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Harry: please talk to me

Harry: seriously you haven't talked to me in two weeks

Harry: I thought we were going to be working on things

Harry: I love you

Harry: I wrote a song for you

Harry: please gee I miss you

Harry; baby, I got you a present

Harry: I'm not going to give up or go away - you're my wife

Harry: please gee. Just say something

Harry: wow I guess the notice I just got from your lawyer that you want to file for divorce is answer enough for me

Harry: can we at least talk about this in person? Or wait? There's still three months of the tour left.

Harry: you don't get to just do this to me. I know I fucked up but you are not just going to cut me and everyone else out of your life

Harry: although it is just me who you are cutting out but you will still see me if you are friends with gemma and Louis! I'll still be around

Harry: please don't do this to us gee

Harry: I love you

"You have to tell him. You cannot keep this a secret anymore, Georgia and I'll be damned if I keep it a secret from him either. And what's this about the divorce? He said he got a notice from your lawyer saying the process was going to begin soon," Gemma exclaimed.

I paced back and forth in front of her. "I'm going to be sick. I can't tell him. I don't want this baby at all. It will just be nothing but a reminder of how fucked up everything is and then I will never be able to be free from him. I hate him! I hate him for doing this to me!"

Gemma narrowed her eyes at me. "You know as well as I do that it took both of you to make that baby. Tell him, Georgia. I will give you three days to tell him and if you haven't then I am telling him myself."

"But you leave in three days," I protested.

"Exactly. Tell him before I leave or I will. And you will be here to deal with this mess yourself. And I won't be supportive to your cause, Gee, if you make me tell him. Seriously. This has gotten to the point where this is beyond fucked and I want to wash my hands of the situation." She pursed her lips and looked me over once more before pulling me in for a hug.

I wrapped my arms around her, letting my head rest on her shoulder. "This whole thing is so fucked, Gemma."

She squeezed me close to her. "I know, love. But it will all work out the way it's supposed to in the end."

"I hope so."

"I'm jealous you guys are all going to Japan. I had so much fun there!"

"You can go too.." I pleaded, trying to convince my only ally to stay at this point.

"Gee, I have my own life back in England to get back to. This is your life now.." She smiled softly at me as she pulled back from our embrace.

I played with my pandora bracelet on my wrist, wondering why I still wore it when I had taken off the ring he had given me. "Thanks. I'm going to lie down before I have to go to the stadium later on. I'll see you there?"

"Of course, get some rest love."

I heard the door click, signalling Gemma had left. I sighed and sat down on the edge of my bed in another empty hotel room. I was tired of being alone. I was tired of hurting and avoiding everyone. I was tired of keeping everything a secret. I was tired of being tired.

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