A New Beginning

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Hey, Readers!!! I changed my name to fanfictiongoddess123! Well, it wasn't actually me, it was my friend XD (don't hate!)!!! Lol anyhoo, here's Chapter 9, ENJOY!!!!!


Just Natsu and me.


 I stood there awkwardly, twirling my golden hair around my index finger. I haven't really talked to Natsu, or even the other members of Fairy Tail, ever since I left Earthland. The only person I really talked to was Levy because she had that cellphone that Solar gave us, which could call to different worlds. She kept me updated on everything from the beginning to the end. "Natsu, what do you need?" I asked.

"I....I just wanted...I'm sorry." He whispered, not looking at me in the eye.

"Sorry?" I asked, getting closer to him.

"For what I did to you five years ago. In your apartment." He whispered. It took me a while to realize what he meant. The remark at my apartment that night five years ago; his so called "goodbye". "Oh." I said. But I put on a smile and gently placed a hand over his shoulder. He turned his head towards me. "Why are you not angry?" He asked. "I hurt you so much five years ago!"

"Natsu," I smiled, "if there's anything I've learned these past five years, it's forgiveness. Besides, we were kids then; I was eighteen, you were nineteen We're grown ups now."

"Still...I hurt you. About leaving, about Liora..." Natsu whimpered. I looked to see a tear traveling down his face. I chuckled and wiped away the tear with my thumb.  To his surprise , I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I want everything to returned to it way it was back then." I whispered.

"Lucy..." Natsu whispered. I could feel his arms wrap around my back, and I could slowly feel my heart beating faster and faster. "Me too Lucy." Natsu whispered. "Me too."

I positioned myself to where Natsu and I could see each other face to face. Suddenly, we began to softly chuckle. "Hey, when are you gonna let me out! I'm dying in here!" I familiar growl came from my bag.

"Oh God!" I gasped, remembering something I should've never forgotten. I quickly pull out my bag and open it up. Suddenly, a familiar tiny blue-furred fox popped out of my leather bag, gasping for air. "What were you trying to do, kill me!" He yelled.

"Sorry, Wiyah!" I apologized greatly.

"Who's the cat?" Natsu asked.

Wiya's fur turned red as his anger flared. "Cat? You did not just call me a cat!"

"Easy there, tiger." I calmed, sqeezing him tightly. I looked up at Natsu and smiled with embarrassment. "Um, Natsu, this is Muawiyah the Demon Fox; my companion."

"You have a companion?" Natsu asked with disbelief.

"Dragon Slayers aren't the only one who have companions." I winked. Natsu deeply chuckled, which made my heart skip of beat. His voice sure did get deeper during the years, I sighed in my head. "Hey, Lucy, where's Artemis and Hoohoo? I wanna hang out with them." Wiyah hissed, making emphases on the word 'them'.

"Hoohoo?" Natsu asked.

"Artemis's companion; an owl." I explained. "Wiyah, we'll be staying with Natsu for a while."

"Great." Wiyah groaned. He jumped out of my hands and crawled up to my shoulder. His fur turned to his original snow white color. Natsu walked up to me and said, "Let's head over to my place and get you guys suited."

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