Five Long, Long, Long Years Later

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Hey, Readers!!!!! So my goal for this story is to make it nice, long, dramatic, and romantic as possible! Lol I hope so!!! Also, you guys remember that contest I did a couple chapters ago? Well, Celine_Fullbuster was our winner, and her character will be introduced!!!! Congrats, Celine! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 8, Enjoy!!!


I woke up the next morning to the sound of Happy's yelling. "NATSU!"

I sat up quickly, thinking that something is wrong. "What is it, Happy!" I cried.

"Idiot, it's already ten o'clock!" Happy yelled, slapping a cod on my face. "You're the Master of Fairy Tail! You shouldn't be sleeping in!"

I groaned and headed back into my bed. "Let me sleep!"

"God, a twenty-five year old man shouldn't be sleeping in this late!" Happy yelled. He ripped the blankets from my bed, bringing in the cold feeling all over my half naked body. I shivered, finally surrendering. "Fine, fine. I'll get up." I grumbled.

"Ha ha!" Happy laughed, "Besides, don't you want to see Lisanna?"

"We broke up last night, remember?" I muttered.

"Oh yeah." Happy muttered. "Why did you guys brake up?"

Why did we break up? I don't really know. We've been dating for five wondeful years. We've traveled together, we had anniversaries; the normal couple stuff. But there was one thing I was just not comfortable of doing.

Making love to her.

I don't know why, but I just couldn't imagine us being that...intimate. So before I could truly hurt her, I decided to break things off with her. I had to admit, it did hurt me inside, but I knew it would be for the best. I slowly got up and changed into my normal Master clothes: my black shorts and long sleeved golden shirt. I wrapped my black robe around my back. "Aren't you going to eat?" Happy asked.

"Nah. I have too much stuff to do to it." I smiled.

"At least shave." Happy groaned, referring to my five o'clock shadow.

I shook my head. "Let's just head out into the guide."

"Fine." Happy muttered. I smiled at my best friend with delight. He's changed during these past five years. He started to look more like a normal cat, minus the backpack and wings. He was also Carla's mate, after asking almost a hundred times. Together, we left our wooden house and off to Fairy Tail.

"Natsu-Sama!" Wendy cried, running towards us as we enter Fairy Tail, her giant breasts bouncing up and down. I could feel my cheeks slightly burning up. Wendy, who was now eighteen years-old, was matured a lot in the past five years. And I mean a lot. Her breast size has quadroopled the size as they were when she was twelve, her hair was still blue, but she had yellow streaks in her hair. She was probably now 5'8, only four inches under me. "I told you, just because I'm Master, doesn't me you have to add the 'sama' in my name."

"Oh....Alright." Wendy said passively. Another thing I loved about Wendy: her attitued never changed. She's still the same passive-aggressive girl I met six years ago. "Anyways...Lisanna-San wants to see you in your quarters."

My heart sank a little. "Oh...thanks for the information." I walked up the stairs, my hands shaking to see Lisanna. I just broke up with her last night. I hope she isn't pissed or anything, I prayed in my head. I arrive at my office and open the brown wooden doors.

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