Pass the Torch (Chapter 12)

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Chapter 13:
I Get Payback for My Clothes
We decided to move underground to avoid detection from that giant demon made of Demonic Steel. On the way, there were some lesser, lizard-like demons we had to take down. Zoë called them ‘Riots’. However, given the lingering thoughts back at camp. With Percy specifically.
“Camp Halfblood is getting more restless,” I said, “with the advent of The Son of Poseidon and Zeus’s rampant anger involving his symbol of power being taken.”
Zoë was looking around, making sure we weren’t being followed.
“Do thou believe that this Son of Poseidon took it?” she asked,
“Not in the slightest,” I replied, “Percy Jackson didn’t even know he was a Demigod before he arrived at Camp Halfblood, let alone a child of the Big Three.”
“Then who do thou believe stole The Master Bolt?” Zoë asked, her tone of voice turning to  one that screamed authority,
“I don’t know,” I answered, “in all honesty, some people believe that I stole it.” my voice turned to sound aggravated, because I do hate some people at camp, “Like those brain dead, trash munchers that call themselves the Council of Cloven Elders. Especially that damned Leneus.”
“And those Satyr are devoted to Lady Artemis as much as they are to Pan.” Zoë commented,
Kat walked up to the two of us, 
“So, there are Zeus and Poseidon,” Kat said, “Artemis too. But what are the rest of them?”
I explained to Kat about the Twelve Major Gods of Olympus, along with the many minor gods, including Pan and Hecate. Zoë went into further detail about how there were the first generation gods, Children of The Titan Lord, Kronos, and Rhea. And then the second generation gods, who were children of Zeus.
“So,” Kat said, “Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Hades, Demeter and Hestia were The Children of Kronos.” Zoë and I nodded, “and Ares, Hermes, Apollo, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Artemis and Athena are The Godly Children of Zeus.” We both nodded again, “What about Aphrodite?”
“Um,” I said, you see Aphrodite is a very, none-child friendly topic in regards to her creation, “She’s the last child of The Father of Kronos.” I then turned to Zoë, if looks could kill, I’d be in Tartarus suffering a fate worse than death, all she did was shake her head, “The rest of that you’ll have to learn when you’re older.”
We kept moving, Zoë didn’t want to discuss the origins of the gods and the titans. It only took us five minutes, during which Zoë gave me some pointers on how to handle a bow properly. We encountered V and that honestly disturbing bird with the new jersey accent. V then turned to face us.
“New clothes I see,” V said, in that, ‘I don’t really care’ tone of his,
“That’s not important,” I said, “What is important is that The Devil Sword Sparda is still in one piece and we need to track it down.” the ground began to shake slightly, “I think that’s where my father is.”
V turned away from us, The bird perched on V’s forearm,
“The Sparda may be too much for you,” it said, “you need to be strong in heart and body and you sir are neither,” the bird chuckled, “no offense.”
V thought about that for a second,
“But the boy,” he said, “Nero, perhaps he can wield it.”
“He’s not the only Sparda here,” Zoë said, “Lux Redgrave is the Son of Dante.”
V looked at me with uncertainty, it’s almost like he could read me like a book, really creepy if you ask me,
“Why do you refuse to gain power?” he asked, almost like he was interrogating me, “The power of your grandfather, Sparda.”
That’s a question I had to think about, I only gained recognition among the campers because I stepped up and said an entertaining catchphrase, if I never did that, I’d probably be as bland as all the other undetermined, after a minute of silent contemplation, I spoke,
“I don’t want it,” I said, “that power is not mine to control, Sparda may be my grandfather, but I choose my family, I choose my home. Not my Bloodline, but my soul,” I felt my eyes glow slightly, “Do you have a problem with that?”
V smiled and opened his book,
“He who speaks and accepts truth is one who no longer fears failure. For the truth has set them free from the prison of expectations and can no longer become a victim of deception.” he quoted,
“That’s Victor E. Frank,” I said, “Not William Blake.”
He closed his book,
“Good observation,” he said, “Do you read?”
“Sometimes,” I said, “but I get most of my poetry knowledge from The Apollo Cabin.”
V walked on ahead,
“We must move,” he said, “And Lux. Once you have achieved that quote I mentioned, you will need that power, regardless of if you want that power or not.”
We pressed on underground until we were close to the harbour again, we could hear rumbling from above. If I had to take a guess, Nero was fighting that giant demonic steel demon, Gilgamesh.
I summoned up my bow, which Zoë Gave me permission to call Atalanta, after the most famous Huntress of Artemis.
“Remember,” Zoë said, “Thou has to relax, concentrate, aim true, then release the arrow.”
I followed her instructions to a T. I aimed for the roof and then shot an arrow composed of moonlight. The roof collapsed and it appeared that Gilgamesh tripped and fell. Just as predicted, Nero was fighting it.
“Good to see you all are still kicking,” he said, I quickly used dark slayer style to jump up to where Nero is,
“Zoë, Kat,” I said, “Go with V, we’ll meet up at the train station”
Zoë and Kat nodded and then the two of them, along with V went off to the station. Leaving myself and Nero to handle this overgrown, metal cockroach.
“What’s it's weak point?” I asked,
“It has a growth on it’s back,” Nero answered, “We strike there, it’ll break apart.”
“Got it,” I said, “I’ll distract it and draw in it’s fire, you go in for the kill and squash the thing like a bug.”
“I get to beat it down?” Nero asked, smirking, “Sounds good to me.”
I shot a few arrows of moonlight at Gilgamesh, catching t’s attention, it began to focus all forms of fire onto me, using a combination of dark slayer and quicksilver styles, I was able to dodge the blasts.
Nero was quick to use a form of grappling hook to gain elevation, then to home in on the demon's back. Even with me drawing its attention, Nero still had to be careful on the demon’s back, thankfully, his weapon is awesome and has a motor engine integrated into it, he used the revving up of the engine to both use it to gain height, along with heating up the blade itself. This seemed to do a lot more damage to The Gilgamesh than usual. Eventually, after an exhausting ten minutes, it collapsed. And disintegrated like a Qliphoth root.
“This thing was a root?” I asked,
“Evidently.” Nero Answered,
Nico then drove up in her van,
“Hey, you two,” she said, “Lady’s awake, if you want to ask questions, better make it fast.”
I also took the initiative, knowing Nico, she’d probably want to have a piece of a demon to use for Devil Breakers. I also gave Nico the horn of the Geryon Horse, she looked pretty ecstatic to see it. Me and Nero then got into the Van.
I’ll be honest, given the situation, my own worries about Dad. I hugged Lady out of impulse. She seemed more than happy to hug me back.
“I take it you’ve missed me?” she asked, I couldn’t help but just nod, “Just make sure you get your emotions out here. You won’t get another chance, okay Lux.”
Nero seemed to know that questioning was going to take longer than expected. So he just gestured to Nico to drive to the rendezvous point.

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