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Harry glanced over at me when he saw Louis step out of the car. He must have seen my face in the same shocked, opened mouthed position his was in. I watched him shake his head and mumble something under his breath as he walked towards the two of them. As far as I was concerned, Louis and I were in the past, relationship wise. We still had our friendship and I was also the stylist for the band he was in so we had to maintain a civil relationship. Even if we didn't have to, I would still want to be friends with him.

I didn't want to know what was going to happen between the three 1D boys so I walked towards Gemma who was wearing as angry of an expression as Harry had been.

"What the hell?" She asked, gesturing towards the three boys.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, Gem. I told him it was a girls on trip but he didn't think it would be just that if I went alone."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I might as well tell David to come then at this point."

Tina nodded in agreement, rushing to my defence. "Might not be so bad then to have all the boys with us."

Juliette laughed. "We wouldn't have any of them if Georgia wasn't such a slag."

I turned to her and shook my head. "Are you serious right now? Can you just fuck off, for good? None of us like you, we have all realised you are the slag by now. When you say you have a client we all know you are going to sleep with some guy. We all know you are only hanging around any of us because of the famous people we are friends with. The sad thing about people like you Juliette, is no matter how many people you sleep with, you're still just a cheap whore. Louis is only using you for sex just like all the other guys you are messing around with. You can try to act like this big party planner but you're nothing other than a drama queen who keeps opening her legs to anyone who comes along. I don't even feel sad for you because you thrive off of the attention which is why you tried to kiss Harry and why you tried to again in front of me. You can use the excuse he was a drunken mess but I have you figured out and in my book, you are dead to me."

I hadn't realized it but everyone had been staring at me by the time I finished my speech and all glanced at Juliette with bated breath waiting for her reaction.

Her eyes had widened in shock and her mouth fell open. She glanced over at the boys who were staring at us and put her face in her hands, sinking to the ground, her knees pulled up to her chest and sobs wracking her body. Gemma and Tina looked at me unsure of how to react as Niall and Louis rushed over to her.

"Seriously?" I shouted. "Why am I always the bad one?!"

Tina frowned. "Gee, just let it go for now. This weekend is about Gemma. Not you." She said her statement quietly.

I knew she was right. "I'm sorry, Gemma."

Harry came over to Gemma and lead her away from us. The two of them stood standing next to one another, whispering in hushed tones. I saw Gemma on the phone. Juliette was still gaining as much attention from Louis and Niall that she could. It seemed as if Tina was the only one who was on my side.

Gemma came over to Tina and I and announced David was coming to Vegas too and he was going to meet us at the airport. Louis and Niall convinced Juliette to get into a different car and the seven of us took two different taxis to the airport. David met us as he said he would but Gemma did not seem happy. When it came time to board the plane, we ironically got paired in our respective couples. Gemma and David sat across the aisle from Harry and I while Louis and Juliette sat next to one another across from Tina and Niall. One good thing about flying with the 1D boys was we Always flew the best class available.

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