Pass the Torch (Chapters 6 and 7)

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Chapter 6:
Unfortunate Truth
The Empusa were easy enough. Many fell easy enough, the toughest ones were the green empusa, they'd explode after a minute or two. However, they fell and turned to demon bug bits. Zoë walked up to me.
"Impressive," She Said, "But still, Thou does have a long way to go before Thou are on par with Sparda."
Sparda? Why bring him up here? I don't really care much for him. From what I can tell, he seemed a little bit of a deadbeat. Even in the eyes of the history lessons at Camp Half Blood seemed to refer to him as a loose cannon in the eyes of the gods due to his refusal to accept many rewards from them.
"Why does it matter all that much?" I said, "My Dad wanted to live a different life to him and Sparda. A new beginning for me, you know what I mean?"
She shook her head. But her expression said otherwise. Almost like there was a memory she didn't want to think about. Best not to force her to answer. Honestly, given the circumstances and who told me to handle this mess. Best to just follow Zoë, she's a follower of Artemis and given how she was the one chosen for this mess, I'm guessing she's important to Artemis.
"Look," I said, "We need to get moving. We need to get to the Qliphoth and-"
"I know the mission." she said, cutting me off before I could finish my sentence, however, she quickly drew her bow and pointed it in the direction she was facing, "Show Thouself!"
A man walked into view, black sleeveless jacket, black chinos and sandals, his boy was tattooed, his hair, black, long, messy, he had two objects in his hands, a book and a sharp ended kane. His expression said he had something to hide.
"I am not your enemy." he said, "I am V."
"V?" Zoë said, "What kind of name is that for a mortal?"
"Good point." I said, "Look, V, have you seen someone called Dante around, red coat, white hair, has a sword with a skull on the crossguard?"
V looked over to the distance, a red mist was in the sky, something was slowly appearing from that red mist. I guess that's what Artemis warned me about, The Demonic Parasitic Tree that feasts on human blood: The Qliphoth.
"If you're looking for Dante," V said, "He would be closer to the Qliphoth. If you get moving now, it should take you around an hour depending on if you don't get distracted." He picked up his kane and began walking, "Follow me. I'll show a simple root."
We followed cautiously. I gave Zoë a look, whether to trust him or not. She shook her head, but kept moving anyway. Seems whether we like it or not, we have to for now. We followed V through a couple alleyways until we were at a park plaza.
"I remember this place." I said, "My dad used to take me and my sister to this park all the time when we were little, we used to play with wooden swords and interact with the orphans."
I walked up to a statue that depicted a man in centurion armour, riding a horse into battle.
"This is also where Dad told us about Sparda for the first time." I continued,
"If I may ask," V intervened, "Who is your father?"
"This boy's name is Lux Redgrave," Zoë said, "His father is Dante Redgrave. However his mother is unknown to all of us, all we know is that his mother is a goddess. Along with that, I am Zoë Nightshade, Lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis."
V looked at the statue of the centurion. Almost lost, he turned to look at me. He looked shocked that I was related to Dante. However, the silence was deafening. His tattoo on his left arm oozed darkness a little. Then popped out, a bird? Well it had the body of a hawk, but it's beak, eyes, even colouring was off. What was it? A demon?
"We should prepare to fight," V said, scurrying could be heard from all around us, "I'll handle east and south, you two can handle north and west."
We didn't have time to argue, more Empusa scurried towards us. I slashed through two of them cleanly, Zoë shot multiple arrows at a few more, five or six, give or take.
"Advance!" she exclaimed,
"Don't have to tell me twice," I replied.
We quickly rushed into the fight. Some of these demons weren't Empusa. But they looked like what the grim reaper is said to look like, skeletal, with a scythe, bearing a hood. Very small though, around the same height as an adult.
We kept fighting for a bit. We had to make sure we coordinated ourselves. I couldn't get in the way of Zoë's Arrows. At the same time, I had to make sure Zoë didn't get killed by enemies that close in on her. Eventually we handled them for the most part. However, one Dmon in particular just landed into the fight.
