Epilogue: 3

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"God, I love you being pregnant," Harry murmured as he pressed his fingers against my stretched skin. He never ceased to be amazed when he could see the baby's movements underneath underneath the skin. He kissed the area where he had just seen some movement and sighed happily, resuming his actions once more.

I couldn't help but smile as he glanced up at me, the look of amazement still evident on his face.

"What?" He asked.

I shook my head, shifting against my pillow and trying to find a conformable position on my side.

"I love you so much," I whispered to him, my smile mirroring his.

"I love you, too," he smiled back at me and crawled up the bed so he was laying on his side, facing me. "You're so amazing."

I blushed. "Stop, you're going to make me cry." I buried my head in my pillow for good measure.

"Georgia," he said softly, taking my hand in his. "You're so strong. Carrying our baby, raising Joey, supporting me, working, doing everything you do. You really are amazing."

I raised my head, tears blinding my vision already. "You made me cry now."

"Happy tears," he murmured, wiping my cheeks free of tears with his free hand.

"You know I'm beyond emotional these days," I said, trying to hold back a second round of tears.

Harry chuckled to himself. "I know you are. I saw you crying at the shop earlier because they didn't have the kind of rocket you like."

I cracked a smile. "Don't tease me about it. I can't help it."

"I know, love, but you have to see the humour in the situation. I know the Tesco brand of rocket isn't ideal but we made do."

Harry!" I complained, closing my eyes at the memory of my near melt down because they didn't have my particular brand of rocket at the shop. It was something so silly but it really had gotten to me. Harry had been further along in the aisle, picking out fruits with Joey when he had come back and seen me sniffling and watery eyed over a packet of produce. He couldn't help but laugh at me in the moment which only further incited tears from me until I was full on sobbing in his arms while Joey watched us perplexed.

"I'm just ready for him to be born. As much as I love being pregnant too, I'm ready to get him out," I said, closing my eyes as Harry's hand traced soothingly up and down my arm.

"Me too, love. Me too. I can't wait to meet him. My son. Our son." He kissed my nose and my eyes fluttered open to meet his deep green eyes.

"Our son," I mumbled happily, a lazy smile on my lips as I could feel myself being lulled to sleep with his gentle touch.

I felt him press another gentle kiss to my forehead before I let myself succumb to a restful slumber.

It was another two weeks until I went into labour. It happened one night in my sleep. I had been having contractions all during the day, but they were too far apart to warrant me going to the hospital and my water had yet to break so I took up all sorts of activities to try to coax myself further along. From being scared by Harry to sleeping with him to taking a soothing bath. But it wasn't until the middle of the night when I woke up in a pool of wetness and even more sharp pain than I had before that I knew this baby was ready to come out.

After 36 hours of labor, Jameson "Jamie" Edward Styles was born. He was perfect in every way, greeting the world with a wisp of brown hair covering his tiny head and deep blue eyes that would hopefully fade to Harry's green. He had ten fingers and ten toes and a healthy set of lungs as he cried for the first ten minutes until he was placed into my arms and Harry and I got to meet our son for the first time in person.

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