Chapter 9

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"...and then Uncle Wei," Jiang Cheng's head snapped up at the unfamiliar way his nephew just called Wei Wuxian and he had to hold back a smile. Jin Ling stubbornly refused to call his brother 'uncle' because of the death of his parents, even thought that had been cleared a long time ago. He felt a small prick of guilt, it was probably his fault in the first place for being so openly hateful towards everyone who as much as mentioned demonic cultivation, even more so towards the man who was its founder. Now finally, Jin Ling is also opening up to Wei Wuxian, that gremlin of his brother must be so over the moon with it.

Jin Ling continued to narrate his latest night hunt adventures: "...said that we should walk back. Can you believe that he cannot ride his sword too well? It was a shock to all of us actually. He does not know what he is missing out on."

Jiang Cheng scowled and his heart fell. So even after all those years and after cultivating a new golden core, Wei Wuxian was still too afraid to mound a sword. His brother had always directed the conversation elsewhere when it came to it and brushed off any offers of being carried by anyone else but Jiang Cheng had a distinct impression that he was truly terrified of flying. He could not be sure thought, it was not like Wei Wuxian would ever admit it to him, he only suspected from the look in his eyes whenever flying was mentioned. He did not know the true reason either.

"What an idiot..." Jiang Cheng said quietly, more to himself than to Jin Ling.

Nevertheless, his nephew understood his line of thoughts and reassured him: "It is fine thought, he had asked Hanguang-Jun to train with him a few days ago. He took Uncle Wei flying on Bishen and they were all lovey-dovey afterwards. I am sure he would learn in no time."

Jin Ling apparently did not understand the full extent of Wei Wuxian's condition but it was not Jiang Cheng's place to correct him. He only hummed in response, already thinking hard how exactly he could help his brother to conquer of his fear.

After only a few seconds, he came up with a perfect solution to both help his brother and prank him at the same time. Even though it would perhaps not be too kind on Wei Wuxian, however, he needed him to feel challenged. He hoped his brother would forgive him for this one. He would need the juniors' and Lan Wangji's help through, he did not want to face the Chief cultivator's wrath afterwards. He turned to Jin Ling and explained everything to him.

His nephew nodded enthusiastically and exclaimed: "Leave Hanguang-Jun to us, Uncle. You should prepare everything here."


Jiang Cheng had send the letter he had prepared for his brother, knowing it would reach him by morning tomorrow so if he flew on his sword, he would be in Lotus Pier by noon. He hoped that his plan would work and Wei Wuxian would not be too mad at him afterwards. The juniors had somehow managed to get Lan Wangji on board, so there was that at least. Everything was prepared, all that was missing was Wei Wuxian.

The next day in the late morning, Jiang Cheng stood in front of the gate, waiting for his brother. Just as he had expected, he could soon see a familiar figure approaching and his heart was overflowing with happiness and pride. His brother did it! He had flown here all the way from the Cloud Recesses. Not that the two places were too far apart from each other, but it was still a great achievement.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand to let Wei Wuxian know he was there and soon his brother landed right in front of him, all flushed and out of breath. He looked distressed and Jiang Cheng felt a bit of regret tainting how proud he was of his plan.

Without any greeting, Wei Wuxian closed the distance between them and put his hands on Jiang Cheng's shoulders, asking frantically: "What happened? Are the juniors and Lan Zhan alright? You should have written more details, you only said to hurry!"

Jiang Cheng smiled at his brother and reassured him quickly before he would panic even more: "They are alright, nothing happened." He saw how Wei Wuxian immediately relaxed, all his tension disappearing in a heartbeat.

He was now looking suspiciously at him, clearly asking for a reason to have been called here in such a hurry. Jiang Cheng obliged him. "Everyone wanted to celebrate with you. Do not tell me you have forgotten about your birthday?" he teased.

Wei Wuxian was looking at him in utter disbelief for a few seconds before he shouted angrily: "And that is why you had to almost scare me to death, only writing to come here, that it was urgent? As soon as I got your letter, I flew here like a madman."

Jiang Cheng would have felt a lot guiltier if he did not know his brother was just pretending to be angry and was actually hiding a smile, his lips were slightly twitching. Jiang Cheng knew that Wei Wuxian would love this surprise and that he would not be too mad about the way he had been invited. He had been right apparently.

"But you flew on your own, right?" he asked.

Wei Wuxian gave out a small surprised sound and then grinned widely: "I guess I did." A second later, his scolding face was back, scowling at Jiang Cheng: "Still! You did not have to scare me like that to fly here!"

"Serves you right," snarled Jiang Cheng with no malice nor anger to his tone, "you should have come visit earlier."

Wei Wuxian looked at him utterly baffled, it had usually been him who played tricks on others, not the other way around. After a second however, he leaned forward and pushed his elbow into Jiang Cheng's side in an oh so familiar gesture. Jiang Cheng actually missed this kind of interaction with his brother a lot. Things had not been the same since they had parted ways after the incident at the Guanyin temple.

He leaned forward as well to return it and remembered just in time to not use his full strength as he would have done during the days of their youth. Although Wei Wuxian had a new golden core right now, it was still pretty weak. His brother was fragile and somehow, Jiang Cheng tended to forget this fact way too often. He only gently nudged his brother.

Wei Wuxian's grin was back and he was wailing now: "Jiang Cheng, that is no fair!"

Jiang Cheng smiled as well. Oh how he had missed this. He wanted to protect it, to never give this happiness away anymore.

They continued bickering for a while longer before Wei Wuxian's head snapped up and he looked towards the main gate. Jiang Cheng followed his gaze and saw that Lan Wangji was standing there with his ever so stoic expression. They must have had some kind of sixth sense for each other, he had not told the Second Jade when his brother would probably arrive.

Wei Wuxian shouted with joy and immediately threw himself at the white clad Chief cultivator. Lan Wangji caught him effortlessly.

"Wei Ying, I am proud of you, "the Second Jade stated as if it was the most normal thing.

Wei Wuxian beamed and whined playfully: "Lan Zhan..." Then he started kissing his husband right there and then.

Jiang Cheng was considering reminding them of his presence but in the end, he decided not to. His brother had just had a difficult morning and he deserved to be pampered by his husband for a while. So Jiang Cheng just circled the couple who had all but forgotten about him and went back inside the Lotus Pier, closing the gate behind himself discreetly. He would just go inform everyone that the main guest of honour had arrived.

Hewas happy that his brother was finally acting like his old self around himagain. It had been so many years now, he thought he had forgotten but it allcame back just now. He knew he was smiling and he did not care about anyone hehad passed on his way to the main hall, staring at him with their mouths open.They could stare all they wanted, this day was a special one after all.

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