Connecting in Both a Good and a Perfect Way

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Hey, Readers!!!!! Sooooo.....R U PART OF DA BRO ARMY!!!!!!! Lol if u kno what i'm taking about, comment below ;). Anyhoo, Here's Chapter 13! ENJOY!!!!!





I frantically shook Natsu, trying to wake him up. "Natsu!" I sobbed. Artemis, who had just finished killing the final part of Danh, quickly walked over to my side. "Was he bit?" She asked frantically.

I nodded. "Wiyah, get my medical bag!" Wiyah came jumping over here, my giant silk bag in his mouth. I grabbed and spilled everything inside. "Come on, come on!" I hissed to myself. I lefted up Natsu's shirt and examined the bite. His chest was now bloody and purple, throbbing slowly. I gasped a little, my hand shaking with fear. "This wasn't....suppose to happen." I suddenly hear Lisanna whisper.

I look back at her. "What are you talking about?"

"N-Nothing!" She assured me. Normally, I would get suspicious of these things, but now was'n't the time. I quickly grabbed some oitment and placed it on his body. "Can't we use magic?" Lisanna asked.

I shook my head. "This isn't a normal snake bite, Lisanna." I grabbed some herbal leaves and covered it upon the oitment. The throbbing ceased, but that didn't stop the bleeding. "I can't do this here. I need to take him to a bed." I whispered.

Then, as if God had answered, we see a traveler riding a wagon coming towards us. His face is filled with fear. "Oh Jesus, what happened?!"

"Please, where's the nearest inn!" I begged.

"Just a few minutes away. Do you want me to take you guys?" He asked.

"It would mean the world to us sir!" Artemis exclaimed.

Travelling in the back of the covered wagon, the man, who was named Luca, gave us a ride to the nearest town, Yumerio. The inn, Annie's Home, was a nice cozy looking in. When the manager saw the injured Natsu, she immediatley lets us have the room for free. "So, I guess we can rest here for the night. I'll stay with Natsu, while the two of you stay in another room." I offered.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why should you get to sleep in the same room as Natsu?" She growled.

"Because Lucy actually has a medical liscence." Artemis sighed, backing me up. I could tell Lisanna wanted to argue some more, but in Natsu's condition, she knew better. We split off into different rooms. I placed Natsu on the bed and looked at his face. He was paler than he was half an hour ago, but if breathing was nice and steady. I placed more herbs on his wound and sighed. Then, I heard Natsu groan in pain, waking me up from all the depression. "Natsu!" I exclaimed.

"H-Hey.." He smiled, his face still filled with pain. He tried to get up, but winced in pain almost immediatlely. I gently pushed him back on the bed. "You were bitten badly, so you shouldn't move." I told him. "But you should be better by tomorrow."

"Ugh...I feel so useless." He muttered. I stared down at him to see his eyes depressed, maybe even a little sad. I sighed and laid down next to him. He slowly moved to his side and stared at me, and I did the same. "You aren't useless, Natsu. You saved me from a snake bite that could've killed me. Does that sound useless too you?" I asked.

He chuckled softly. "I guess not."

"You were exactly like Prince Charming." I said softly.

His eyes brightened, then softened. He placed his hand on my cheek, the warmth going from his hand to my cheek. "Exactly how am I like Prince Charming?" He asked, getting closer to my face.

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