said her eyes growing watery. The man stood there not moving or saying a word.

  "Reese calm down." Jane tried even though she knew Reese wasn't gonna calm down. Thinking or even talking about her father was hard for reese. She needed him in her life but he was never there. "What? You expect me to welcome the asshole that left us with open arms?"

  Nate walked over to the girl pulling her with him into the hallway. "What the fuck?"

  "Listen I want nothing but for you guys too forgive me and be happy but that's gonna be hard when you don't stop acting like this." He told her a straight look at his face. "I'm not gonna forgive you, asshole. Get over it and leave me and my mother alone."

  "You don't talk to your father like that Reese Marie cooper." He said pointing at her in defense. Reese shook her head.

  "Oh, no. You don't get to go all fatherly on me when you've never been here." She said her voice breaking and her tears taking over. "You weren't there when I was born, or when I said my first word, or when I went to school for the first time. You were never there. Now don't expect me to forgive you and call you my father because, you are not my father." She said and she stormed of into her room slamming the door in his face and locking the door.

  She sat down against the door her face in her knees as she cried. She couldn't believe he actually tough she would forgive him.


let me know what you think of nate. should reese give him a chance


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