"And you are?" I asked,
It looked like a Gorilla, except much larger, like, it was taller than the statue in the park plaza and way more bulked up.
"They call me The Hunter," it said, "And you are a target."
"Target?" I asked, "I know I'm not sure what you mean."
The Hunter drew his crossbow and shot at me, I was barely able to dodge out of the way. The following building exploded. It was a bomb arrows, except it had the explosion of C4 instead of a grenade.
"Okay, buddy," I said, "You're destroying my city." I readied myself to fight, "Time for you to get lost Banana Brain!"
The Hunter roared so loud that other demons in the vicinity fled. Time for a one on one fight. It drew a combat knife the same size as me. I need to remember something Luke told me. If I'm dealing with an enemy with a knife, I need to make sure the enemy's vision is limited to my movements, that's what Luke said. I ran straight towards him, he thrusted the knife straight at me. I pivoted out the way, moving to his dominant hands side, (The side he's holding the knife), this gave me ample opportunity to strike him, I landed multiple slashes before backing away, good call on that, he slammed the ground so hard he created a shockwave.
"Nightshade!" I yelled, "Could you back me up here?"
Zoë readied her bow.
"Do not be too hasty!" She exclaimed, "I'll support as much as I can, but thou have to do the heavy lifting Redgrave!"
"On it!" I yelled, "Come on monkey boy!"
The Hunter roared loudly and charged for me. I charged at The Hunter also. Zoë shot an electric arrow. It hit The Hunter in the back of the thigh. While it was stunned, I pretty much wailed on it. It then quickly fled the park and leaped over some buildings.
"After it, Quickly!" Zoë yelled, giving chase to The Hunter.
Not wanting to be left behind, I followed her. We gave chase for twenty minutes, we had a few hours before dawn. We lost track of it after we arrived at the highstreet. We decided to see if we could scrounge up some supplies before anything else. I found some blankets and a means to start up a fire. Zoë found food and drinks along with some extra clothes.
We decided to rest and take turns sleeping. However, before I could get some sleep. We heard footsteps. We readied our weapons. Only to find a girl, she was only around nine years old. She quickly ran to Zoë and clung to her, she was crying, shivering, no doubt about it, she was scared.
"Please don't hurt me," the girl said, "No more monsters."
Turns out she was being chased by what appeared to be a two headed dog, looking like a Doberman in terms of dog breed. I slashed it down before it could do any damage
"That was a monster." I said, "Not a demon."
"Orthros." Zoë said, comforting the girl, "It's alright, she said, you can let go now."
The girl didn't let go. However, she looked at me, it was almost like she knew what I was. She has a star on her forehead. Her attire looked ragged. She must've been surviving here for the past month.
"What happened to your parents?" I asked, She looked at the ground, more tears began forming, she hid her face in Zoë's jacket again, that was the answer, "An Orphan."
"What?" Zoë said, "How do thou figure that?"
I sat down and started a fire, I gestured for the two girls to sit around the fire and get warm.
"Orphans are quite common here." I said, "even as a kid there were alot. Before America became the pinnacle of western civilization and where Olympus is located, it was here, during the time of The British Empire and during the First and Second World Wars. As a result of them moving to America, many children of the gods were left behind." I looked at the girl, "Do you have any memory of your parents?"
She nodded her head,
"My dad," she said, "but, my mom was different, I felt like I knew her since I was born."
I looked at her star on her forehead. It was almost magical. Then it glowed, a symbol appeared over her head, a form of insignia, it looked like an optical illusion.
"To think you'd be claimed here." I said,
"Thou mother is Hecate." Zoë said, "Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft, she is also the mother of Necromancy."
"Yep," I added, "What's your name?"
The girl looked at Zoë and me, then spoke,
"Katherine." She said, "But the other Orphans call me Kat."

(OLD) Devil May Cry: Titanomachia Part 1: Pass the Torch (Pjo x Dmc)Where stories live. Discover now