Pass the Torch (Chapter 20 - Epilogue)

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Chapter 20:
The Alpha and The Omega - Vergil, The First Born of Sparda
“You got some big kahunas for coming back!” Dad exclaimed, rushing at him,
Vergil retaliated with deflecting his sword swing and pushing the scabbard of his sword into dad. Dad retorted by grabbing the scabbard and throwing it back at Vergil.
“Lux, Nero, Zoë, stay out of my way!” Dad yelled, before Vergil dashed forward and locked baldes with him, no he can use dark slayer as well?
“To kill you like this,” Vergil said, “Has no meaning.”
“Come on Vergil,” Dad retorted, “let’s end this.”
“Heal your wounds Dante,” Vergil instructed, “Get strong, then we’ll settle the matter.”
He effortlessly pushed Dad back and turned from all of us, he opened a portal using his sword, no doubt, that’s the real deal Yamato if it can do that.
“Lux, Nero, Zoë,” Vergil said, “Thank you.”
I began running at him as he began walking through,
“Bastard!” I yelled, kicking him through the portal. Vergil kicked me into some of the Qliphoth. The air feels thin. Are we at the top of this place. Damn it. This place is moving and all.
“So you follow me?” Vergil asked, “Interesting.” vines appeared behind him, like a throne, Vergil took a seat on that throne, “I guess while you’re here, humour me as I asked you a few questions.”
“Fine,” I said, “I’ll play your game.”
“The day,” Vergil said, “The day that set myself and your father on different paths. If our positions were switched, would I have his life? Would you be my son?”
“No,” I answered, “I don’t know who my godly parent is, but there is one thing. One pivotal thing I know that my mother doesn’t seek out for selfish gain. Power. And you’re all about it.”
“You do not know what you’re talking about.” Vergil said,
“I know enough.” I retorted, “Now shut up and fight.”
“Fine,” Vergil said, “I am curious about the power of demigods anyway. Especially my own nephew.”
We drew our respective swords and dashed towards each other. Vergil was like my father. He was strong and fast. He used some kind of summoning blade technique as a ranged attack. One top of that, he seemed to use techniques that created singularities that were being slashed multiple times in a second. Even just striking me with the Yamato. I did land hits, but hell if they registered properly. Eventually, I was overpowered by his sheer speed.
“What a shame.” Vergil said, kicking me to the ledge, until, A devil saved me. It was Dad.
“Welp,” He said, “Can’t say I’m impressed for trying your damnedest.”
“Dad,” I said, my voice shaking, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” He said, setting me down on the tree, “Just rest son.” He then turned to Vergil, I watched from the floor of the treetop, “your portal hopping days are over Vergil. Give me Yamato.”
“If you want it,” Vergil Said, “You’ll have to take it, but you already knew that.”
“Had a feeling you’d say that.” dad said, summoning his new sword,
“How many times have we fought?” Vergil asked,
“Hard to say,” Dad answered, “The only memory I have of us since we were kids.” Dad and Vergil shared a mutual smile, then, “Time to settle this Vergil!” Dad got into a fighting stance, “Once and for all.” Vergil raised the Yamato, then they began to fight.
Needless to say, this is the real power of two cambions fighting one another. Sword clashes, over devil arms, using their own styles and techniques. It was brutal. Dad fights with full intent of adapting and overcoming his opponent. However, Vergil is someone who is good at controlling the fight. He was with me. What made the difference, they were equal in strength.
“Foolishness,” Vergil said, “Is rushing in blind all you can do?”
Dad proved him wrong by switching tactics. Dad began blocking and deflecting all of Vergil's attacks. I think Dad called that his royal guard style? However, it quickly changed to Dad going on the offensive and pushing Vergil back a fair distance.
“You cut off your own son’s arm for this?” Dad asked, Vergil,
“Wait, what?” I asked,
“My son, means nothing to me?” Vergil retorted,
Vergil had a son? Wait, no,
“Nero,” I said, “Nero is his son? Is that why you didn't want me to tell Nero?”
“Lux, can this wait?” Dad asked me, dodging summoned blades from the sky and parrying Vergil’s sword swings.
“No, it can’t,” I said,
Vergil used this opportunity to send Dad back.
“Nero, is my son.” Vergil said,
“Yea dumbass,” Dad retorted, “That finally got through that thick skull of yours?”
Everything seemed to click in Vergil's head in that very second.
“Well, well,” Vergil said, “That was a long time ago.”
“I guess you were young once too,” Dad said, jokingly, “But as much as I’d like to hear that story. It’s about time we,”
“Ended this.” Vergil finished.
They both got in battle stances again. Activating their full powers, both of them having Sin Devil Triggers. Dad’s breathing was heavy in that form. Then they charged at each other. Then, the question Aphrodite gave me rang in my head, ‘If you are to save your father, what do you think he’ll do?’ No, he’s going to kill Vergil.
“Dad, don't!” I shouted, but before I could even get up. The very second before they were about to clash, a light blue mass of lighting crashed between them. And from that light, a figure with long white hair and blue translucent wings, which grasped Dad and Vergil. No denying it. That’s Nero’s Devil Trigger.

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