Pass the Torch (Chapters 18 - 19)

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Chapter 18:
The Ultimate Cliche of the Gods
Dreams initiated by the gods to talk to us suck! They’re boring, don’t help us when we’re asleep and you know are often inconvenient when you’re placed into sleep by a crazy demonic chicken witch! Ugh, I hate them honestly.
Anyway, we found ourselves in another room, with three statues, one was Goliath, the other, The Demon Shell that Lady was trapped in and the third, The Demon Shell that Trish was trapped in. They’re all glowing with the same purple light, meaning only one demon could’ve made these: Malphas. What does she really want?
“It appears we have to defeat fallen enemies to progress.” Zoë Identified,
“The rule of three,” I said, “truly, history's oldest cliche.”
“Yes,” Zoë said, “I shall do battle with the Demonic Shell that enclosed thou friend, Lady, correct?”
“Then leave the one that Trish was trapped in to Nightshade.” I said, “Now then, no more waiting.”
“Correct,” Zoë said, “Let us make haste in defeating these projections.”
We both placed our hands on the respected statues that were of the demonic shells that held my friends.
When I entered, it was like a dream state, except I was actually awake. The Knight like Demon Shell appeared before me, lance in hand, lightning cackling. In response I drew Moonshadow and engaged with darkslayer style, clashing with the enemy. This thing was way stronger off of horseback. I was having to worry about a lot of things, giant sword swings, teleportation, lightning AOE attacks, it was crazy. Thankfully, Goliath helped with guarding, however, I will admit, I need to work on offense with them, it’s just that I already had Moonshadow, I guess I’m just too used to sword combat.
Anyway, I parried sword swings, countered thrusting actions and then waited patiently for an opening, then landed the finishing blow. When I returned to the boss room. Both demonic shell statues were broken down.
“Well, they were short work.” Zoë said, 
“Do you think Malphas made them weak on purpose?” I asked, “Perhaps she’s underestimating us.”
“Perhaps,” Zoë said, “But let us proceed to Goliath.”
We both placed our hands on the statue. And just like before. We were in a whitened world, a depiction of the same Cathedral Plaza where we met V for the second time. Goliath’s apparition roared and smashed the ground.
“He looks uglier than the last time.” I said,
“Goliath was always an ugly creature,” Zoë said, “now let us begin.”
Zoë launched two explosive arrows at Goliath's feet, letting me strike Goliath’s face, easily. We found ourselves in a coordination of attacks, relying on openings that are from Goliath's attacks and Zoë’s arrows. Eventually, it fell like the others.
When we returned, a new doorway opened. It led us through more of the Qliphoth.
“Hey Zoë,” I said, “Are we friends?”
“No,” She said, “However, I am grateful of thou willingly helping Lady Artemis with this.”
“Well,” I said, “My uncle is responsible for this.”
“Yes,” Zoë added, “I guess no matter which descendant, Sparda’s lineage is burdened with cleaning up the messes created by demon kind.”
“I guess,” I replied. I then heard something, someone talking, we arrived at the ledge and crouched, “You hear that?”
“Yes,” Zoë answered,
“The king must obtain that fruit,” Malphas said, to herself, “but the son of sparda, his kin, and those wretched demigods. They can defeat him now.” more sounds were heard, it was V hiding in fear. Malphas heard it all, “Who’s there?” she asked, then she slowly approached, with intense glee saying, “I’m coming.”, I don’t like the guy, but, he’s pivotal for the quest to be completed,
“Yo,” I said, “How are you, Chicken breath?”
“The Undetermined Demigod,” Malphas commented, “Yet I sense something more within you. You hold demon power.”
“Well,” I said, “Sparda is my Gramps.” I drew Moonshadow, “Does that count?”
“Well,” Malphas chuckled, “You want to be killed by The Demon Worlds Greatest Sorcerer.”

