Pass the Torch (Chapters 10 and 11)

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Chapter 10:
A Colossal, Colossi? A Giant Metal Demon Destroys My Clothes.
Nero and Nico showed up a little bit after the fight. Nero was surprised to see Lady at all, (he thought she was dead). As for Nico, it turns out she knew Lady from her gunsmithing days. But I’ll be honest, guns, rocket launchers, assault rifles, I’ve never really liked them. Too loud, too brutal, quite unnecessary for my form of combat. I’ve always trained in the use of a sword and a little bit in a bow thanks to Lee Fletcher of The Apollo Cabin. As for now,
“Nero,” I said, “we’re gonna move on ahead. You and Nico take Lady back to the van to let her rest up.”
Nico picked up an orb that fell off of the demonic shell and walked back to the van, making some remarks that I dare not repeat.
“Yea,” Nero said, “Kyrie would kill me.”
“So the gunsmith is not thou lover?” Zoë asked,
“What?” Nero replied, a little offended, “Hell no, Nico is my business partner and mechanic.”
“Got it,” I said, frankly just feeling tired from the lack of sleep, “Look, Zoë, Kat, move out.”
They both nodded and began walking, Nero picked up Lady and walked back to the van. It was a calm walk fr once, no demons trying to kill us, no monsters nipping at our heels. It was almost too calm, like something wiped all the bad guys in the area. We were at the docks. Lady used to take myself and my sister to this place for walks to collect our minds. However, I looked at something coming in the distance, a ship, Greek? No, it’s a Roman Ship.
“Hide,” I said,
“What?” Zoë said,
“The Twelfth Legion is coming to the harbour!” I exclaimed, “We're hiding. Now!”
That seemed to make Zoë’s eyes do a trouble take out to the ocean. We then hid in a yacht. Before the legion could arrive, another awful thing showed up. The reason why they’re no bad guys to kill. A Giant Demon moved over us. It’s entire body was metallic, yet similar to The Qliphoth Roots underground. Wait, those markings along its body.
“That's Gilgamesh,” I said, “The first Iris message I sent to dad. He was wearing Devil Arms that had those same markings.”
“That demon is made of a demonic steel alloy.” Zoë said, “We cannot cut through that. Not even luna silver will scratch it.”
Wait, that ship. It will aim straight for them, they won’t survive.
“We need a plan,” I said, “Or that legion ship is dead.”
“Thou have collected a style, correct?” Zoë said, “I shall take Kat out of that demon's way. You distract it.”
“Why are we helping them?” Kat asked,
Damn it. Well, no point on keeping secrets, I’m not the guy that left Zoë in the dust.
“Because my sister could be on that ship and I don’t want her dead.” I answered, Neither seemed surprised to hear that. Given the imperial gold dagger and all, “Now then, Dark Slayer.” a faint aura glowed around me as we began to take our positions. Zoë and Kat ran as quietly as possible. Once they got a safe distance, I jumped into view. Before the Demon could open fire on that ship, I spoke up.
“Yo Castlevania reject!” I shouted, “Step right up, fresh grandson of sparda meat right here, going fresh!”
That caught it’s attention. It seemed to completely forget about the ship. Good, sis owes me big if I survive this. I turned around and began running. When it shot a blast of energy I used Dark Slayer to dash forward, avoiding damage. However, my clothes were not going to be so lucky. I kept running, Zoë and Kat kept with me the best they could. Until the moment the legion ship was able to port in a safe place. This is when I dashed through to where Zoë and Kat were.
“That was close.” I said, catching my breath,
“That was awesome!” Kat yelled, “how did you do that?”
“Dark Slayer style.” I said, “I got it from The Hunter. Now keep your voice down until that giant demon is gone, okay.”
