Pass the Torch (Chapter 15)

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Chapter 15:
The Belly of the Beast is Rancid
“Thought I was about to be shishkebabed just now.” Dad said, getting up, “But first,” he turned to face me, “the hell are you doing here?” 
“I’m here on a quest,” I said, “and to find you, also,” I gave my Dad a headbutt, “how could you let The Rebellion break on you?”
Dad looked at The Rebellions hilt and picked it up,
“That-” he said, stopping himself, “which god issued the quest?”
“Lady Artemis,” Zoë said,
“Her?” He said, “She must’ve been desperate to get this whole mess cleaned up if she was trusting a boy.”
Zoë nodded in response,
“Olympus is on the verge of war Dante.” Zoë explained, “Zeus’s symbol of power has been stolen and he blames the Son of Poseidon.” Dad turned to me, then back to Zoë. Gesturing to her to continue, “Lady Artemis and Lady Athena are the only two that deem this as a priority. Thus, Lady Artemis issued this quest to Lux Redgrave.”
“Yea,” Dante said, clearly unhappy, “one of two people I wanted out of this fight the most is here.”
“It doesn’t matter dad,” I said, “I’m here now. And you’re awake. But, at least tell us what happened a month ago?”
Dad sat down next to the Devil Sword Sparda,
“Where to begin?” he asked himself, “Well I guess I can start with meeting V.” He looked over to his childhood road in ruins. “He told me that Urizen is my reason for fighting,”
“Vergil?” I asked, he turned to face me,
“What gave it away?” he asked,
“Three words,” I answered, “Yamato and Power.” I gave him a lighthearted smile, “those are the two things you told me that motivated him, right?”
“Precisely,” Dad said, “Anyway, Me, Trish, Lady and V went to The Qliphoth. And that’s when things went up on its head.” He stood up and picked up The Sparda, “Lady and Trish were beaten down, and while I tried my damndest, I got my ass handed to me.” he the stared at the red mist where The Qliphoth was rising, “Nero tried, but…” he paused for a moment, “he couldn’t do it.”
V walked into view,
“Nero,” he said, “was next to useless.”
Dante turned away and did some stretches, Griffon appeared and flew next to him,
“Yea, put a torch under that sunshine, because that brat Nero is making a B-line for Urizen and if we don’t hurry he’s gonna get-” Dad grabbed Griffon and threw him a couple metres as he yelled, “smashed like a bug!”
Dad turned to V,
“Leave Nero and my son out of this V,” he said, “This is my gig.”
Zoë approached Dad and stared at him.
“Great Son of Sparda,” she said, “This is beyond family, this is a matter of the future of western civilisation.”
“Zoë,” I said, “You’re right but this is still my uncle, his brother.” I looked at her, “If someone who was tied by you through blood was going to cause the destruction of western civilization, wouldn’t you feel a sense of responsibility and have to stop them?”
Zoë stared at me like I crossed a line that I shouldn’t have,
“I have no family to speak of,” she said, coldly, “and do not pester me about it.”
“I’m sorry,” I said, “But don’t you find Artemis as some kind of family?”
Her expression changed to sadness,
“That is not quite the same Lux Redgrave,” she said, but she did give a smile, though one from sadness, “I do appreciate thou reminding me though.”
Dante tapped Zoë on the shoulder,
“Keep an eye on my kid, okay.” He said, “He’s gonna need help here.”
“I swear by Styx that no harm shall come to thou son.” she said, “As my lady decrees that he must live also.”
“Well,” Dad said, “Good to know he’s gonna be fine.”
Dad picked up The Devil Sword Sparda. And jumped to another route. I looked at V with distaste,
“You gonna follow him?” I asked, cold and expressionless
He simply smirked and wandered off into the distance.
“Thou despises him,” Zoë asked, “right?”
“You have no idea.” I replied, looking at the Qliphoth, “Now let’s beat Nero to Urizen.”
We sat down and began discussing what to do. Zoë had her arrows, many explosive arrows, celestial bronze arrows and one luna arrow and one zip wire arrow. I had my devil arms and Moonshadow.
“I think I have an idea.” I said, “The Qliphoth is a living thing, right?”
“Yes,” Zoë answered,
“So reasonably, living things react the same when a virus attacks.” I explained,
“We cannot infect The Qliphoth with a virus.” Zoë replied,
“No,” I said, giving her confident smile, “I’m saying that we act like a virus.”
Zoë looked at an explosive arrow, then picked up her bow and an explosive arrow,
“Bow at the ready, Redgrave,” Zoë said, “And remember, relax, focus on the target, then let thou arrow fly.”
I Summoned The Atalanta Bow,
“Just tell me where to aim,” I said,
She gestured at a specific point in the tree, a weak point, then we drew our bows strings, 
“Ready?” Zoë asked,
“As I’ll ever be,” I answered,
“Fire!” She yelled, both our arrows flew, “What Now?”
