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"Are you seriously just going to cry all day?" Juliette asked.

I wiped my eyes on the sleeve of my shirt and blew my nose before I checked my phone. He should have landed an hour ago and he hasn't called me yet.

"He-h-he ha-hasn't called me yet!" I sobbed, burying my head back in my pillow that was tear stained and make up soaked.

Juliette muttered something to herself and I heard the phone ringing distantly. I heard a deep voice say "hello" before she was thrusting the phone next to my ear. "It's Harry, Georgia, talk to him."

"Harry?" I asked, sitting up and holding the phone next to my ear.

"Hi love, how are you doing? We just landed and I was literally about to call you, it's like you read my mind." Just hearing his voice made my heart pound in my chest as his raspy voice invaded my senses. I sighed happily and settled comfortably into my bed.

"I've just been around." He would have been able to tell I was lying even if Juliette hadn't shouted in the background that I had been crying.

"Ignore her, please," I laughed.

Harry sighed. "Gee, don't stay in bed and be depressed this whole time, darling. It'll just make things worse. Why do you think I called Juliette to spend some time with you today?"

I gasped. "You mean we didn't?"

"Have a threesome?" He finished for me. "No. You passed out by midnight and I asked her to come over before I left because I knew you'd be doing just this all day."

"That explains my pounding headache."

Harry laughed. "You pounded a tray of shots as soon as we got to the pub and washed it down with a double gin and tonic, what did you expect?"

I bit my lip. "I wanted to remember your last night. I'm not gonna see you for.. For so long."

"Baby, I know it's going to be difficult but you're going to be fine and I'm going to be fine. You'll see me in Cardiff before you know it. Look, I have to go, I'm being yelled at to get off the phone but I'll call you later, I promise. I love you, Georgia."

He clicked off the phone before I even had time to tell him I loved him and I could feel the tears wanting to fall again.

Juliette sighed. "Please. Don't cry again."

"You don't understand! We just got back together and he's gone again."

"For two weeks!" She exclaimed. "The way you're acting, you would think he was gone for months on end or off fighting in a war or never coming back! It's two weeks. You have one full weekend and half a weekend to get through. I'm pretty sure you can get through it and survive."

I knew she was right. I was acting pretty pathetic and extra emotional even by my standards. But I missed him so didn't I have the right to be upset? Last time we were apart for this long.. Was never. It scared me but I knew our relationship was strong enough to make it work this time. I knew we could do it and I knew we would get it right this time and come out stronger than we had ever been.


"No buts!" She exclaimed. "Harry had me picked up at seven this morning and you've been doing nothing but moaning all morning. He left you his credit card. Let's go spend some of his money!"

I finally convinced myself to get out of bed after she promised we could listed to One Direction all day or until she got sick of them and showered and got ready to conquer the day. While I showered, Juliette had ordered breakfast for us and when I came out to the kitchen, the smell made me sick. I tried to ignore the feeling that this type of sickness had been familiar and chalked it up to the alcohol I had drank last night.

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