Title: One falling Asleep With Their head On The Others Lap
Once you're assigned to become one of the defenders for Earthrealmers, vacation may not be visible in their plans. Both the Shirai Ryu and Lin Kuei have been working hard to protect both theirs and Earthrealms. With both grandmasters starts their day with morning training, meetings and then going on with doing missions assigned by Raiden or the Special Forces, not they were complaining or anything but it's the least they could do and in return they were provided support and supplies.
Once done, usually returning by midnight or before, particularly the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, Kuai Liang was already trying hard enough to not sleep. Putting on the music device to make him stay awake as long as possible, thankfully it was not those tunes the kids listened to nowadays.
Slowly humming to the tune, not realizing his partner crept up on him from behind as he continued analyzing reports and pulled him away from the table. Kuai couldn't panic because he recognized those hands anywhere. "Hanzo, I need to finish the reports first, please".
"You do know tomorrow is our off day remember? Now you need to relax". Kuai whined as he felt himself getting dragged away from his workplace and suddenly, they were outside to catch some fresh air at the Fire Gardens. He pouted as he watched Hanzo who then hand him a cup of tea. "You need to learn to balance out the work life and other things as well. I have watched you work to the bone and not stopping anytime soon but you're already running out of energy and eyes looking like a panda".
Kuai just finished his cup of tea when he wanted to get uo but soon pulled down to Hanzo's lap. "What now? I can't rest Hanzo, your work is done, but mine isn't. With me training Cassandra and the others and then with our clans training, and missions, and then the –"
Hanzo decided to ignore him so he kept running hisfingers through the other man's hair and humming small tune, Kuai wanted to protestnow and then but he was slowly getting more and more, sleepy. Hanzo slowly smilingthat his plan was working and finally Kuai was asleep.
Subscorp (Scorpion x Sub Zero) Oneshots
FanfictionCredits to Mortal Kombat for introducing me this ship, I'm just gonna pretend that one chapter didn't happen in MK11 so anyways, enjoy! The language I be using is somewhat a bit modern than how they usually converse, I apologize in advance for it...