Pass the Torch (Chapter 13 - 14)

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Chapter 13:
We Perform a Play with False Knights
We arrived at the station, it was still fairly early in the morning, only 8:47am. Honestly, given the all nighter and all the action it has felt longer. It also started raining. I was able to compose myself to be able to keep going.
“What happened to Dante and Trish?” Nero asked, “They end up like you?”
“Trish,” Lady answered, “She got captured. As for Dante, I don’t know, sorry.”
That’s not really something I wanted to hear,
“Trish is some kind of demonic knight,” I said, “If I had to take a guess, Urizen is using her power to manifest the shell. But you’re human Lady, how did he control you?”
Lady sat up a little bit,
“Your father gave me a devil arms, a gun known as Artemis. Named after the goddess of the moon.” Lady explained, “Did it revert back to that state?”
I shook my head and revealed how it turned into a bow. And has been renamed to Atalanta, The only female greek hero and most famous maiden of Artemis. Meanwhile, Nico was working on that horn from the Demon Horse Geryon; she didn’t turn into a devil breaker, like with Goliath’s horn or that piece from Gilgamesh. More, a dagger. 
 “Not a devil breaker,” she said, “but it’s something I got from my fathers research.”
She tossed it to me, it was light, sharp and felt like it was a weapon forged by, well to be honest, Charlie Beckendorf. It was that well made. 
“My grandmother was called the .45 calibre virtuoso,” she explained, “She also made you old man's twin pistols, Ebony and Ivory?”
“What was your grandmother's name again?” I asked,
“Nell Goldstein,” she said,
“Nell Goldstein!” I exclaimed, “You have no idea how many Children of Hephaestus talk about her? She is a legend.”
Nico seemed to smile at that,
“Seems like your friends have got some good taste in hero’s.” she said, V, Zoë and Kat arrived during our discussion,
“We must take the rest of the way by foot.” Zoë said, “Get what you needs before we move out.”
“You're gonna need some more arrows, Hawkeye?” Nico asked,
“Yes,” Zoë said, “I find those explosive arrows effective against the enemies we have been facing. The Hunters of Artemis could use someone like thou.”
Nico smiled and shook her head,
“No offense but I’ll pass,” Nico said, “I’m not really the religious type.” Nico put her work apron on, “Now is that cash gonna be put onto your lady’s tab?”
Zoë nodded her head, V walked inside and turned to Lady,
“You’re looking well,” he said, 
“Same to you,” Lady said,
V turned to us all,
“I’ll begin to move on ahead, best not to keep me waiting, too long.”  he said, then he strolled off like we weren’t even in a devastated train station.
Lady looked at Zoë,
“Thank you for keeping an eye on Lux.” she said,
Zoë nodded her head and gave Lady a respectful smile,
“It was nothing,” She said, “I followed Lady Artemis’s orders, and her orders was to work with Lux Redgrave on his quest.”
“And honestly,” I said, “Given how you huntresses mostly refuse to work with men, let alone boys, I appreciate you being here Nightshade.”
Zoë smiled, however her eyes looked as sharp as when she’s in combat,
“Flirting will get thou nowhere with me Redgrave,” Zoë said, “However,” Nico tossed her a bundle of explosive arrows, “We must move out, before the Qliphoth rises.” Her and Kat went outside of the van,
“That V,” Lady said, “You sure we can trust him?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Nero answered, “But he’s proving to be useful.”
“Please get some rest Lady,” I said, “We’ll see you soon.”
Nero and I both left the Van and began moving with Kat and Zoë. We found ourselves trekking through more of the subway. Which if I had to guess,we were moving along the line that led to London, Kings Cross Station. Which has been blocked off due to The Qliphoth.
There were more husks that were people, that became Qliphoth Pollen. I chose to take my mind off it, the stuff was already grotesque enough. Thankfully, there were bountiful Empusa who were perfectly ripe for a four way butt kicking. There were also these larger Empusa, Empusa Queens to be specific, these things are literally demonic ants and are far too similar to the household pests we know and hate.
After that whole ordeal, we found ourselves in another ruined highstreet, we were in more of a residential place, where the theatre was.
V was sitting at a park bench, just reading that Anthology of his.
No words were exchanged, we just simply all nodded and began to walk in the Theatre. It smelt like wrath, like savory food left in the sun for a century. In other news: completely rancid.
Another one of those demonic knights lept from the ceiling. It had no eyes, it’s mouth was expressionless, it wielded a great sword. Four more walked into view, with expressionless mouths, giant shields with faces on the centre of it. They wielded what appeared to be scimitar swords.
“Interesting,” Zoë said,
“They look hollow,” Kat pointed out,
“Because I think they are,” I added,
“Nice,” Nero said, letting his confidence show, “Getting the band back together.”
V did not comment immediately, he was pinching the ridge of his nose and gripping his cane.
“What evil lurks,” He growled, his composure breaking for the first time, “I must destroy.”
“Thought that was the plan all along.” Nero replied, then drawing his sword.
We all followed suit and readied ourselves for battle. As did the demonic knights. Then building collapsed and began sliding down a slope at high speed.
“Advance!” Zoë yelled, we all followed suit, Nero firing at them, V calling upon his familiars and myself and Kat rushed in with our respective blades. Kat’s ability in combat was beginning to show, her natural warrior instincts were beginning to show itself. But as it stood, I was taking on the demonic knight with the great sword, it swung with great force and speed. I used dark slayer style to dodge and counter, it seemed to know how I was fighting defensively.
“Damn it,” I muttered, I then switched to using Goliath, “Come on buddy, drop the sword and fight with your fists,” I smirked, trying to bait it, “Or do you carry that oversized knife to compensate?”
Surprisingly, it complied, it dropped his sword and got in a hand-to-hand fighting stance. This time, I went for the first move and struck him in the neck. The demon retaliated with a kick, which I blocked, however, it then grappled me and had me on the floor. We began to punch each other relentlessly. I was pinned down when Zoë shot the demonic knight with an explosive arrow. I got up, wiped the blood off of my lip and smirked,
“I know girls who hit harder than you,” I said, snidely, I then dashed forward and got the demon knight in a headlock. With my arms around the demon, I did something brutal, I snapped the demon's neck. It fell to the floor, lifeless and limp.
The other demons were defeated also. I looked over to see that the slope ended with a cliff. We all took the initiative and we all jumped down, landing just before the slope ended.
“That was a ride.” I said,
“Yeah,” Nero said, he turned to V, “tired already?”
V looked lost in thought, like he lived in this city his entire childhood and now is thinking back to those memories, like a sophomore in college meeting up with his friends from highschool. It was weird. Well, weird for him.
“I remember,” he said, “this city was attacked once before,” he walked up to a rocking horse, “I was playing, right here,” he then pointed to the distance, “and that was the house.”
Wait, that house is where dad grew up, he showed me the house multiple times. He wanted me to visit before going to camp.
“That’s my dad’s childhood home,” I said, I felt a tingling sensation in my fist, “who are you V? And you better answer truthfully.”
V pushed me back slightly,
“It doesn’t matter,” V said, “I’m just a shell of my former self who lost everything.” V then began to walk, “I’m going to look for The Devil Sword Sparda.” V summoned Griffon and then used him to fly off.
“We’re going to Urizen.” I said,
“Hold it,” Zoë said, “What is V?”
“It doesn’t matter,” I replied, “Just know, when Urizen is gone, I’m kicking his ass.”

(OLD) Devil May Cry: Titanomachia Part 1: Pass the Torch (Pjo x Dmc)Where stories live. Discover now