“We jump on it’s defence mechanism,” I said, “then we run as fast as we can.”
Roots erupted from where we attacked, I quickly grabbed Zoë’s wrist,
“When I say it we’ll have five seconds to get up there,” I explained,
“Do it!” She Exclaimed,
“Alright,” I replied, “Here we go, Quicksilver!”
Time slowed to a crawl, we both jumped on the roots and we dashed along them. five, we sprinted up them as fast as we could, four, we kept moving, halfway there, three, the wall began closing in to allow it to heal, two we jumped through the shrinking gap, one we made through, and zero, we’re in the Qliphoth. I gagged at the smell, blood, it was thick in the air. However, we were close to where all the blood was going.
“The power to become a god,” I muttered, “is it really worth this?”
We began to walk to the throne room, we could hear Nero, he was fighting through the hordes of demons.
“We cannot wait for Nero,” Zoë said, “We go now, or die.”
“Right.” I said, “Let’s hurry to Urizen.”
We walked up to his throne room. We walked for fifteen minutes, my head began to feel like it was going to split apart. It hurt, like someone was trying to force me to sleep.
“Lux,” Zoë said, “If we need to rest, then we rest.”
We sat down, however, everything went black the second we sat down. It was pitch black for a moment. Then everything went black, then it was light, a library. One that looked like it held the history of everything, ancient to now.
A woman in armour and an ancient greek dress was sitting in a chair, reading a book. I approached her,
“Lady Athena I presume?” I asked, she closed the book,
“And you are Lux Redgrave.” she responded, facing me, “I commend your plan to enter the Qliphoth.”
“Well,” I said, “I learnt from the best when it comes to strategy.”
“My daughter, Annabeth I presume?” she asked,
“Yes,” I said,
“Now then,” Athena said, standing up, “Now to why I had Morpheus put you to sleep.” she removed her helmet and looked at me, her eyes and expression so similar to Annabeth and her siblings, “You’ve found your father, The Devil Sword Sparda and are now about to do battle with Urizen accompanied by Zoë Nightshade of the Hunters of Artemis. Do you even know what to expect?”
“Enlighten me.” I said, she waved her hand and she showed me how Dad lost, he was in his Demonic Form or Devil Trigger. Rebellion clamped in both of his hands,
“V, get Nero out of here, this is a bad move!” He yelled,
“I can still fight.” Nero said, his voice shaking,
“Nero Go!” Dad yelled back, “You’re just deadweight!”
V dragged Nero out of the throne room. Dad was pushing against, nothing? No a barrier, there was a construct made of red crystals, it was spinning rapidly, was that creating the barrier? Then, Urizen punched the Rebellion, shattering it. Then I was back in the library.
“Urizen is protected by a barrier.” Athena Explained, “To even harm the usurper, you must destroy that barrier. The crystal construct is what is generating it. Take that down, you harm him.” Athena looked at me with a serious expression, exactly like how Annabeth would look at me, “But I warn you, Urizen is raw power, without humanity, he became stronger.”
“So Urizen is Vergil.” I said, “Dad used to tell me stories of how back in their childhood, the two would fight a lot, however the two always had each other, when demons attacked them, Vergil descended into darkness,”
“And I found your father and guided him to a new beginning.” Athena added,
“The fate of the Sparda bloodline has been determined the fateful day Sparda defeated Mundus.” She placed her hand on my shoulder, “but that is for another day, many years later.” she returned to her seat, “Now awake, and fight the usurper.”
In a second, I was awake,
“Sleep well?” Zoë asked,
“Kinda,” I said, “Thankfully I know how we can harm Urizen.”
“Good,” Zoë replied, “Then we go to buy Dante time to find the power he needs.”
We both stood up and gathered our supplies and we moved to his throne room. Within five minutes, we were at his door.
“Remember,” Zoë said, “We are here to stall for thou father.”
“Yea, let’s go,” I replied, we both pushed the doors open.
And there he was, sitting on a throne of roots, vines and skulls. He stared at us both, bored. His power emanated from him.
“You two came here to die?” he asked,
“Hello to you too Uncle.” I said,
“A son of Dante?” he asked,
“And a Hunter of Artemis,” Zoë said, “thou truly has become a disgusting demon, Urizen.”
“I am without a name.” Urizen responded, “I am power, absolute.”
He truly has lost himself in darkness. This is a real demon and I’m supposed to be related to him?
“Next thing you’re gonna say is, ‘You will suffer and die.’” I said,
“You will suffer,” Urizen said, “and die.'' He held his hand out, this was his way of showing that he was ready to fight. So we followed suit and drew our weapons.
“Zoë,” I said, “Save your luna arrow.”
“Yes.” Zoë answered, “Let us advance.”

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