Chapter 19:
Malphas, The Demon Worlds Sorcerer
Malphas is no slouch on the power. Whenever I get close using dark slayer style, she’d push me back. I maintain range, she tries to crush me with that giant featherless chicken head. I kept fighting through with my weapons and styles. Quicksilver made it optimal for dodging, dark slayer helped me with closing the gap and my weapons helped with how I was using them throughout this quest. But no doubt about it: I was outclassed. Malphas had size, speed, versatility and strength on me. Being adaptable is good, but if you can’t accurately adapt to everything your enemies can do to you, you’re screwed. 
“You can’t win alone,” Malphas sneered,
“Maybe,” I said, “But Moonlight is one dangerous thing against demons.” I looked up, “Nightshade!” I yelled, “Luna Arrow, Now!”
“Don’t have to order me twice!” She yelled back, launching the Luna Arrow, which both destroyed her bow, but while it didn’t kill Maphas, severely weakened her, given her cries of pain.
“Okay!” I said, “Now I’m beating you down!”
“Not alone you’re not,” Nero said, walking up to us, “Yo huntress, you coming down?”
Zoë jumped down, 
“I was expecting for V to appear from behind the rock.” She said,
“Guilty,” V said, looking like he was limping, “But I guess we shall work together.”
I turned to Zoë, 
“Ready?” I asked her,
She nodded her head and drew her initial dagger, along with the dagger made from the Geryon Horn.
We all worked together, V using his familiars to distract Malphas as Myself Zoë and Nero alternated our attacks.
I used my weapons and styles to keep Malphas on her toes, Zoë and Nero acted as the ones to wait for openings.
But Malphas wasn’t going down that easily, she went overkill with her magical abilities, releasing barrages upon barrages of demonic magic, geysers of demonic magic, portal spamming like crazy, and even just charging at us. Eventually, she staggered,
“How?” She asked us, she then screamed, “How can people like you have this much power?”
“Power?” I asked her, “this has nothing to do with power. We all hold humanity, something most demons can’t understand, but when humans work together, we’re unstoppable.” I summoned Atalanta. “Now then,” I drew it back and let it charge an arrow of moonlight, “See you in hell, Malphas.” I released the arrow and let Malphas be dissolved into nothing, leaving the crystalised manifestation of her soul, it flew straight into me, I felt, something new, a new style, I drew Moonshadow and began swinging it around, I then began to do more advanced techniques, techniques that not even Luke taught me. This wasn’t like dark slayer or quicksilver style. This was like, “Sword Master Style.”
“The way you were moving around,” Nero commented, “You were like your father.”
“Like dad?” I asked, “Right, he’d probably be at the deepest part of The Qliphoth by now.” I sheathed Moonshadow, “Let’s move, and Nero, I think you deserve some explanations.”
“Explanations?” Nero asked, giving V an arm, as we began moving, I started talking,
“Urizen,” I explained, “Urizen is not the name of the demon we’ve been fighting. He’s my uncle,”
“Uncle?” Nero asked, “Then that means,”
“Correct,” Zoë said, “That demon is Dante’s brother.” she turned to V, “And thou should explain to us how you got here.”
“Fine,” V said, his skin cracking and falling apart, “I shall tell you the story of my birth.”
“Start talking V.” I ordered,
“Fine,” he replied, “first of all, the real name of the demon that stole your arm Nero. His name is Vergil.” he coughed slightly, “Suffering defeat after defeat, his body was breaking down. But he could not fall yet. He had a job that needed to be done, to defeat his twin brother. So, he had to be rid of the crumbling flesh and feelings. He severed his humanity using the strength of The Yamato. Then, he became a true devil.”
“So, were you terrified?” I asked,
“I have never felt vulnerability since my childhood.” V explained, “I wanted to be protected. And loved.” his voice turned spiteful, “But I was abandoned.”
I couldn’t bring myself to say it. Not when he’s like this. Not when he’s human. Not when he can't hide his emotions. We continued on until we saw the remnants of a fight. With a portal opened up.
“Dad was here,” I said, “Let’s go, he’s beyond that gate.”
When we landed, we saw an open field landscape, however, it was clearly an illusion on the verge of collapse. I ran over to Dad.
“Dad,” I said,
“Hey,” he said, “I was just cleaning up.”
“Dante,” Nero said, “is that really your brother?”
“Yep,” Dad answered,
“So he’s been behind all this?” He asked,
“Right again,” Dad confirmed,
V limped over to Vergil, using his kane as support.
“On the last threads of defeat I see,” V said,
“You.” Urizen said,
“V,” Dad said, walking up to him, “Get back. This is gonna get messy.”
V held out his hand,
“Please,” V pleaded, “I want to end this battle with my own hands.”
Dad stepped back. Which is weird, he was insistent, what changed?
I turned to Zoë.
“Who is V?” she asked,
“The remnants of a cambion who lost everything.” I said, “the epitome of why I don’t want power. I’m not even sure I’m gonna keep the devil arms I collected here.”
“I think it would be easy to keep them.” Zoë said, “Power isn’t a bad thing. It’s what one does with such power. Does one end up like Dante? Or end up like Vergil?”
But before we could continue our conversation. A pillar of blue light erupted from Urizen and the illusion fully shattered.
“What the hell is going on?” Nero asked,
“Vergil.” Dante said.
No, V and Urizen were nowhere to be found. So this was him. Dad’s twin brother, my uncle, Vergil. The fact I didn’t kill V when I had the chance. I had multiple chances. Shit. I’m an idiot for letting him live.

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