Winter Love Burning Bright

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Hey, Readers!!!! SUPER BOWL TODAY!! 49ers for daaaaays!!! Lol RANDOM!!!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 11, EEEEEENNNNNNJJJJJJOOOOOOYYYYYY!!!!! XD


I woke up the next day, I felt something heavy on my waist. I slowly got up, then a sudden painful throab on my head. Hangover, damn it, I groaned in my head. I had a hard time figuring out what happened last night. I tried to think, but I was to distracted by the familiar tan arm around my waist. 

Natsu's arms.

I realized that Natsu and I had slept in the same bed. He looked like he was comfortable in my blue comforters. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster by the second. Natsu and I...shared the same bed. I thought in my head. I slowly smiled with delight. He looked so beautiful the way he slept; the way his long pink hair fell on his tan face. "Why are you sleeping in my bed, silly." I whispered, not wanting to wake him up.

That's when I suddenly began to feel memories flooding back into my head. Artemis, Wiyah, Happy, Hoohoo. The note.


"Artemis!" I cried out loud, jumping out of bed. "Artemis! Wiyah! Hoohoo! Happy!" Suddenly, I felt a hand reach out towards my arm, stopping me from running. I looked back to see Natsu wide awake, giving me a concerned look. "Everything's alright, Lucy."

"But Artemis and the others!" I cried.

"They're at Fairy Tail right now getting treatment." Natsu informed me. "They'll survive."

I took a deep breathe of relief, falling to the ground. I could feel my body shaking with fear. I could still imagine everyone frozen as ice, their eyes staring deep into my soul. Natu walked towards me and crouched down next to me. "The person who's trying to get me...I don't want him to hurt any more people. It's all too much."

"I know." He said sadly. 

"Maybe...I should just surrender." I said quietly. I looked up to see Natsu's eyes wide. "Why on earth would you do that!"

"Because I don't want anyone else to get hurt! Especially you!" I blurted out. I quickly covered my mouth, regretting what I said. I looked away from Natsu, too embarrassed to even look at him. Suddenly, I felt muscualr arms surround me, sqeezing me tightly. "Don't you dare surrender." Natsu muttered.

"But if I continue to stay-"

"We'll fight them off together, just like the good old days." Natsu whispered. "Just don't leave me again."

I could feel my heart beat faster and faster. But I relieved it all with smile. I placed my hands on his arms and whispered, "Alright. I promise."

Together, we walked to Fairy Tail, but I began to have a funny feeling inside. Natsu, who was listening to my music, was unaware of this, but I still felt uneasy.

Like someone was following us.

At first, I thought it was just imagining it. But then, I began to feel a cold breeze in the air.

It's towards the end of June. It's been at least ninety degrees the past week, and now it feels like it's winter. "Natsu." I whispered, trying not to get noticed.

"Huh? What is it?" He asked, removing his headphones.

"SSSH! Someone's following us." I whispered. Natsu's face grew serious and nodded. We continued to walk normally as if we suspected nothing.  "RAAAAAAGH!" A sudden deep male voice roared. I quickly turned away and jumped up in the air. I look down at the ground to see it shattered, broken. I also see a giant, buff man with a colossal sized battle axe. "LUCY HEARTFILIA!" He roared. 

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