Celestial Priestess

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Hey, Readers!!! Well,I'm about to have a little contest >:). DUN, DUN, DUN!!!! If you win, not only will you be dedicated in the next chapter, but you will also get to create a character for me to add in the book! I have future idea for a character involving lucy, but I'm out of ideas. If you do win the contest, you must create a female character that is younger than Lucy. Good luck!! Now here's the question (well, not really a question :P): Name all the dragons that have been mentioned in Fairy Tail so far. Anyhoo, here's Chapter 3, ENJOY!!!!!!


When stepped out of the house, it was strangley warm, and the moon was shining brightly with stars all around it. I could feel a gentle breeze all around me as we walked to our unknown destination. I looked back to see Natsu and Lisanna continue to whisper to eachother, Happy in Lisanna's arms. I don't like this, I thought in my head, I once again feel distant. Finally, Aditi, who was leading the whole group, stopped at a pond. "Why're we here?" I asked.

"In order for you to unlock your full poweres and become a Celestial Priestess, you must cleanse away your sins. This water has not been touched since the beginning of time because it's made up of holy escence." Aditi explained. "If anything or anyone touches the water and they don't have Celestial escence, the water turns into acid, and they burn." I walked towards the ebb of the lake and looked down. It really did look pure. There's not a speck of pollution, and the water just looked so....beautiful. I wanted to touch it, but then Aditi yelled, "Wait!" 

Startled, I fell on my butt against the sand. "What's wrong?"

"I haven't started the initiation." Aditi informed me. She walked up to Natsu and asked, "May I please borrow your fire?"

All of us gave Aditi a crazy look. "Umm..sure?" Natsu spit out a ball of fire upon his hand. Aditi took that fire, not even getting burned. She gently placed the fire on the pond, and it lit up immediatley. I gasped at how beautiful it looked. I really wanted to touch it now, but Aditi once again told me to stop. "Before you go into the water, you must place all your keys in the order of which you got them clockwise around the pond."

I groaned. I took out all my golden keys and began to walk around the pond. One by one, I began to place the keys in the water. Surprisingly, they did not sink, but instead floated on the surface. They lit up as they made contact with the water. Finally, I placed the final key on the pond. Almost instantly, all the keys made a golden trail that led to the middle of the pond. I looked back at Aditi, and she nodded. I gently began to move my hand towards the water, then hesitated. I looked back at Aditi and asked, "Will I change?"

"Of course! Your magic will multiply to the max!" She exclaimed.

"I mean will change?" I asked. She finally understood what I meant and frowned. "I don't know. It's been almost a thousand years since this ritual has been made."

I shook my head. "I don't want to change who I am..."

"But if you don't finish the ritual, the beast will continue to steal women souls!" Aditi cried.

I was really didn't know what to do. What if I changed into a completley different person? What if I became...a monster? "Lucy," I suddenly heard Natsu said, "you're not going to change."

"How do you know?!" I suddenly cried. "What if I turn into something I don't want to be!"

He walked up to me and placed his hands on my shoulder. "Because I trust you."

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