After Gilgamesh was gone, we decided to rest up. I needed to rest, Zoë needed to sort out her bow’s drawstring and Kat needed to let her adrenaline go down. However, before we could rest up properly. We were approached by two people, the same age as me, one male, the other female, the male had blond hair and blue eyes along with having no weapon. The female was wearing her helmet, but she had something similar to a large two handed weapon strapped to her back.
“Take off your helmet,” I said, “it makes you look stupid.”
“Stupid?” the girl said, “Sorry Lux, considering how bad your clothes are right now,” she took off her helmet, “You cannot talk to me about clothing.”
We exchanged a smile, then a hug. This was my sister: Leggera Redgrave.
“So what’s happened here?” Leggera asked,
“We were informed by the Goddess Diana of the situation here,” the boy said, “but we didn’t expect it to be this bad.”
“Jason,” Leggera said, “We’re here to hold back the threat.” She turned to myself, Zoë and Kat, “But let’s say you three.”
Diana, as in, Artemis’s Roman Aspect. She went this far to try to stop another war against demon kind? Why?
“Jason?” I asked, “Are you the leader of that ship?”
Jason looked at me then pulled a coin out of his pocket, he flipped it, then let it land, it turned into an imperial gold sword.
“I am Jason Grace,” he said, “Preator of the Fifth Cohort. And I’m going to take it that you and Leggera are siblings?”
“Twins.” Leggera answered,
Zoë stood up and walked up next to me.
“The two of thou should go.” she said, “I respect Lady Artemis’s decision, but for now thou both should go prepare to stop anymore demons from spreading. We shall handle the Qliphoth itself.”
“She’s right Jason.” Leggera agreed, “We can trust Lux. We can go and handle our mission.”
“Okay,” Jason said, both of them putting their helmets back on their heads, “Good luck to you two, may the gods protect you.”
“Likewise,” I said.
The two went off and joined their army. Zoë took the first watch to let myself sleep. Honestly, I needed it. I pulled an all nighter, that nightmare with the pit didn’t feel like a sleep. But this did, I recognised where I was. This was the strawberry fields of Camp Half-Blood, where the Demeter and Dionysus kids spent most of their days. I felt calm for the first time this entire quest, not confident, not annoyed, not stressed out of my mind, not worried, calm.
“A nice place,” A woman's voice said, “I do wish I could come here more often.” The woman walked up to me, tracing her fingers along the plants. “You have the same snow white hair as Sparda, you know, Lux Redgrave.”
Her voice made me feel calmer, almost like I was talking to Silena. Except, this felt stronger. Way stronger. She was looking at my clothes, which were still tattered and torn from Gilgamesh. And I didn’t bother to pack any spare clothes. I felt stupid.
“Don;t worry,” she said, “My daughter picked these out for me to give to you.” she snapped her fingers and I found myself in an entirely new outfit. I was now wearing a trench coat with black body armor on the chest and shoulder areas, my gloves remained the same, while I felt like I was also wearing a waistcoat.
“Wait,” I said, “The only person who knows about my fashion sense is Silena Beauraguard and Charlie Beckendorf. Then that makes you-”
“Correct,” she said, “Aphrodite, goddess of Love and Beauty.” She looked over to the distance, “So I must ask, if you are to save your father, what do you think he will do?”
I didn’t think about that. Dad cares about me and Leggera. But I can’t think about the lengths of how he’d protect us. Dad sent us away to our respected camps so we didn’t live his life. In his most recent iris message. He explained why he sent me and Leggera away. His mother wanted him to live as normal life as possible, without any threat from Spardas actions. Dad knew we wouldn't be able to lead those same mortal lives as demigods. So we’ve lived in our respected Camps to make sure we can get stronger.
“Don’t worry about it for now Lux,” Aphrodite said, “You’re strong, I must ask, when you return.” she looked at me, giving me a smile that felt genuine, “Please watch over my children.”
The dream faded and I woke feeling refreshed.

(OLD) Devil May Cry: Titanomachia Part 1: Pass the Torch (Pjo x Dmc)Where stories live. Discover now