Pass the Torch (Chapter 16)

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Chapter 16:
Urizen, The Usurper Demon King

This should be obvious but, my god Urizen is strong. He essentially had us back peddling the second the fight started. He used the power of Goliath, The Geryon and The Demon Shell Lady was trapped within. It was a relentless ordeal. Zoë launched a Celestial Bronze arrow, in half a second, the crystal construct that Athena had warned me about deflected the shot. I followed suit with slashing it relentlessly, until Urizen pushed me back with a slap, just like I was a fly. How far up his Tartarus is this guy? Sitting there, not even looking at us at times, nor even giving us any remarks.
Zoë nearly got hit by a ball of Acid and I had to dodge a sweeping laser beam and catch her to get out of the way of both.
“We need to try to disrupt that construct,” I explained, 
“Perhaps if we attack together?” Zoë suggested,
I closed my eyes tightly then opened them, I felt the same tingling sensation all over my body, I was tapping into my demon power, I think. “Use an explosive arrow,” I said, “And shoot two seconds after I dash forward.”
Zoë drew her bow, explosive arrow at the ready. I dashed forward using dark slayer style; when two seconds passed, Zoë let the arrow fly, the construct deflected the arrow, however, I got through and slashed the barrier, then I slashed Urizen chest. It roared in response, creating a shockwave. Thankfully Zoë caught me, I staggered up to my feet.
“We got a hit in at last,” I said, “Praise be to the gods.”
“Don’t celebrate yet,” Zoë ordered, “We still need to win.”
Urizen traced its fingers over the cut, then looked at the blood, he then glared at me, “Son of Dante,” it turned to Zoë, “Hunter of Artemis,” it said, “One of you has yet to fully awaken their demonic power, another has none to speak of,” it sat up straight in his throne, “yet you both try,” The room, no, the entire Qliphoth began to shake, “How dare, you strike, me!” it yelled, beginning to stand up, blood erupted from the ground, as Urizen pulled itself from his throne, wait, he was attached to it, “you shall both regret, being born with the curse of mortality,” it began walking to us, “I shall show you both, your worst nightmares,” it was no completely drenched in blood, “I shall give you both, despair,” it’s cut on its chest, the only damage we have done to Urizen, “and Death!”
And there it stood, a demon trying to become a god. It was like we were going up against something more terrifying than the gods, more terrifying than Hades, more terrifying than Thanatos.
Nero then bursted through the door. “You got him to stand up I see,” Nero said, “Payback time douchebag!”
“You failed before mortals,” Urizen said, generating power, “you shall fail again!”
Nero, Zoë and I began to try our best to fight, but no matter what we did, we were simply buying time, either for dad, or for our deaths, one is a blessing the other is death to us all.
Nero and I slashed at him, but the construct deflected our attacks. Zoë’s arrows didn’t even hit Urizen.
“Damn it!” Nero yelled, “We’re not doing anything.”
“We need to keep trying!” I yelled back.
“Pointless,” Urizne said, then grabbing me in it’s tentacles, “foolishness, son of Dante, power controls all, and without strength, you shall never protect anyone.”
The tentacles began to constrict me, tighter, I tried to struggle, but in seconds, I was stuck, Zoë and Nero tried to save me, however they couldn’t get past the construct. No, I can’t die here. However, my ribs were now being crushed, it hurt, it too much
“Help me,” I muttered, “somebody,” my voice grew louder, “anybody,” I then screamed, “HELP ME!”
Then, like my pleads were heard, I was free from the death grip. Zoë and Nero caught me, my head was pounding, I couldn’t stand and I could pass out at any second. We all looked up and saw a new demon, it had four dragon like wings, and an imposing aura, however, there was no denying who that was,
“He has done it,” Zoë said,
“Dante?” Nero said,
“Get him,” I said, my voice fading, “Dad.” My vision went dark and my body collapsed.
I was dreaming again. No gods this time though. Welp, this is gonna be one of those dreams. Great.
It was a drak, thick mist, I couldn’t even see much, nor could I move. I felt like I was being suffocated. Then a bright red light, three of them came into view, lightning emanated from the lights, then a figure appeared. An angelic being that looked like a statue of Zeus.
“So you are Dante’s son?” it asked, “You do not look like much, child.” it began to laugh, “and you are supposed to defeat me?” it flew closer, “pathetic.” The angelic being lifted me up into the air, it had no eyes to call its own, nor did his mouth move. “Give Dante and Zeus a warning boy.” a black whirlwind began to swirl behind, “let them know that The True Demon King, Mundus will return.” The whirlwind then began to swirl right into my mouth, raw darkness, it felt like it was consuming me, all I could do was struggle and scream. I then woke up with Zoë and Lady close to me.
“Not like you to scream in your sleep,” Lady said,
“He was given a dangerous vision.” Zoë explained, “an evil force reached him.”
“Mundus,” I said, “He’s returning.”
Zoë and Lady both looked at me,
“Mundus,” Zoë said, “This is not a good thing.”
“Never is, when it comes to that guy.” Lady said,
I got up and grabbed my gear, my wounds were healed and I took a quick sip of nectar for the stamina boost. “We can’t focus on Mundus right now.” I said, “we have Urizen to fight.”
I walked outside and ran to Trish,
“Welcome back to living world screamer,” she said, 
“back at ya,” I smirked, “dude.”
Trish and I smiled, then  hugged each other and then Dad flew down and landed near us. And walked up to us all, Zoë and Lady walked out of the van.
“Where did that garbage god go?” Dad asked, “What is Urizen after?”
“You’ve got it the other way around Dante,” Trish said, “V told me everything, this is the lowest level of The Qliphoth Lower Escalon. The fruit that blooms is said to be more thick than the blood used to create it. Even Mundus used the fruit to become King of The Demon World.”
Nico then walked up to Dad.
“Woah, you,” she said, “are the infamous Dante. I’m, um, Nicolette Goldstein, granddaughter of Nell Goldstein, who made all the tools you have back there?”
Dad pulled out his twin pistols: Ebony and Ivory.
“You don’t look like her,” he said,
“Well, I get my looks from my daddy,” she explained, “about the only thing I got from him,” she then presented Dante a cowboy hat, “but with his research, I was able to make this. Consider it a gift, in honour of us finally meeting!” she exclaimed, then calming down, “meeting.”
Dad then took the hat, he then proceeded to flip the hat onto his, and with a scarf manifesting, the stage was set. Dad began dancing in a way that could only be described as a Michael Jackson tribute, well everything great about him, he may have been a sketchy guy, but he could dance and Dad wanted us to fucking remember by styx.
Everyone was stunned in some way,
“I’ll take that,” Dad said,
“Dante,” Nero said, walking up to Dad, “I'm coming too.”
“Count me in.” I said,
“Me as well,” Zoë added.
Dad looked at Nero, “Perhaps you should sit this one out,” he suggested,
“And let you call me deadweight again?” he said, he showed Dad his devil breaker, “I’ve got all the power I need, right here.”
“That’s not what I mean,” Dad said,
“Let him go Dante,” V said,
“There’s no stopping any of you, is there?”
“Nope,” we all said in unison,
“Then let’s go.” he said,
We all walked up to the ledge and all jumped off, myself, Zoë, V, Dad and Nero were all going into the Qliphoth to slay Urizen and the remaining of his followers. Let’s rock!

(OLD) Devil May Cry: Titanomachia Part 1: Pass the Torch (Pjo x Dmc)Where stories live. Discover now