Pass the Torch (Chapters 8 and 9)

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Chapter 8:
Heavy Eaters Last Deserts, Making Goliath Fall
We've been in the van for half an hour. I used this time to rest my eyes, while asleep, I had a dream, it was a pit, I couldn't see the bottom of it. Laughter could be heard everywhere. It was intimidating, the laughter was deep, commanding, almost demanding that I should be scared.
"The True King will rise," the voice said, "Legacy of Sparda."
"Can you stop him?" The voice continued,
I was woken up by the van abruptly stopping.
"No more road," Nico said, "you all will have to walk from here on out."
Zoë and Kat got up, I followed suit, Nero and Nico exchanged some words before Nero got out of the van. We went out into the city. We didn't get far before encountering some more Empusa. They were simple enough, honestly after the first fifteen or so, they became a joke to fight.
It took us some more time before we arrived at what appeared to be a school yard. Then two cars got thrown at us. I sliced through one of them using Moonshadow. Nero kicked the other into the air. A small group of demons, six in total.
"Hell Caina's" Zoë commented, "We should defeat them before advancing."
"Don't have to tell me twice." Nero replied.
Kat and I worked together, I let Kat kill the Hall Caina's, just so she got an idea on how to fight them. Zoë Provided cover fire and distracted them. Soon enough, they faded into nothing. We had no other alternative route, so we went into the school house. We investigated some classrooms. Looking at one of the paintings, it began to twist and contort, Kat hid behind me, a face pulled itself out of the painting, it carried a large pair of scissors. I know this one: Death Scissors. It tried to lunge at Kat and myself, I grabbed Kat and ducked out the way. Nero and Zoë ran into the room right as the Death Scissors fled through the wall.
Thankfully, it was the only one here. The school remained uneventful. What happened afterwards, was when we were near the Cathedral. The phone booth began ringing.
"Guess the phones still work," Nero said, picking up the phone. Nico drove up to us shortly after the phone call.
Nico made Zoë some more explosive arrows, which did cost her a pretty penny. Other than that, Nero got some more of those Devil Breakers, apparently Nico called one of them, The Overture. As for what we did after that, we walked through what was the rooftops of the city cathedral.
Myself, Kat and Zoë jumped off the roof, right before an ambulance was thrown at Nero. Don't worry, he was fine, however, when I looked up at the cathedral spire, honestly, I wish I didn't. I saw another giant demon, twice as large as The Hunter. It's arms were hulking, almost disproportionate, armoured, it's veins glowed like it was flowing lava. It's extended torso had a mouth? On its stomach.
"Humans!" The Demon yelled, "I wasn't expecting any survivors."
It jumped down,
"Yea, well," Nero said, "we humans are tougher than we look." Nero was around slightly above The Demons eye level, "By the way, have you seen a guy with a cane around? Did you snack on him?" The Demon smashed up where Nero was standing.
"Your blood is much too valuable," It said, "I must collect every single drop, if I am to rule the Demon World, as king!"
Wait, I recognise this guy, this was one of them demons throwing the mortals into the Qliphoth Roots.
"Yea I don't know pal." Nero retorted, but king? You? You look more of a knuckle scraping fart in the wind than anything else. No offense."
"You insult me," It said, its voice somehow having more of a growl, "I will show you the wrath of the Mighty Goliath!"
It smashed up the building more, it then grabbed some of the rubble it's giant hands, then, no kidding here, its torso mouth opened up, looked even uglier. After it chomped down on them then tried to blast Nero with some kind of, hot red, acidic, ball of digested deris.
"Lux," Zoë said, disgust in her voice, "What kind of hole from Hades did that thing crawl out of?"
"Honestly I couldn't tell you," I answered, "but calling it a 'thing' would be an insult to things." I grabbed Moonshadow from my bag, "Call it what it is. An abomination." Nero and Goliath began to fight. You see Nero fights with a lot more freeform, much more brutal to boot, think all style, all substance, I nugged Zoë's arm, "Provide cover for him, give those new arrows a spin."
She sighed and drew her bow, then she launched an explosive arrow at Goliath's feet. This caused the roof to collapse, and both Nero and Goliath fell into the cathedral itself. Zoë gave me a look to signify to get ready to assist.
Kat drew the imperial gold dagger.
Then boom, Goliath seemingly was blasting a tornado from his weird stomach mouth. I'm honestly taking back what I said about calling Goliath an abomination. It's just disgusting.
We all got out of the way, just in time for Goliath to jump into the center of the cathedral plaza.
Goliath charged at me first, I made the extremely dub decision to charge back at him. Before I could get smashed, I jumped onto it's head. It's horns were like entirely new weapons. I grabbed onto the horns.
"What the hell are you guys doing?" I yelled, while being thrown around on his head, "shoot that son of a-!"
It's horn got ripped off and I went tumbling to the ground, landing head first. Pretty sure my demonic blood ensured that I didn't die, but I did basically get a giant headache and head open I think. I don't know what happened much. My vision was very blurry. But Nero and Zoë handled the bulk, while Kat was helping me up.
I wasn't able to pick up what everyone was saying. Other than Goliath rambling about a fruit. V soon showed up and recited something from that book of his. Then released one of those familiars. It was a leopard, however, it turned into a blade and spun up Goliath's body. I gestured to Kat to take us to Goliath.
"You're alive," It said, "How? You're human?"
I gripped Moonshadow.
"Not quite," I retorted, "I'm a Demigod." I then proceeded to impale Goliath through its skull. Which led to it to collapse, no doubt about it. The demon laid slain.
Zoë approached me and gave me a bottle.
"Nectar," she demanded, "drink, now."
No shame in complying to drinking Nectar of the Gods when you have a concussion. My physical body healed. But as for my stamina, not so much. I took a sip. Like always for me, it tasted like that amazing strawberry ice cream sundae.
"Lux," Nero said, "Behind you, look."
We all turned around, something bright, like a crystal, it almost called for me, I reached out to the crystal. It floated towards me, right into my hand and shifted it's form. I felt it wrap around my hands, wrists, shins and feet. They turned to gauntlets and armoured boots. They shared Goliaths glowing veins and brutal looking talons.
"Devil Arms," V said, "You've proven yourself to Goliath to be more than you look. It's soul is your weapon."
His soul, a weapon? I knew demons had some messed up hierarchy, but the spoils of victory being their own souls? That's just completely and utterly creepy.
"Well now," Zoë said, pointing to a smaller Qliphoth tree, turning to dust, revealing the main tree, still rising from the blood red mist, "It seems like it's still rising. We should pray that Dante is alive."
V walked past Zoë and pointed to, oh gods, people, or what's left of them.
"I'd suspect he'd be Qliphoth pollen by now." he said,
"Stop talking," I said, "My dad doesn't die so easily."
"Look," Nero said, "V is kind of our best chance here. He knows the most about this tree. If he's alive we save him, if he's not we don't."
Before any of us could get a word in. Nico dorve up to us all, recklessly.
"I know, I know, I'm late, shut it." She said, "The roads were all clogged." We all walked up to the van. "Yo Lux, that thing in your hand, could you pass it here?" I tossed Nico over the horn, she sniffed the horn.
"Do you know where that's been?" Nero said,
"Up your butt?" Nico answered,
"Hey!" I said, pointing to Kat, "nine year old, here, can we not make those jokes?"
Nico grunted reluctantly, and gestured to all of us to get in the van.
She drove off to get us closer to the Qliphoth. It's only 7:58am. Let's hope we don't run out of time. Last thing we need is demonsville at the end of the day.

(OLD) Devil May Cry: Titanomachia Part 1: Pass the Torch (Pjo x Dmc)Where stories live. Discover now